TMDL/303d Projects
Identify Impaired Waters
Project Description
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Hill Creek 146200; Dakin Creek 146700; Carpenter Creek 248800; Bear Creek 292100; South Branch Manitowoc River 77900; Unnamed Tributary South Branch Manitowoc River 3000057; Mosher Creek 133500; Anderson Creek 133300. Eight waters will be monitored to determine if they should be listed, de-listed, or updated on the 303(d) list.
Water Quality Planning
This is the NER project to identify, validate, and improve the 303(d) Impaired Waters List for streams. Monitoring will be conducted to gain information to list, de-list, or obtain current information on existing streams on the 303(d) list. The monitoring work will be conducted by Mary Gansberg, Mike Reif, Jim Reyburn, and Ted Johnson on eight streams in the Region. The appropriate methods will be utilized and the results summarized with recommendations recorded in WATERS.