Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Sediment core analysis indicates that Poskin Lake was historically a eutrophic lake and phosphorus levels are likely not much higher now than before European settlement occurred in the area. Although it is unlikely that Poskin Lake will ever become an oligotrophic, or clear-water, lake system, current conditions can be improved upon and a shift to blue-green algae-dominated conditions prevented by the implementation of management activities.
Grant Awarded
Poskin Lake Association is sponsoring the third phase of a project to develop a lake management implementation plan.
Final deliverables will be examples of education materials developed, a rapid response plan for Eurasian water milfoil, a lake management plan with aquatic plant recommendations that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.
Phase 3 (LPL-1343-10) project tasks include: 1) Expanded water quality monitoring at the Deep Hole; 2) Lake user education, including implementation of Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW) and AIS monitoring; 3) Water and nutrient budget development and analysis; 4) Watershed delineation and lake response modeling; 5) Develop Eurasian Water Milfoil rapid response plan; 6) Develop Lake Management plan with aquatic plant recommendations, including public participation/meetings
Information and Education
Nutrient Budget Development
Hydrologic Budget Development
Lake Management Plan Development
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory