ROCK RIVER COALITION, INC: Northern Dodge County and Watertown Area Stream Monitoring Expansion Project


Project Scope and Description of Deliverables The Fox Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is currently working on their 9 key element plan. They have asked RRC to expand volunteer stream monitoring into the Fox Lake area to monitor at locations identified for the 9-Key Element Plan. The City of Watertown has also requested monitoring in support of their proposed "Riverside Park Creek Improvement Project." Project final deliverables include: We will report a list of volunteer recruitment activities, such as lake group newsletters, local newspapers, and places where talks were given on volunteer stream monitoring. We will also report the number of volunteers recruited. RRC will arrange and lead initial training for new stream monitoring volunteers in late April or early May. We will report the time and location of trainings, number of participants, and names of participants that commit to monitoring a station. Report DNR station numbers for streams monitored. All data will be entered into SWIMS. Host 2 paddling trips for people of color in the Rock River Basin. These trips will be approachable for those new to paddling, and pre-trip workshops on paddling skills may be offered. CITO will assist with outreach & recruiting participants, RRC will report locations of and number of participants who attend paddling trip and workshops. We will provide copies of promotional materials. We will report the time and location of trainings, number of participants, and names of participants that commit to monitoring a station. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

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