ONEIDA COUNTY LWCD: AIS Public Awareness Education


The Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Department is sponsoring a project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and coalition building. Project activities include: 1) Host 3 CB\005CCW, 2 AIS CLMN, 1 PL bio-control, 1 forming a lake association, 1 lake management plan, and 1 youth CB/CW workshops and an awards ceremony and partnership meeting; 2) Hire 2 seasonal AIS staff (education and fieldwork/sampling (coordinated with WDNR)) ; 3) Work to form unified lake groups and partner with scientific organizations; 4) Attend WAL convention, OCLRA meetings, AIS coordinator meetings, and local lake fairs; 5) AIS education materials (bait container stickers, boat/dock bumpers, 10 portable signs, napkins, quarterly newsletter, and a brochure); 6) AIS outreach to plant nurseries, pet shops, and schools; 7) Complete Oneida County webpage and strategic plan; 8) Map locations of dry hydrants and beds of EWM and CLP where needed; 9) Develop final report summarizing project activities. Deliverables include: 1) Workshops, outreach and awards ceremony and partnership meeting; 2) Hired staff; 3) Oneida County webpage and strategic plan; 4) AIS and dry fire hydrant maps; 5) Formation of unified lake groups; 6) AIS education materials; 7) Strategic Plan; 8) Final report. Specific Conditions for this project: Final report needs Dept review and approval WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of strategic plan, final report, all maps and samples or photographs of AIS educational materials.

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