Apple Branch, Lafayette, 899800


Apple Branch was studied in 2007-08 to refine condition assessment for creating the Sediment/Total Suspended Solids and related impairments. TMDL has been approved by USEPA and is now available online. The next step is TMDL implementation.


Sugar-Pecatonica River Basin Apple Branch Lafayette SP03

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TMDL/303d Projects
Identify Impaired Waters
Apple Branch, 899800
Reports and Documents
This project involved farm inventories to identify sediment source reduction to the level required by the TMDL. Individual field-level management practices will be identified to reach the prescribed sediment loss goals. Identification of funding sources will also be completed as part of the activities. DNR will complete water quality monitoring in the streams to track water quality changes under existing monitoring protocols using separate funding sources.
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for sediment address sedimentation and degraded habitat impairment conditions in the above 20 streams. Final TMDL Report. TMDLs for Sediment Impaired Streams in the Sugar-Pecatonica River Basin. June 28, 2005.
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Monitor TSS, Sediment and Temperature as well as Fisheries, Habitat and Aquatic macroinvertebrate species. Apple Branch was studied in 2007-08 to refine condition assessment for creating the Sediment/Total Suspended Solids and related impairments.
TMDL Monitoring
TMDL Implementation Plan Monitoring. Apple Branch was studied in 2007-08 to refine condition assessment for creating the Sediment/Total Suspended Solids and related impairments.