AMACOY PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION: Amacoy Lake Curlyleaf Contol Project


The Amacoy Lake Property Owners Association is sponsoring a 3 year project for control of Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP). The first year will include an early season herbicide treatment on approximately 5 acres of CLP which was discovered in 2008. The project includes 3 years of CLP treatment. The project includes the following goals: 1) An early season herbicide treatment on approximately 5 acres of CLP in Amacoy Lake to control the spread.; 2) Monitor the CLP throughout the year to determine success of the herbicide treatment and to continue the mapping of CLP; 3) Evaluate the native plant response; 4) Evaluate if it is feasible to harvest CLP. Project deliverables include: 1) A final report summarizing the outcome of the treatment including a description of declining CLP populations in treated areas and the response of native aquatic plants; 2) CLP will be mapped prior to treatment and after treatment. The lake will be surveyed for CLP in mid July through mid August after the herbicide treatment to determine efficacy of the treatment and regrowth. Specific conditions for this Project: 1) Obtain an APM permit prior treatment (follow conditions in permit); 2) Implement the pre and post treatment monitoring protocol.; 3) Summary report listing areas treated and the effectiveness of the treatment; 4) The WDNR encourages the association to develop APM plan (and conduct a point intercept plant survey) by applying for a future AIS grant.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Reports and Documents
In 2008, the Amacoy Lake Property Owners Association (ALPOA) requested that Beaver Creek Reserve - Citizen Science Center(CSC) complete a point intercept aquatic plant survey of Amacoy Lake. The presence of curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus L.) was documented in Amacoy Lake at 14 of 135 surveyed points with an average rake fullness of one (a few plants on rake head sample). The infested sites were confined to the north east bay of the lake. The specific goals of the CSC’s monitoring was to: 1) survey and map treatment areas to note locations and abundance of CLP to assist in decisions of where to chemically treat 2) survey treatment areas to assess treatment success, 3) track changes in the aquatic plant community including native species, and 4) conduct a full PI survey of the lake in the summer of 2013.
Excel data sheet from the Amacoy PI Survey done on 9/19/12.
Excel data sheet from the Amacoy PI Survey done on 6/25/12.
Excel data sheet from the Amacoy PI Survey done on 4/30/12.
Maps of CLP in Amacoy Lake in Rusk County, WI in 2011 and 2012.
Excel data sheet from the Amacoy PI Survey done on 9/12/11.
Excel data sheet from the Amacoy PI Survey done on 7/28/11.
Excel data sheet from the Amacoy PI Survey done on 5/17/11.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Control Invasive Species
Data analysis, report production
Monitor Invasive Species