ROCK RIVER COALITION, INC: Knotweed Eradication-Badfish Creek


The Rock River Coalition (RRC) proposes control of a population of Japanese Knotweed which occupies the bank of Badfish Creek at the Riley Road bridge crossing in Rock County. The Friends of Badfish Creek, a chapter of the RRC, will do the work of purchasing all the initial supplies, precisely delineating the boundaries of the clones, knocking down the old stalks, and doing herbicide treatments, all with the help of many volunteers. An educational program will be presented, and educational signs will be posted at the site. The overall goal of this project is complete eradication of this species in and around the existing clones, which are mapped in the application. The deliverable for this grant will be a final report summarizing the work that was completed, dates of work, prompt treatment records for the permitted herbicide application, hours of volunteer time, turn-out at the educational program presented, and observed and photographed results of the control work. The report should include a concise set of photographs, including pre- and post- treatment shots, documentation of the work in progress and the restored condition. The report should also include a detailed map of the initial clones and the final area of knotweed population, if any.

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Reports and Documents
Document has 3 press releases, an educational program summary, and log of activities throughout the grant period. When we started in 2009, the site was about 5,000 square feet of Japanese knotweed on both sides of the road. The plants grew to eight feet or more and the growth was so thick that nothing else grew there. After two years of treatment, the knotweed was small enough that garlic mustard emerged. And after six years of treatment, only scattered small knotweed sprouts remain and we’ve really pushed back the garlic mustard. Some reed canary grass has moved in (about ten sq ft) but last fall we planted 1200 native grass plugs to try to compete with the few remaining invasives. All are still firmly rooted though they haven’t sprouted yet. We plan to control the remaining JK and GM by cutting and pulling each year in June, July and Sept.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Install Kiosk or Sign
Control Invasive Species