Shorewood Atwater Beach - Sewage Contamination Prevention


Investigate & eliminate sewage leakage into storm sewers, thereby achieving immediate removal of human waste from Lake Michigan in general & Atwater Beach in particular.


The Village of Shorewood asked the University of Wisconsin WATER Institute to conduct a beach quality monitoring program. The research showed that the storm outlets to Lake Michigan in the vicinity of Atwater Beach are contaminated with human waste, mostly in wet weather, but also in dry weather. The existence of leakage from sanitary sewers into the storm sewers is thus established. The project consists of investigating and eliminating sewage leakage into storm sewers, thereby achieving immediate removal of human waste from Lake Michigan in general and Atwater Beach in particular.

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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
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Wastewater Monitoring or Management
Investigate & eliminate sewage leakage into storm sewers, thereby achieving immediate removal of human waste from Lake Michigan in general & Atwater Beach in particular.