OZAUKEE COUNTY: 319 - Tendick Creek Wetland Restoration


Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Department will restore 1.12 acres of wetland adjacent to Tendick Creek in Tendick Nature County Park. The project goal is to restore access to high quality, in-stream, wetland and floodplain habitat to improve the sustainability, population recovery, and biological and ecological diversity of aquatic and semi-aquatic communities. Activities: 1) Utilizing finalized plans, obtain all necessary permits for the project as described 2) Implement final project plans for restoration of approximately 1.12 acres of connected floodplain wetland; habitats will include an ephemeral pool suitable for amphibians and reptiles and with less access to predatory fish and a large spawning wetland scrape that is hydrologically connected to the stream 3) Improve habitat through native vegetation restoration throughout the project area, including native seeding and planting of seedlings and medium to large riparian trees and shrubs. Deliverables: 1) Restoration of approximately 1.12 acres of wetland 2) Upon project completion, submit to the Department in electronic format a written project summary, photo documentation of the project as described in the application, documentation on the number and type of all plantings, and copies of all reports or investigations (e.g., wetland delineation, archeological surveys). Conditions: 1) Prior to plan implementation, provide to the Department for review and comment a copy of the draft QAPP. 2) With each reimbursement request grantee must provide: a description of project status, including project milestones, accomplishments, and roadblocks encountered. 3) Where applicable, the project shall follow NRCS design standards. This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Also see B. Special Conditions below.

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