GRESHAM LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC.: 2021-2022 EWM Management & Monitoring Project


Gresham Lakes Association, Inc. is sponsoring a small scale population control grant for Eurasian water milfoil control in 2022 on Upper Gresham Lake. the Grant will focus on chemical control utilizing ProcellaCOR and pre/post treatment monitoring. Specific project activities include: 1) pretreatment surveys and dosing strategy, 2) pre/post treatment sub PI sampling, 3) herbicide concentration monitoring and shipping of samples to EPL lab, 4) general project communications, 5) late season EWM mapping survey Project final deliverables include: 1) pre and post treatment surveys including EWM mapping surveys and sub PI surveys, 2) annual AIS Monitoring and Control Strategy Assessment Report, 3) raw data from surveys and mapping Specific conditions: 1) department shall be provided copies of raw data and GIS information for the approved surveys being conducted, 2) any reports would need department review prior to approval and reimbursement The specific objectives, activities, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are explicated in the application and supporting materials. This scope summarized proposed work but does not replace or supersede the information presented in those documents.

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