River Grant
River Planning Grant
Grant Awarded
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Rivers Planning Grant
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Water Quality Planning
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Informational Meetings
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Information and Education
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Project Deliverable
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Root Pike WIN is proposing the development of a watershed protection plan for the Pike River. The purpose is to improve the water quality and biological integrity of the watershed. Phase 1 involves recruiting and developing a stakeholders group. This group will attend six (6) educational meetings throughout the year to learn about watershed topics relating to pollution, flooding improvement opportunities, etc. Phase 2 will include stakeholders will work with a consultant to develop the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Public information and education will be a big part of this project, including the development of a web site. The watershed protection plan and other material will be shared with local and state agencies to assist in the development and implementation of best management practices. The strategic plan will be included with the final project report to the WDNR.