Clean Water Act 2010


Wisconsin residents are fortunate to live in a state bountiful with natural resources, including our many and varied lakes, streams, wetlands, aquifers, and springs. Every other year, the Wisconsin DNR reports on the quality of these water resources to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), which in turn shares this information with the United States Congress. The information we provide is considered by federal legislators as rule making, budget appropriations, and programs are evaluated or considered. New combined report includes enhanced assessment methods 2010 is the first year that Wisconsin is submitting an ‘integrated report’, combining both the 305(b) Clean Water Act reporting requirements and the 303(d) Impaired Waters List into a single report. This new submittal process should streamline getting data to U.S. EPA and allow the public to find comprehensive information on the status of Wisconsin’s waters in one place. This year's report introduces Wisconsin's special efforts to use new assessment approaches to determine whether waterbodies are meeting their designated uses for fish and aquatic life, recreation, and public health. These significantly improved assessment methods have been under development by WDNR staff for several years, and reflect science and methods advocated by national experts and regional liaisons. While continuing improvements are under way, this work will be a significant element of Wisconsin's water quality planning and management program in the coming years.Wisconsin residents are fortunate to live in a state bountiful with natural resources, including our many and varied lakes, streams, wetlands, aquifers, and springs. Every other year, the Wisconsin DNR reports on the quality of these water resources to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), which in turn shares this information with the United States Congress. The information we provide is considered by federal legislators as rule making, budget appropriations, and programs are evaluated or considered. New combined report includes enhanced assessment methods 2010 is the first year that Wisconsin is submitting an ‘integrated report’, combining both the 305(b) Clean Water Act reporting requirements and the 303(d) Impaired Waters List into a single report. This new submittal process should streamline getting data to U.S. EPA and allow the public to find comprehensive information on the status of Wisconsin’s waters in one place. This year's report introduces Wisconsin's special efforts to use new assessment approaches to determine whether waterbodies are meeting their designated uses for fish and aquatic life, recreation, and public health. These significantly improved assessment methods have been under development by WDNR staff for several years, and reflect science and methods advocated by national experts and regional liaisons. While continuing improvements are under way, this work will be a significant element of Wisconsin's water quality planning and management program in the coming years.

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Clean Water Act Reporting
Integrated Reporting
Reports and Documents
USEPA full approval of the 2010 Impaired Waters List. Tables 1 and 2 on pages 10-15 of the Decision Document identify the additions and deletions to the 2010 303(d) List. The Attachments include the entirety of the list stratified by Integrated Reporting Category.
EPA fully approved Wisconsin's 2010 Section 303(d) list on November 2, 2012. The approved 303(d) list includes those water quality limited segments still requiring Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) calculations, as identified in the Impaired Waters List submitted to EPA on April 4, 2010 (and subsequent corrections submitted via e-mail to EPA).
Attachment from US EPA full approval of the 2010 Impaired Waters List (Category 2 Waters; delisted waters).
Attachment from US EPA full approval of the 2010 Impaired Waters List (Category 4A Waters; impaired waters with EPA approved TMDLs).
Attachment from US EPA full approval of the 2010 Impaired Waters List (Category 5A Waters).
USEPA full approval of the 2010 Impaired Waters List. Tables 1 and 2 on pages 10-15 of this Decision Document identify the additions and deletions to the 2010 303(d) List. The Attachments include the entirety of the list stratified by Integrated Reporting Category.
Attachment from US EPA full approval of the 2010 Impaired Waters List (Category 5B Waters; waters impaired by atmospheric Dep of Hg).
Jump River in Price County, Department of Tourism
Wisconsin assessment and listing methodology (WisCALM) for Clean Water Act reporting is a systematic process by which water condition is assessed and management options evaluated. WisCALM provides guidance for conducting general and impaired water determinations.
Attachment A of 2010 submittal to US EPA. This is a report on the status of Wisconsin's waters as of 2010.
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2187000 Jump RIver Information and Education.