TMDL/303d Projects
Determine Pollutants or Impairments
Summary of monitoring completed for NER_03_CMP13
South Branch Manitowoc River at Coffeen Road station ID 083083
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
The Calumet County Land and Water Resources Managemenmt plan recommended adding the South Branch Manitowoc River to the DNR's impaired waters list. This assessment would collect total phosphorus samples and biological data to determine if the river could be placed on the impaired waters list in 2014. I would collect total phosphorus 6 times between May and October 2012 at one location. I would collect macroinvertebrate, fish, and habitat at two locations on the South Branch upstream of the Chilton Millpond.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
The Calumet County Land and Water Resources Managemenmt plan recommended adding the South Branch Manitowoc River to the DNR's impaired waters list. This assessment would collect total phosphorus samples and biological data to determine if the river could be placed on the impaired waters list in 2014. I would collect total phosphorus 6 times between May and October 2012 at one location. I would collect macroinvertebrate, fish, and habitat at two locations on the South Branch upstream of the Chilton Millpond.