Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
This report contains a plan for the long-term management of Lake Owen, including: a summary of lake uses and users, a list of specific management goals to protect or restore the desired ecological and social conditions of the lake, a summary of available physical, chemical, and biological data, a description of present and future lake stressors, an analysis of current policy and regulation relating to the lake, a summary of management recommendations, and detailed appendices on Lake Owen.
Grant Awarded
Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a comprehensive monitoring, modeling, and planning project. The project will emphasize shoreline restoration, including understanding implementation barriers and identifying priority restoration sites. Activities include: sociological survey; ordinance review/inventory; aquatic plant, plankton, water quality, water level and discharge and shoreline monitoring; watershed mapping and land use characterization; previous monitoring/report summary; and nutrient/land use scenario (WiLMS) and ecosystem (AQUATOX) modeling. This information will be integrated with stakeholder/public participation to create a comprehensive lake management plan.
Deliverables include: 1) a comprehensive lake management plan with stakeholder survey and results summary; quantified management goals; lake condition assessment; stressor analysis; specific management recommendations; and 2) a non-technical summary for distribution to all riparians.
Lakes Planning Grant
Lake Management Plan Development
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor Water Level
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory