Watershed - White River (LS10)
White River Watershed


This watershed drains a large area of Bayfield and Ashland counties and is scattered with numerous lakes. The Lake Superior Binational Program has identified the more than 10,000-acre wetland complex, the Bibon Swamp State Natural Area, as habitat important to the integrity of the Lake Superior ecosystem. The White River flows through the swamp, which was established as a protected WDNR property in 1980 to protect and preserve the plants and animals associated with this geologically unique wetland. The White River meanders through this clay plain wetland, which has alder and willow thicket, swamp hardwood, bog and northern sedge meadow habitats. The marsh is deemed critical habitat for large natural ecosystem, diversity and contribution to ecosystem integrity- landscape scale.

Date  1999

Ecological Landscapes for White River Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The White River Watershed is located in two ecological landscapes: the North Central Forest and the Superior Coastal Plains. The North Central Forest Ecological Landscape occupies much of the northern third of Wisconsin. Its landforms are characterized by end and ground moraines with some pitted outwash and bedrock controlled areas. Kettle depressions and steep ridges are found in the northern portion. Two prominent areas in this Ecological Landscape are the Penokee-Gogebic Iron Range in the north extending into Michigan, and Timm's Hill, the highest point in Wisconsin (1,951 feet) in the south. Soils consist of sandy loam, sand, and silts. The vegetation is mainly forest, with many wetlands and some agriculture, though the growing season is not as favorable as it is in southern Wisconsin. Lake Superior greatly influences the northern portion of the Ecological Landscape especially during the winter season, producing greater snowfall than in most areas in Wisconsin. The historic vegetation was primarily hemlock-hardwood forest dominated by hemlock, sugar maple, and yellow birch. There were some smaller areas of white and red pine forest scattered throughout the Ecological Landscape, and individual white pines trees were a component of the hemlock-hardwood forest. Harvesting hemlock to support the tanneries was common at the turn of the century, and the species soon became a minor component of forests due to over-harvesting and lack of regeneration. Currently, forests cover approximately 80% of this Ecological Landscape. The northern hardwood forest is dominant, made up of sugar maple, basswood, and red maple, and also including some scattered hemlock and white pine pockets within stands. The aspen-birch forest type group is also relatively abundant, followed by spruce-fir. A variety of wetland community types also are present, both forested and non-forested. The Superior Coastal Plain is Wisconsin's northernmost Ecological Landscape, bordered on the north by southwestern Lake Superior and on the south by the Northwest Sands, the Northwest Lowlands, and the North Central Forest. The climate is strongly influenced by Lake Superior, resulting in cooler summers, warmer winters, and greater precipitation compared to more inland locations. Exposed coastal areas are subject to significant disturbance from windstorms, waves, ice, currents, and periodic water level fluctuations. These disturbance regimes play a significant role in determining both the landform and vegetation characteristics of the shoreline ecosystems. The major landform in this Ecological Landscape is a nearly level plain of lacustrine clays that slopes gently northward toward Lake Superior. The clay plain is separated into two disjunct segments by the comparatively rugged Bayfield Peninsula. An archipelago of sandstone-cored islands, the Apostles, occurs in Lake Superior just north and east of the Bayfield Peninsula. Wave carved sandstone cliffs bracket stretches of the Peninsula and also occur along the margins of several of the islands. Sand spits are a striking feature of the Lake Superior shoreline, typically separating the waters of the lake from inland lagoons and wetlands. The spits support rare and highly threatened natural communities such as beaches, dunes, interdunal wetlands, and pine barrens, and these in turn are inhabited by specially adapted plants and animals. The mouths of many of the streams entering Lake Superior are submerged, creating freshwater estuaries. A ridge of volcanic igneous rock, primarily basalt, forms the southern boundary of portions of this Ecological Landscape. Historically the Superior Coastal Plain was almost entirely forested. A distinctive mixture of white pine, white spruce, balsam fir, paper birch, balsam poplar, trembling aspen, and white cedar occurred on the lacustrine clays. White pine was strongly dominant in some areas, according to mid-nineteenth century notes left by surveyors of the US General Land Office. Mesic to dry-mesic forests of northern hardwoods or hemlock hardwoods were more prevalent on the glacial tills of the Bayfield Peninsula and throughout the Apostle Islands. Large peatlands occurred along the Lake Superior shoreline, often associated with drowned river mouths and well-developed sand spits. The most extensive of these wetland complexes were on the Bad and St. Louis rivers. A few large peatlands also occurred at inland sites, such as Bibon Swamp, in the upper White River drainage, and Sultz Swamp on the northern Bayfield Peninsula. The present clay plain forest has been fragmented by agricultural use, and today approximately one-third of this landscape is non-forested. Most of the open land is in grass cover, having been cleared and then subsequently pastured or plowed. Aspen and birch forests occupy about 40% of the total land area, having increased in prominence over the boreal conifers. On the Bayfield Peninsula, second-growth northern hardwood forests are interspersed among extensive early successional aspen stands. Older forest successional stages are now rare throughout the Superior Clay Plain.

Date  2010

Ecological Landscapes

WDNR's Natural Heritage Inventory Database indicates that the following water-dependent endangered, threatened or special concern species and/or communities have been sighted in this watershed within the last 20 years. In addition, a coastal wetlands evaluation conducted in 1995 and 1996 identified a number of species and habitats described in a comprehensive report, A Wisconsin's Lake Superior Coastal Wetlands Evaluation / Including Other Selected Natural Features of the Lake Superior Basin(Epstein 1997). Arrow-Leaved Sweet Coltsfoot Petasites sagittatus Bibon Swamp Large Roundleaf Orchid Platanthera orbiculata Muskellunge Lake Large Toothwort Cardamine Maxima White River Bottoms Marsh Horsetail Equisetum palustre Bibon Swamp New England Violet Viola novae-angliae Bibon Swamp Northern Black Currant Ribes Hudsonianum Showy Lady's Slipper Cypripedium Reginae White River Bottoms, Bibon Swamp Small Yellow Water Crowfoot Ranunculus gmelinii var. hookeri

Date  1999

Ecological Landscapes

Black Spruce Swamp Bibon Swamp This forest wetland community occurs primarily in acid peatlands of insular basins. Black Spruce is the dominant tree. As the sphagnum peat accumulates, the canopy may break up and a very acid muskeg will result. Hardwood Swamp Bibon Swamp The hardwood swamp can also be considered a forest wetland community. These deciduous lowland forests on wet to wet-mesic mineral or much substrates outside of active flood plains are often dominated by black ash. Northern Mesic Forest Lake Owen Hemlocks Threats to these communities include logging, increased development, invasive species and suppression of natural disturbance regimes. Northern Sedge Meadow Bibon Swamp Along margins of low-gradient streams and drainage lakes are found a sedge meadow dominated by tussock sedge and bluejoint grass. Open Bog Bibon Swamp This peatland type herbaceous wetland community is dominated by deep layers of Sphagnum mosses that isolate the other members of the community from the influence of nutrient-rich groundwater or runoff. Often a pronounced hummock-hollow micro-topography exists. Shrub Swamp Bibon Swamp This swamp is dominated by speckled alder and willow. Tamarack Swamp Bibon Swamp This forest wetland community is dominated by the conifer tamarack. This is a one-generation forest type as the tamarack cannot reproduce under its own shade. White Cedar Swamp (Northern Wet-Mesic Forest) Bibon Swamp This forest wetland community (wet-mesic conifer forest) is dominated by white cedar. Springs and spring runs are present in many cedar forests. The presence of mineral-rich groundwater is a given in this forest community. Concern for the cedar swamps is warranted as reproduction of cedar is severely suppressed in the presence of high deer densities.

Date  1999

Ecological Landscapes

AQUATIC PRIORITY SITES ANODANTA LAKE This 26-acre Bayfield County lake is relatively deep (maximum depth 31 feet, mean 13 feet) with a large proportion of rubble and gravel bottom. It is identified in the Lake Superior Coastal Wetland Evaluation (Epstein 1997) as an aquatic priority site. This lake lies entirely in the Winegar Moraines subsection. Water levels are relatively stable, and flow out of the lake averages 25 cubic feet per second. The relatively rich macroinvertebrate fauna present is dominated by caddisflies and includes several taxa found only in this waterbody. Management of the lake is for bass and panfish. PRIORITY WETLAND SITES BIBON SWAMP Bibon Swamp is a vast wetland of more than 10,000 acres within the drainage of the White River. The western portion of the site is a mosaic of several extensive wetland communities of generally good quality: ' A rich wet-mesic conifer swamp dominated by white cedar; ' A much more acid peaty swamp of black spruce and tamarack; ' A hardwood swamp of black ash; and ' Large stands of tall shrubs, especially speckled alder and willows. Other communities of significance, though of lesser extent, are northern sedge meadow, and patches or strips of riparian hardwoods composed of American elm, red maple, green ash and box elder along the White River.

Date  1999

Ecological Landscapes

The white cedar swamp canopy is made up of mostly medium-sized trees. Trunk corings revealed that at least parts of this stand are more than 150 years old. Saplings are mostly of black ash and balsam fir, with cedar reproduction limited to small seedlings. A tall shrub layer of moderate density is composed of mountain maple, alder buckthorn and speckled alder. A number of orchid taxa are scattered through portions of this forest. Mosses of several genera form a surface cover that is broken by pools of muck and occasional spring runs. Overall, groundlayer species richness is high. Resident birds include Nashville, parula and Canada warblers, northern waterthrush and winter wren. Deer remains were noted in the interior of the stand, victims of the harsh winter of 1995-96. This community is south of the White River near the western edge of the site. Bordering the cedar swamp on the extreme western edge of the site is a wet forest of mature black ash. In portions of this forested wetland the trees grow on low hummocks, which are separated by pools of soupy muck. Red-eyed vireo, black-and-white warbler, Nashville warbler and veery are common in this forest. North of the river conditions are very different and there is a large complex of acid peatland communities, including open bog, muskeg and black spruce swamp. The more open areas are characterized by scattered, stunted black spruce with some tamarack. Deep sphagnum hummocks form a continuous ground cover, upon which heathy shrubs grow. Common herbs include a variety of sedges. From the air it is apparent that the depth of the sphagnum peat has formed a dome, somewhat isolating the peatland vegetation from the influence of mineral-rich groundwater or runoff from the uplands. A ring of large tamarack encircles the bog, and beyond that is a minerotrophic shrub swamp of alder and willow--a wetland that receives all of its nutrients via groundwater, stream or overland flow. Among the resident birds of these coniferous peatlands are palm warbler, Lincoln's sparrow, white-throated sparrow, yellow-bellied flycatcher, sharp-shinned hawk and boreal chickadee. The shrub swamps are vast, densely structured and very difficult to cross. In some places, especially to the east, they may be the result of combined impacts of disrupted hydrology, past logging, fire suppression and natural succession. Stumps and remnants of open sedge meadows give evidence of historical changes in vegetation. Dominant or characteristic species include slender willow, red-osier dogwood, speckled alder, meadowsweet, rough bedstraw and many sedges. Open meadow species include lake sedge, tussock sedge, bluejoint grass, spotted joe-pye-weed, flat-topped aster, marsh marigold, marsh bellflower and fringed brome. Occasional tamarack, balsam poplar and trembling aspen rise above the shrub canopy. Birds present in the shrub and meadow stands are common yellowthroat, yellow warbler, gray catbird, alder flycatcher, mourning warbler, golden-winged warbler, sedge wren, common snipe, woodcock, ruffed grouse and black-billed cuckoo. This site has considerable intrinsic value due to its size, lack of roads and the quality of some of its communities. It also supports rare plant and animal species. Formerly disturbed areas are recovering in some places, but seem to be in a holding pattern in others. Agricultural lands adjacent to the wetlands could pose runoff problems. White cedar is not successfully reproducing due to heavy deer browse. This site also supports a valuable sport fishery and is fed by small streams and springs from the south and west. Bibon Swamp is a vital, connecting link between the extensive forests to the south and the Bad River corridor downstream. Maintenance of high water quality and streamside vegetation, especially along the White River, is critical throughout the watershed.

Date  1999

Recreational Opportunities

WDNR's White River Fishery Area spans several reaches of the upper White River, including the South and West forks. The 3,300-acre area is managed for its fishery, wildlife and recreation potential. WDNR also manages the White River Wildlife Area, which protects forest habitat and fisheries. Much of the wildlife area is composed of aspen, stands of red and white pine and swamp hardwoods. Deep gullies support balsam fir, an important forage for deer in winter. The Porcupine Lake Wilderness Area, managed by the U.S. Forest Service, protects roughly 4,500 acres of roadless headwater streams, lakes bogs and northern hardwood forest.

Date  1999

Wildlife and Habitat

Extirpation of the wolf combined with logging has led to a boom in white-tailed deer, which in turn has led to overgrazing of Canada yew, eastern hemlock and eastern white cedar (Spotts 1994). Wolves have begun to reestablish themselves in this watershed. Much of the watershed is forested and there are numerous sand and/or gravel operations. WDNR's Natural Heritage Inventory Database indicates that the following water-dependent endangered, threatened or special concern species and/or communities have been sighted in this watershed within the last 20 years. In addition, a coastal wetlands evaluation conducted in 1995 and 1996 identified a number of species and habitats described in a comprehensive report, AWisconsin's Lake Superior Coastal Wetlands Evaluation / Including Other Selected Natural Features of the Lake Superior Basin(Epstein 1997). BIRDS Blue-Winged Teal - Anas discors Bibon Swamp Bobolink - Dolichonyx oryzivorus Bibon Swamp Boreal Chickadee - Parus hudsonicus Bibon Swamp Common Merganser - Mergus merganser Bibon Swamp Evening Grosbea - Coccothraustes vespertinus Bibon Swamp Golden-Winged Warbler - Vermivora chrysoptera Bibon Swamp Merlin - Falco columbarius Bibon Swamp Nashville Warbler - Vermivora ruficapilla Bibon Swamp Ruby-Crowned Kinglet - Regulus calendula Bibon Swamp Redhead - Aythya americana Bibon Swamp Veery - Catharus fuscescens Bibon Swamp Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher - Empidonax flaviventris Bibon Swamp RARE REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS Wood Turtle - Clemmys insculpta Bibon Swamp RARE MACROINVERTEBRATES Coleoptera; Family Hydrophilidae - Sperchopsis terrelata Long Lake Branch Diptera; Family Chironomidae - Protanypus sp. West Fork White River Diptera; Family Diamesinae - Pseudodiamesa sp. Tader Creek, Unnamed Stream T46N R7W S26-4 Ephemeroptera; Family Caenidae - Drunella cornuta Pre-emption Creek, Tader Creek Ephemeroptera; Family Caenidae - Drunella cornutella Eighteenmile Creek, Long Lake Branch, Twenty Mile Creek (Pearl) Ephemeroptera; Family Heptageniidae - Epeorus vitreus Porcupine Creek Odonata; Family Gomphidae - Ophiogomphus carolus Porcupine Creek, White River Odonata; Family Gomphidae - Stylurus scudderi White River Trichoptera; Family Dipseudopsidae - Phylocentropus placidus Twenty Mile Creek (Pearl) Trichoptera; Family Goeridae - Goera stylata Twenty Mile Creek (Pearl) Trichoptera; Family Limnephilidae - Onocosmoecus unicolor Bolen Creek, Eighteenmile Creek, Jader Creek, Long Lake Branch, Tader Creek, Twenty Mile Creek (Pearl) East Fork White River Trichoptera; Family Limnephilidae - Psychoglypha subborealis Bolen Creek, Tader Creek Trichoptera; Family Psychomyiidae - Lype diversa Long Lake Branch Trichoptera; Family Philopotamidae - Dolophilodes distinctus Long Lake Branch, Pre-emption Creek, Tader Creek Trichoptera; Family Rhyacophilidae - Rhyacophila brunnea Jader Creek, Tader Creek

Date  1999

Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Barnes Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Birch Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Blue Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Bony Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Breakfast Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Ais Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Area Lakes Association is sponsoring a project to implement approved activities from the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan with an emphasis on aquatic invasive species. Approved activities include chemical treatment and manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil, biocontrol of purple loosestrife, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, a whole-lake(s) point-intercept survey and community mapping in the fifth project year, public meetings and outreach, and annual reporting.

Deliverables include GIS maps of areas monitored; aquatic plant survey results (spreadsheets and narrative summary); information and education products; and Aquatic Plant Management Plan updates, as necessary. This information will be provided in an annual progress report and treatment plan for the next year and a final project report.

Special Conditions: All monitoring and management should follow approved recommendations within the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan or WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance as specified by the Department.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Cole Creek

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Connor Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Cranberry Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Devils Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Ducetts Lakes

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Ais Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Area Lakes Association is sponsoring a project to implement approved activities from the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan with an emphasis on aquatic invasive species. Approved activities include chemical treatment and manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil, biocontrol of purple loosestrife, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, a whole-lake(s) point-intercept survey and community mapping in the fifth project year, public meetings and outreach, and annual reporting.

Deliverables include GIS maps of areas monitored; aquatic plant survey results (spreadsheets and narrative summary); information and education products; and Aquatic Plant Management Plan updates, as necessary. This information will be provided in an annual progress report and treatment plan for the next year and a final project report.

Special Conditions: All monitoring and management should follow approved recommendations within the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan or WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance as specified by the Department.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
East Eightmile Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Eau Claire River

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Ellison Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
George Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Ais Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Area Lakes Association is sponsoring a project to implement approved activities from the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan with an emphasis on aquatic invasive species. Approved activities include chemical treatment and manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil, biocontrol of purple loosestrife, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, a whole-lake(s) point-intercept survey and community mapping in the fifth project year, public meetings and outreach, and annual reporting.

Deliverables include GIS maps of areas monitored; aquatic plant survey results (spreadsheets and narrative summary); information and education products; and Aquatic Plant Management Plan updates, as necessary. This information will be provided in an annual progress report and treatment plan for the next year and a final project report.

Special Conditions: All monitoring and management should follow approved recommendations within the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan or WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance as specified by the Department.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hay Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Henderson Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Hills Mill Creek

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Idlewild Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Island Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Kelly Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Ais Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Area Lakes Association is sponsoring a project to implement approved activities from the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan with an emphasis on aquatic invasive species. Approved activities include chemical treatment and manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil, biocontrol of purple loosestrife, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, a whole-lake(s) point-intercept survey and community mapping in the fifth project year, public meetings and outreach, and annual reporting.

Deliverables include GIS maps of areas monitored; aquatic plant survey results (spreadsheets and narrative summary); information and education products; and Aquatic Plant Management Plan updates, as necessary. This information will be provided in an annual progress report and treatment plan for the next year and a final project report.

Special Conditions: All monitoring and management should follow approved recommendations within the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan or WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance as specified by the Department.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Little Island Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Lower Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
McCarry Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Middle Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Mimi Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Muck Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Mulligan Creek

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Muskellunge Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Muskellunge Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Otter Creek

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Ounce River

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Priest Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Robinson Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Sand Bar Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Shunenberg Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Smith Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Sweet Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Tars Creek

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Tars Pond

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Tomahawk Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Totagatic River

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Ais Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Area Lakes Association is sponsoring a project to implement approved activities from the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan with an emphasis on aquatic invasive species. Approved activities include chemical treatment and manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil, biocontrol of purple loosestrife, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, a whole-lake(s) point-intercept survey and community mapping in the fifth project year, public meetings and outreach, and annual reporting.

Deliverables include GIS maps of areas monitored; aquatic plant survey results (spreadsheets and narrative summary); information and education products; and Aquatic Plant Management Plan updates, as necessary. This information will be provided in an annual progress report and treatment plan for the next year and a final project report.

Special Conditions: All monitoring and management should follow approved recommendations within the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan or WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance as specified by the Department.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Twin Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Ais Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Area Lakes Association is sponsoring a project to implement approved activities from the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan with an emphasis on aquatic invasive species. Approved activities include chemical treatment and manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil, biocontrol of purple loosestrife, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, a whole-lake(s) point-intercept survey and community mapping in the fifth project year, public meetings and outreach, and annual reporting.

Deliverables include GIS maps of areas monitored; aquatic plant survey results (spreadsheets and narrative summary); information and education products; and Aquatic Plant Management Plan updates, as necessary. This information will be provided in an annual progress report and treatment plan for the next year and a final project report.

Special Conditions: All monitoring and management should follow approved recommendations within the Pike Chain of Lakes Management Plan or WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance as specified by the Department.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control: 2015: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a one-year maintenance & containment project to implement their approved aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Eurasian watermilfoil chemical control and manual removal; native aquatic plant restoration and monitoring; purple loosestrife monitoring; a decontamination partnership with a local car wash, and reporting. Final deliverables include: submission of all collected data; native plant restoration and decontamination results reports.

Special Conditions: The originally proposed native plant restoration monitoring may be scaled back in order to expand lake- or chain-wide EWM and native plant monitoring with the Lake Coordinator\2019s approval. This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes Ewm Control & Prevention Project: Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Association is sponsoring a three-year project to implement their approved aquatic plant management activities. Activities include: lakewide EWM herbicide control on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Hart and Twin Bear Lakes in 2017; herbicide concentration monitoring; manual removal in the entire chain; aquatic plant monitoring; and substantial volunteer monitoring, education and outreach, including construction of an AIS cleaning tool kiosk.

Final deliverables include: an updated aquatic plant management plan; summaries and reports of each grant activity, as described in the application; submission of collected data, evaluation, and results; and examples of education and outreach materials.

This scope does not supersede or negate activities described in the grant application and proposal.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain 2022-2023 Ewm Monitoring & Management Project: Project Scope and Description of Deliverables

Iron River Pike Chain of Lakes Assoc is sponsoring a 2-year grant to control EWM in the Pike Chain with follow-up spot treatment & hand-harvesting/DASH after whole-lake treatments.

Project final deliverables include: Annual AIS Monitoring & Control Strategy Assessment Reports containing description, charts, and maps: 1) Pre-treatment Survey Report with maps & finalized treatment plan. 2) Permit-related documents. 3) Description of activities & effectiveness of pre & post sub-sample PI surveys. 4) Assessment of herbicide concentration pre & post treatments. 5) Hand harvesting results. 6) Compare results of all PI\2019s 6) Strategic Planning Committee results including educational materials.

Specific project activities include: Pre/Post treatment PI survey. Hand-harvesting in all treatment sites. Sub PIs to evaluate management effort in these sites, including herbicide treatment and follow-up hand-harvesting. Conduct PI on final project year. Onterra staff to provide supplies & training to volunteers conducting herbicide monitoring.

Special Conditions: 1) Pre and post treatment PI survey and second year PI survey; 2) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 3) all data shall be entered into the SWIMS database.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Upper Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
West Eightmile Lake

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
West Fork Totagatic River

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Control
Waters Involved
Williamson Creek

Town Of Barnes: Barnes Area Lakes, Eau Claire Chain Of Lakes Education, Prevention & Containment 2011-2013 Project: The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a 3-year project to implement approved activities from the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans including chemical treatment of EWM on Sandbar Lake, annual pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys, EWM monitoring on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, revegetatation of Tomahawk Lake, and town-wide watercraft inspection and I & E activities.

Specific project tasks include: 1) Chemical control of EWM on Sandbar Lake; 2) Pre- and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) AIS monitoring; 4) AIS Early Detection Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Replant Tomahawk Lake with native aquatic plant species; 6) Implement watercraft inspection program; 7) Lake user education, workshops, and outreach publications; 8) AIS sign condition evaluation; 9) CLMN sampling including DO and Temperature profiles for Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes.

Deliverables include annual EWM management progress reports with aquatic plant survey results; watercraft inspection data collection and entry in SWIMS database; signage condition report; photos or examples of educational tools, publications, presentations developed, and summary of attendance, successes and challenges; Early Detection Rapid Response plans for additional AIS; and Plan update, as necessary.

Special Conditions: Surveys, monitoring, and management must follow approved recommendations within the Tomahawk & Sandbar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plans, WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance, and/or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols, as specified by the Department.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Management Of Eurasian Water Milfoil - Twin Bear Lake, Bayfield Co.: Bayfield County will sponsor a project for the treatment of Eurasian water milfoil (EWM) in Twin Bear Lake within the Pike Chain of Lakes. This project is a cooperative project including the Iron River Lake Association, local municipalities and private citizens. The project includes both pre and post plant surveys of the entire Pike Chain, chemical treatment of EWM, manual removal of EWM through the use of certified scuba divers, start up of a volunteer monitoring program to watch for EWM, and education awareness efforts through the use of media coverage, public meetings, letters and personal contacts with propoerty owners.

EWM will be chemically treated in accordance with the Department issued Aquatic Plant Management permit.

A final report will be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources in both paper and electronic form. The report shall include a summary of thechemical and manual treatment results, information from the pre and post lake surveys and samples of all education materials used for the project.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Management Of Eurasian Water Milfoil - Twin Bear Lake, Bayfield Co.: Bayfield County will sponsor a project for the treatment of Eurasian water milfoil (EWM) in Twin Bear Lake within the Pike Chain of Lakes. This project is a cooperative project including the Iron River Lake Association, local municipalities and private citizens. The project includes both pre and post plant surveys of the entire Pike Chain, chemical treatment of EWM, manual removal of EWM through the use of certified scuba divers, start up of a volunteer monitoring program to watch for EWM, and education awareness efforts through the use of media coverage, public meetings, letters and personal contacts with propoerty owners.

EWM will be chemically treated in accordance with the Department issued Aquatic Plant Management permit.

A final report will be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources in both paper and electronic form. The report shall include a summary of thechemical and manual treatment results, information from the pre and post lake surveys and samples of all education materials used for the project.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Barnes Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Big Brook

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Big Brook

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Big Brook

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Big Brook

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Birch Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Blue Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Bony Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Breakfast Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River And Delta Area Lakes: The Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS project including hiring a Watercraft Inspection Coordinator, conducting a Clean Boat/Clean Water inspection program at 5 public boat landings, train inspectors, survey area around boat landings for AIS, AIS education outreach, provide information brochures, articles for newsletters, and mailings. Landings where CB/CW inspection program will be staffed are Long Lake, Buskey Bay (2), Twin Bear Lake, and Delta Lake.

Deliverables include a final report including: 1) Watercraft inspection report including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; 2) daily inspection results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 3) Verification of workshops and/or inspector training such as agendas and attendance lists; 4) Copies of brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 5) Report on aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cap Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cap Creek

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cap Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cap Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cole Creek

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Connor Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Cranberry Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Dawn Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Dawn Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Dawn Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Dawn Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Devils Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Diamond Lake

Diamond-Lakers Inc: Prev - Ais Self-Cleaning Station: The Diamond-Lakers, Inc. is sponsoring a project for an AIS Self-Cleaning Station on Diamond Lake.

Project final deliverables include: 1) Proof of installation of AIS self-cleaning station by the end of 2023. 2) Yearly report on Diamond Lake boat launch usage collected through i-Lids system.

Specific project activities include: 1) Installation of self-service boat cleaning station

Special Conditions: 1) DNR Biologist will be provided pictorial evidence of Self-Cleaning Station installation. 2) Maintain Self-Cleaning station. 3) 200 hours of Clean Boats Clean Water is not required for Diamond Lake due to low boat launch usage.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ducetts Lakes

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Pike & Delta Chain Of Lakes Through Ais Education, Etc.: Bayfield County is sponsoring a continuing AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes which includes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include:
1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, and oversee paid & volunteer workers;
2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the public landing
3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention
4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring
5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses and Iron River Chamber of Commerce.

Project deliverables include a final report including:
1) Documentation of donated time & services related to grant administration 2) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; Inspection results entered into the CB/CW database. 3) Shoreline and aquatic surveillance results including boat & shoreline monitoring observations of any detected AIS with maps. 4) A list of businesses and Chamber of Commerce supplied with educational materials including copies of the education materials. 5) Report summary presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
East Eightmile Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River And Delta Area Lakes: The Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS project including hiring a Watercraft Inspection Coordinator, conducting a Clean Boat/Clean Water inspection program at 5 public boat landings, train inspectors, survey area around boat landings for AIS, AIS education outreach, provide information brochures, articles for newsletters, and mailings. Landings where CB/CW inspection program will be staffed are Long Lake, Buskey Bay (2), Twin Bear Lake, and Delta Lake.

Deliverables include a final report including: 1) Watercraft inspection report including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; 2) daily inspection results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 3) Verification of workshops and/or inspector training such as agendas and attendance lists; 4) Copies of brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 5) Report on aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Eau Claire River

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ellison Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fivemile Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fivemile Creek

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fivemile Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fivemile Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fuller Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fuller Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fuller Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Fuller Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
George Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Town Of Delta: Taking Back Our Lakes: Pike Chain & Delta Chain Of Lakes: The Town of Delta is sponsoring a 1-yr. project to establish a watercraft inspection program in accordance with the Wisconsin "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program at two main public access points in the Delta Area. The Twin Bear Lake County Park landing on the Pike Chain (EWM discovered in 2004) will be monitored to prevent EWM fragments from leaving the lake, and the Delta Lake County Park landing (no known EWM infestation) will be monitored to prevent EWM fragments from entering the system. As a part of this program, volunteers will also collect aquatic plant samples from all around the two systems by providing lake users with materials to preserve any vegetation snagged on fishing lines, stuck on boat motors, or picked up while enjoying the lakes. Attempts will be made to identify and record these samples and to determine which lake or part of the lake they originated from. Additional watercraft inspection time will be provided on two other accesses on the Pike Chain as well. Informational and educational materials will also be distributed to lake users, property owners, and resorts and other private businesses as a part of this project.

Upon project completion the sponsor will provide the state with a comprehensive report including:
1. A watercraft inspection summary including time spent and number of people reached. 2. A summary of CBCW survey results and aquatic plant sampling program. 3. Documentation of in-kind donated goods & services. 4. Education and information materials generated.

*In addition, all "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program activities including watercraft inspection hours, boat landing survey results, and trained citizen inspectors will be reported in accordance with CBCW guidelines by this projects completion date.

Special conditions:
*The project sponsor shall immediately report any potential new EWM infestation (including new lakes in the Pike Chain) to Frank Koshere (715) 392-0807 or Dave Blumer (715) 635-4078.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Hay Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Hay Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Henderson Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Henry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Henry Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Henry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Henry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Hills Mill Creek

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Idlewild Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Island Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Jo Ann Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Jo Ann Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Jo Ann Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Jo Ann Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Kelly Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River/Delta Lakes Through Education, Prevention, Containment & Planning: Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include: 1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer workers; 2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the Delta & Twin Bear public landing; 3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention; 4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring; 5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses, Iron River Public Library, & Iron River Chamber of Commerce; 6. Solicit Adopt-A-Lake volunteers in coordination with AIS Strategic Plan; 7. Host AIS monitoring workshop.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of final report including: 1) A summary of project accomplishments including Adopt-A-Lake recruitment, watercraft inspection and public education. 2) Brochures and educational materials. 3) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists. 4) Watercraft inspection reports including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results completed entry of inspection and monitoring into the DNR website database. 5) Aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps. 6) AIS materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River And Delta Area Lakes: The Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS project including hiring a Watercraft Inspection Coordinator, conducting a Clean Boat/Clean Water inspection program at 5 public boat landings, train inspectors, survey area around boat landings for AIS, AIS education outreach, provide information brochures, articles for newsletters, and mailings. Landings where CB/CW inspection program will be staffed are Long Lake, Buskey Bay (2), Twin Bear Lake, and Delta Lake.

Deliverables include a final report including: 1) Watercraft inspection report including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; 2) daily inspection results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 3) Verification of workshops and/or inspector training such as agendas and attendance lists; 4) Copies of brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 5) Report on aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Bayfield County: Protecting The Pike & Delta Chain Of Lakes Through Ais Education, Etc.: Bayfield County is sponsoring a continuing AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes which includes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include:
1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, and oversee paid & volunteer workers;
2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the public landing
3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention
4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring
5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses and Iron River Chamber of Commerce.

Project deliverables include a final report including:
1) Documentation of donated time & services related to grant administration 2) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; Inspection results entered into the CB/CW database. 3) Shoreline and aquatic surveillance results including boat & shoreline monitoring observations of any detected AIS with maps. 4) A list of businesses and Chamber of Commerce supplied with educational materials including copies of the education materials. 5) Report summary presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Ais Prevention Project: The Lake Owen Association is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species Education, Prevention & Planning grant focusing on AIS education through public contact at landings, educational material distribution, monitoring of launches by boat inspections, and signage at landings.

Project activities include:
1) Organize, attend, and participate in an AIS Workshop
2) Implement a Clean Boat/Clean Water program at landings on Lake Owen.
3) Entry of inspection forms 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Conduct AIS educational and outreach activities with boaters.
5) Post educational signs at landings.

Deliverables include a comprehensive report including:
1) Documentation of donated time & services related to grant administration.
2) Agendas of training sessions & workshops. Report describing results of
AIS Workshop including list of attendees.
3) Watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached;
Clean Boats, Clean Water survey data will be entered on the CB/CW database.
4) Samples or descriptions of AIS materials generated or paid for by this grant
including pamphlets, handouts, education materials, and signage.
5) Report of EWM results including maps.

Special conditions for this project:
- Aquatic plant monitoring must follow methods and reporting requirements provided by the Department
- The project sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.
- Final report needs Dept review and approval.

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede the application specifics. If a consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables listed above.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Ais Education, Prevention & Planning Program: The Lake Owen Association is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species education, prevention & planning project focusing on AIS education through public contact at landings, monitoring of launches by boat inspections, and distribution of educational material.

Deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) A summary of project accomplishments/progress including a watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Clean Boat/Clean Water survey results; daily results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 3) Report on aquatic plant survey observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 4) Outreach report including copies of news releases, educational materials, and mailings generated or paid for by this grant; 5) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Special conditions for this project: 1) WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance should be followed for point-intercept survey monitoring and/or aquatic plant management plan development; 2) The project sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide the AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Prev - Lake Owen Ais Prevention And Decontamination: The Lake Owen Association (LOA) is sponsoring a project for AIS Prevention and Decontamination on, and at Lake Owen boat launches.

Project final deliverables include:
1) Spreadsheet that includes all data collected via watercraft inspections. Available to DNR Biologist\2019s via request (CBCW data entry into SWIMS will be a deliverable of separate CBCW grant).
2) Presentations, and Report generation summarizing results of decontamination efforts (including project statistics, lessons learned, problems encountered, etc.). Report made available via request in PDF format.
3) Development, and distribution of outreach, and educational materials related to aquatic invasive species decontamination, and prevention
4) Completion of aquatic invasive species early detection monitoring once per month (growing season), and data uploaded into DNR\2019s SWIMS database.

Specific project activities include:
1) Operation of hot water, high pressure decontamination unit at North Outlet Landing
2) Provide outreach, and education activities to lake Owen residents
3) Completion of monthly (growing season) AIS early detection surveys on Lake Owen
4) Report generation based on data collection during watercraft inspections, and early detection surveys

Special Conditions:
1) All data collected will be uploaded into DNR\2019s SWIMS Database.
2) All monitoring will be completed with WDNR approved protocols.
3) All outreach, and education materials will be created with WDNR approved messaging, and DNR AIS Coordinator will approve materials before dissemination.
4) WDNR Lakes/AIS Biologist will be provided with an electronic copy of final report, and any associated data upon request

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop an AIS exhibit/ Youth Program.

Deliverables include a comprehensive report with the following: 1) Summary of accomplishments/progress of the project including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring information detailing total time and number of people reached, a summary of educational signage and poster distribution. 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 5) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 6) Details on AIS monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 7) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special project conditions: The sponsor shall immediately contact DNR if a new aquatic invasive species is found.

This scope summarizes the project details in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide regional AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lerche Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lerche Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lerche Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lerche Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Brook

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Brook

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Brook

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Brook

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Island Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Little Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Lower Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
McCarry Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Middle Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Mimi Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Muck Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Mulligan Creek

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon River

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Namekagon River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Otter Creek

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ounce River

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ounce River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ounce River

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ounce River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Ounce River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pickerel Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pigeon Lake

Pigeon Lake Association: Pigeon Lake Ais Education Prevention And Planning: Pigeon Lake Association is contracting an aquatic plant point-intercept survey to better understand their lake. The project also includes AIS early detection monitoring in partnership with Bayfield County and DNR and an education/outreach effort. Final deliverables include the PI survey report, maps, and raw data files, monitoring data beyond the PI results entered into SWIMS, and examples of educational materials developed.

The specific objectives, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are included in the application and supporting materials, and this scope is not intended to replace or supersede those documents.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Pike Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Pike & Delta Chain Of Lakes Through Ais Education, Etc.: Bayfield County is sponsoring a continuing AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes which includes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include:
1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, and oversee paid & volunteer workers;
2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the public landing
3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention
4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring
5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses and Iron River Chamber of Commerce.

Project deliverables include a final report including:
1) Documentation of donated time & services related to grant administration 2) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; Inspection results entered into the CB/CW database. 3) Shoreline and aquatic surveillance results including boat & shoreline monitoring observations of any detected AIS with maps. 4) A list of businesses and Chamber of Commerce supplied with educational materials including copies of the education materials. 5) Report summary presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Porter Lakes

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Porter Lakes

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Porter Lakes

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Porter Lakes

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Price Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Price Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Price Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Price Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Priest Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Robinson Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Sand Bar Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Shunenberg Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Smith Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
South Porter Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
South Porter Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
South Porter Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
South Porter Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Spring Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Spring Creek

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Spring Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Spring Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Sweet Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Tars Creek

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Tars Pond

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Tomahawk Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic River

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic River

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Totagatic River

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Trail Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Trail Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Trail Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Trail Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Turtle Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Pike & Delta Chain Of Lakes Through Ais Education, Etc.: Bayfield County is sponsoring a continuing AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes which includes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include:
1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, and oversee paid & volunteer workers;
2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the public landing
3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention
4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring
5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses and Iron River Chamber of Commerce.

Project deliverables include a final report including:
1) Documentation of donated time & services related to grant administration 2) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; Inspection results entered into the CB/CW database. 3) Shoreline and aquatic surveillance results including boat & shoreline monitoring observations of any detected AIS with maps. 4) A list of businesses and Chamber of Commerce supplied with educational materials including copies of the education materials. 5) Report summary presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River/Delta Lakes Through Education, Prevention, Containment & Planning: Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include: 1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer workers; 2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the Delta & Twin Bear public landing; 3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention; 4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring; 5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses, Iron River Public Library, & Iron River Chamber of Commerce; 6. Solicit Adopt-A-Lake volunteers in coordination with AIS Strategic Plan; 7. Host AIS monitoring workshop.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of final report including: 1) A summary of project accomplishments including Adopt-A-Lake recruitment, watercraft inspection and public education. 2) Brochures and educational materials. 3) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists. 4) Watercraft inspection reports including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results completed entry of inspection and monitoring into the DNR website database. 5) Aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps. 6) AIS materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River And Delta Area Lakes: The Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS project including hiring a Watercraft Inspection Coordinator, conducting a Clean Boat/Clean Water inspection program at 5 public boat landings, train inspectors, survey area around boat landings for AIS, AIS education outreach, provide information brochures, articles for newsletters, and mailings. Landings where CB/CW inspection program will be staffed are Long Lake, Buskey Bay (2), Twin Bear Lake, and Delta Lake.

Deliverables include a final report including: 1) Watercraft inspection report including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; 2) daily inspection results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 3) Verification of workshops and/or inspector training such as agendas and attendance lists; 4) Copies of brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 5) Report on aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Twin Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Delta: Taking Back Our Lakes: Pike Chain & Delta Chain Of Lakes: The Town of Delta is sponsoring a 1-yr. project to establish a watercraft inspection program in accordance with the Wisconsin "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program at two main public access points in the Delta Area. The Twin Bear Lake County Park landing on the Pike Chain (EWM discovered in 2004) will be monitored to prevent EWM fragments from leaving the lake, and the Delta Lake County Park landing (no known EWM infestation) will be monitored to prevent EWM fragments from entering the system. As a part of this program, volunteers will also collect aquatic plant samples from all around the two systems by providing lake users with materials to preserve any vegetation snagged on fishing lines, stuck on boat motors, or picked up while enjoying the lakes. Attempts will be made to identify and record these samples and to determine which lake or part of the lake they originated from. Additional watercraft inspection time will be provided on two other accesses on the Pike Chain as well. Informational and educational materials will also be distributed to lake users, property owners, and resorts and other private businesses as a part of this project.

Upon project completion the sponsor will provide the state with a comprehensive report including:
1. A watercraft inspection summary including time spent and number of people reached. 2. A summary of CBCW survey results and aquatic plant sampling program. 3. Documentation of in-kind donated goods & services. 4. Education and information materials generated.

*In addition, all "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program activities including watercraft inspection hours, boat landing survey results, and trained citizen inspectors will be reported in accordance with CBCW guidelines by this projects completion date.

Special conditions:
*The project sponsor shall immediately report any potential new EWM infestation (including new lakes in the Pike Chain) to Frank Koshere (715) 392-0807 or Dave Blumer (715) 635-4078.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Protecting The Pike & Delta Chain Of Lakes Through Ais Education, Etc.: Bayfield County is sponsoring a continuing AIS prevention & education project on the Pike & Delta Chain of Lakes which includes emphasizing containing & prevention of spread of EWM.

Activities include:
1. Hiring a part-time coordinator to train, schedule, and oversee paid & volunteer workers;
2. Conduct a Clean Boat/Clean Water boat inspection program at the public landing
3. Educate campground & park visitors about AIS prevention
4. Conduct monthly AIS shoreline monitoring
5. Provide AIS education materials to businesses and Iron River Chamber of Commerce.

Project deliverables include a final report including:
1) Documentation of donated time & services related to grant administration 2) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; Inspection results entered into the CB/CW database. 3) Shoreline and aquatic surveillance results including boat & shoreline monitoring observations of any detected AIS with maps. 4) A list of businesses and Chamber of Commerce supplied with educational materials including copies of the education materials. 5) Report summary presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall immediately contact DNR in the event of a new AIS infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River And Delta Area Lakes: The Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS project including hiring a Watercraft Inspection Coordinator, conducting a Clean Boat/Clean Water inspection program at 5 public boat landings, train inspectors, survey area around boat landings for AIS, AIS education outreach, provide information brochures, articles for newsletters, and mailings. Landings where CB/CW inspection program will be staffed are Long Lake, Buskey Bay (2), Twin Bear Lake, and Delta Lake.

Deliverables include a final report including: 1) Watercraft inspection report including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; 2) daily inspection results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 3) Verification of workshops and/or inspector training such as agendas and attendance lists; 4) Copies of brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 5) Report on aquatic plant sampling results including boat and shoreline monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The sponsor shall immediately contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Protecting The Iron River Area Lakes: Bayfield County is sponsoring a one-year project to complete watercraft inspection and other activities on the Long, Pike Chain, and Delta Chain Lake. The project includes CBCW, CLMN AIS Monitoring, zebra mussel monitoring and rapid response plan, DNR Landing Blitz Campaign, and educational workshops.

Deliverables include: a final report that details the methods, results, and any related management suggestions for the activities described above; monitoring data and associated GIS files; zebra mussel rapid response plan; and examples of educational materials developed.

Special Conditions: 1) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 2) All monitoring data, including watercraft inspection results, must be entered into SWIMS.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Unnamed T43n R07w S16-16

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Unnamed T43n R07w S16-16

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Unnamed T43n R07w S16-16

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Unnamed T43n R07w S16-16

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Upper Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
West Eightmile Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
West Fork Totagatic River

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wiley Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and education project which will focus on AIS education, prevention, monitoring, and management.

Project activities include:
1) Recruit and train volunteers
2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings
3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location
4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles.

Project deliverables include:
1) Documentation of donated time and services related to grant administration
2) Agendas of training sessions and workshops
3) Entry of watercraft inspection report with time & number of people reached 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website
4) Report on public education distribution, meetings, and signage
5) Examples of brochures, newsletters, and educational materials used.
6) Report on aquatic plant surveillance results including monitoring observations with supporting graphs and maps
7) Final report summarizing CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring, and AIS management
8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: Sponsor shall immediately contact WDNR in the event of new AIS infestation. Final report needs Dept. review and approval

This scope summarizes the project in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. If a consultant provides the final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide the DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for review prior to making final payment to the consultant. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report including all deliverables.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wiley Lake

Town Of Cable: Ais Control In The Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers; 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings; 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location; 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles; 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include a paper and electronic copy of comprehensive report including: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR immediately in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wiley Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Recruit and train volunteers. 2) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake landings. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a traveling AIS exhibit.

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of training of inspectors and monitors such as agendas and attendance lists; 3) CB/CW survey results; completed entry of daily inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms into the DNR website database; 4) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 5) Copies of newsletters, brochures and educational materials; 6) Report on traveling AIS exhibit; 7) Report on aquatic plant sampling/collection including monthly boat monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 8) Any AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special condition: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the detailed scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Wiley Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable Ais Prevention Program: The Town of Cable is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Implement a CB/CW program by inspecting boats and educating public at Perry, Tahkodah, and Cable Lake Landings. 2) Recruit and train volunteers. 3) Collect plant samples from boaters/lakeshore owners and map location. 4) Educate public about AIS by posting landings, distributing educational material to public, and submit articles. 5) Develop a AIS exhibit/Youth Program at the Cable Natural History Museum..

Deliverables include: 1) Final Report summarizing project accomplishments/progress including watercraft inspection and lake monitoring report detailing total time and number of people reached; 2) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 3) Daily CB/CW survey results entered into the CB/CW monitoring SWIMS database; 4) Verification of inspector/monitor training such as attendance lists and agendas; 5) Outreach report including copies of news releases, brochures, educational materials, and mailings; 6) Report on construction/maintenance of educational signage; 7) Report on Cable Natural History AIS exhibit; 8) Report on AIS results and monitoring observations of any detected aquatic invasive species with appropriate maps; 9) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede grant application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Education
Waters Involved
Williamson Creek

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes-Barnes Area Ais Education, Prevention, & Planning Project 2007-2008: The T. of Barnes will sponsor an AIS prevention project on the Eau Claire Chain & lakes in the Towns of Barnes, Highland & Gordon with boat monitoring inspections at three major landings on 11 Eau Claire Chain lakes, & one landing on 14 other lakes. Inspections will be performed Fridays between May 25 & Aug. 31, Saturday & Sunday between May 5 & Sept. 3 & July 2-4. The project includes a coordinator to train, schedule, & oversee paid & volunteer inspectors; CBCW workshops; a plant identification workshop; public education including public contact, distribution of education materials, informational meetings, articles in association & property owner newsletters & on T. of Barnes website, presentations to the T. of Barnes AIS Committee; surveys of boat landing signs & maintenance. Recommendations for local ordinances or changes will be submitted to the T. of Barnes AIS committee.

Project deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Documentation of grant administration time and services. 2) Training session and workshop agendas. 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached. CB/CW survey results data will be entered on the CB/CW database. 4) Sign survey report. 5) Aquatic plant survey report, graphs and maps. 6) Minutes of meetings with local ordinance reviewes. 8) Articles or newsletters. 9) AIS education materials.

Special conditions for this project: The project sponsor shall contact the DNR in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation.

This scope is intended to summarize the grant application and does not supersede application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide Lake Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Long Lake, Pike Chain Of Lakes And Lake Delta Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Bayfield County will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 5 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Inland Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 which includes 5 public landings on the following lakes: Long, Pike Chain (Busky Bay & Twin Bear lakes) & Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd In-Land Lakes 2016 Clean Boats Clean Water: The Bayfield County LWCD is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at five public boat landing on Long Lake, Pike Chain of Lakes, and Lake Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd 2017 Cbcw: Bayfield County Lwcd is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LONG LAKE, LAKE DELTA, BUSKEY BAY, BUSKEY BAY, TWIN BEAR.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Bayfield County: Bayfield 2020 Cbcw (Long, Delta, Buskey Bay, Twin Bear): Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on TWIN BEAR (COUNTY PARK), DELTA(COUNTY PARK), LONG LAKE (LONG LAKE), BUSKEY BAY (HYDE'S LANDING), BUSKEY BAY (TOWN LANDING).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Town of Cable is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 3 public landings on Tahkodah, Perry and Cable Lakes.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2017 Cbcw: Town Of Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE, PERRY LAKE, TAHKODAH LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2020 Cbcw: Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE (CABLE LK. LANDING, N/A), PERRY LAKE(PERRY LK. LANDING, N/A), LAKE TAHKODAH (TAHKODAH LK. LAND, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Long Lake, Pike Chain Of Lakes And Lake Delta Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Bayfield County will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 5 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Inland Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 which includes 5 public landings on the following lakes: Long, Pike Chain (Busky Bay & Twin Bear lakes) & Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd In-Land Lakes 2016 Clean Boats Clean Water: The Bayfield County LWCD is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at five public boat landing on Long Lake, Pike Chain of Lakes, and Lake Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd 2017 Cbcw: Bayfield County Lwcd is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LONG LAKE, LAKE DELTA, BUSKEY BAY, BUSKEY BAY, TWIN BEAR.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Bayfield County: Bayfield 2020 Cbcw (Long, Delta, Buskey Bay, Twin Bear): Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on TWIN BEAR (COUNTY PARK), DELTA(COUNTY PARK), LONG LAKE (LONG LAKE), BUSKEY BAY (HYDE'S LANDING), BUSKEY BAY (TOWN LANDING).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Town of Cable is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 3 public landings on Tahkodah, Perry and Cable Lakes.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2017 Cbcw: Town Of Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE, PERRY LAKE, TAHKODAH LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Fondeau Creek

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2020 Cbcw: Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE (CABLE LK. LANDING, N/A), PERRY LAKE(PERRY LK. LANDING, N/A), LAKE TAHKODAH (TAHKODAH LK. LAND, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Long Lake, Pike Chain Of Lakes And Lake Delta Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Bayfield County will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 5 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Inland Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 which includes 5 public landings on the following lakes: Long, Pike Chain (Busky Bay & Twin Bear lakes) & Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd In-Land Lakes 2016 Clean Boats Clean Water: The Bayfield County LWCD is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at five public boat landing on Long Lake, Pike Chain of Lakes, and Lake Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd 2017 Cbcw: Bayfield County Lwcd is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LONG LAKE, LAKE DELTA, BUSKEY BAY, BUSKEY BAY, TWIN BEAR.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Bayfield County: Bayfield 2020 Cbcw (Long, Delta, Buskey Bay, Twin Bear): Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on TWIN BEAR (COUNTY PARK), DELTA(COUNTY PARK), LONG LAKE (LONG LAKE), BUSKEY BAY (HYDE'S LANDING), BUSKEY BAY (TOWN LANDING).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Lake Owen Association will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 1 public landing in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2015: Lake Owen Association, Inc. will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 2 public access in 2015

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Association 2016 Clean Boat Clean Water: The Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at two public boat landing on Lake Owen.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Association 2017 Cbcw: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE OWEN, LAKE OWEN.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Association, Inc. 2018 Cbcw: Lake Owen Association, Inc. is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE OWEN.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Association 2019 Cbcw: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2019 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE OWEN (NWPUBLICLANDING, TWOLAKESCAMPGR).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Association, Inc. 2020 Cbcw: Lake Owen Association, Inc. is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE OWEN (NW PUBLIC LANDIN, TWOLAKES CAMPGR).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Association, Inc. 2021 Cbcw: Lake Owen Association, Inc. is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2021 at 2 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LAKE OWEN (NW PUBLIC LANDIN, N/A), LAKE OWEN(TWO LAKES CMPGD, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Lake Tahkodah And Perry Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Town of Cable will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 2 public accesses in 2014 on Tahkoda and Perry Lakes.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Town of Cable is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 3 public landings on Tahkodah, Perry and Cable Lakes.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2017 Cbcw: Town Of Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE, PERRY LAKE, TAHKODAH LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2020 Cbcw: Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE (CABLE LK. LANDING, N/A), PERRY LAKE(PERRY LK. LANDING, N/A), LAKE TAHKODAH (TAHKODAH LK. LAND, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Long Lake

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd 2017 Cbcw: Bayfield County Lwcd is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LONG LAKE, LAKE DELTA, BUSKEY BAY, BUSKEY BAY, TWIN BEAR.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Long Lake

Bayfield County: Bayfield 2020 Cbcw (Long, Delta, Buskey Bay, Twin Bear): Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on TWIN BEAR (COUNTY PARK), DELTA(COUNTY PARK), LONG LAKE (LONG LAKE), BUSKEY BAY (HYDE'S LANDING), BUSKEY BAY (TOWN LANDING).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Lake Tahkodah And Perry Lake Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Town of Cable will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 2 public accesses in 2014 on Tahkoda and Perry Lakes.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: The Town of Cable is sponsoring a 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters project including 3 public landings on Tahkodah, Perry and Cable Lakes.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2017 Cbcw: Town Of Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE, PERRY LAKE, TAHKODAH LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable 2020 Cbcw: Cable is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 3 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on CABLE LAKE (CABLE LK. LANDING, N/A), PERRY LAKE(PERRY LK. LANDING, N/A), LAKE TAHKODAH (TAHKODAH LK. LAND, N/A).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Long Lake, Pike Chain Of Lakes And Lake Delta Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Bayfield County will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 5 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Inland Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 which includes 5 public landings on the following lakes: Long, Pike Chain (Busky Bay & Twin Bear lakes) & Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd In-Land Lakes 2016 Clean Boats Clean Water: The Bayfield County LWCD is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at five public boat landing on Long Lake, Pike Chain of Lakes, and Lake Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd 2017 Cbcw: Bayfield County Lwcd is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LONG LAKE, LAKE DELTA, BUSKEY BAY, BUSKEY BAY, TWIN BEAR.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Bayfield County: Bayfield 2020 Cbcw (Long, Delta, Buskey Bay, Twin Bear): Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on TWIN BEAR (COUNTY PARK), DELTA(COUNTY PARK), LONG LAKE (LONG LAKE), BUSKEY BAY (HYDE'S LANDING), BUSKEY BAY (TOWN LANDING).

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Long Lake, Pike Chain Of Lakes And Lake Delta Clean Boats Clean Waters Project 2014: Bayfield County will sponsor a Clean Boats Clean Water landing inspection program at 5 public landings in 2014.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Inland Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 which includes 5 public landings on the following lakes: Long, Pike Chain (Busky Bay & Twin Bear lakes) & Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Inland Lakes 2015 Clean Boats Clean Waters Project: Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2015 which includes 5 public landings on the following lakes: Long, Pike Chain (Busky Bay & Twin Bear lakes) & Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd In-Land Lakes 2016 Clean Boats Clean Water: The Bayfield County LWCD is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2016 at five public boat landing on Long Lake, Pike Chain of Lakes, and Lake Delta.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Bayfield County Lwcd 2017 Cbcw: Bayfield County Lwcd is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2017 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on LONG LAKE, LAKE DELTA, BUSKEY BAY, BUSKEY BAY, TWIN BEAR.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Bayfield 2020 Cbcw (Long, Delta, Buskey Bay, Twin Bear): Bayfield County is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2020 at 5 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on TWIN BEAR (COUNTY PARK), DELTA(COUNTY PARK), LONG LAKE (LONG LAKE), BUSKEY BAY (HYDE'S LANDING), BUSKEY BAY (TOWN LANDING).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Bony Lake

Bayfield County: Res-Bony Lakewide Restoration & Conservation Project: Bayfield County in partnership with ABDI Land & Water Conservation, Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, and Bony Lake property owners will implement a lake restoration project. More than 50% of the property owners (resulting in over a mile of linear shoreline) expressed a commitment to shoreline restoration, and additional lake protection activities, such as storm water best management practices (e.g. rain gardens), littoral habitat restoration (e.g. tree drops), and shoreline restorations exceeding minimum county and state standards will be strongly encouraged. Multiple partners will collaborate with the following: technical assistance; restoration cost-share assistance; promotion and education; recognition activities; and enrollment payments. The project also includes collecting pre- and post-restoration monitoring data for baseline and future comparison. These data may include bird, amphibian, terrestrial and aquatic plant community information, and a top/bottom paleoecological sediment core. Project leaders will continually promote media coverage and demonstration opportunities for the surrounding community.

All parcels require a department approved deed restriction that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. Restorations must follow standards set forth in NR 191.24(3).

Project deliverables include: a final report listing all project accomplishments including the number of parcels or lots participating in the program; educational materials developed; media coverage; and monitoring results.

A final report in PDF format summarizing the results of the project as well as copies of databases, maps, GIS files, guidebooks, ordinances or any other products resulting from the project shall be provided to the Department for review prior to final payment.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Diamond Lake

Diamond-Lakers Inc: Hlr - Diamond Lake Shoreline Improvements Via Healthy Lakes Projec: Partnering with property owners, Diamond-Lakers Inc is sponsoring a grant to implement best practices from Wisconsin\2019s 2019 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Action Plan. Best practices, including fish sticks, 350 sq. ft. native plantings, diversions, rock infiltration, and/or rain gardens, will be designed and installed according to program fact sheets, technical guidance and the grant application.
All funded best practices require contracts that must remain in place for 10 years and include the minimum operation and maintenance requirements described in the special conditions at the end of this agreement. If the landowner is the grant sponsor this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If the best practice(s) will be implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner describing the 10-year contract period, minimum operation and maintenance details, and data to be collected is required. The Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables include: a project summary including data requirements, pre/post photographs, and confirmation of completed design work and landowner contracts. A Healthy Lakes & Rivers Example Report is available to assist you.
Special conditions: Project management and technical assistance cash costs cannot exceed 10% of the state share of the grant award; this does not include implementation labor. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. Projects required for regulatory compliance purposes, including shoreland mitigation projects, are not eligible for reimbursement. The Healthy Lakes & Rivers logo should be used for promotion and publicity and DNR recognized as a funding source.
The grantee may request a one-time cost amendment and a one-time time extension. The grantee must notify the department if they wish to add or subtract practices to the scope of this grant agreement.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Implementing The Lake Owen Comprehensive Management Plan: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a project in partnership with Northland College to implement their approved management plan. Activities include staff and support to complete the following major activities: shoreline restoration and Healthy Lakes planning (min 18 properties) and installation; decontamination; additional critical habitat monitoring and mapping; and a diagnostic/feasibility study of food web dynamics. Final deliverables are described in detail in the application, and progress updates will be shared regularly via steering committee and LOA board meetings.

Special conditions: a steering committee, including DNR, will oversee the project; traditional shoreline restoration projects require the project remain in conservation use in perpetuity on the deed, and Healthy Lakes projects require 10-year operation & maintenance plans and data collection as described in grant condition #24. If best practice(s) are implemented on land owned by the grant Sponsor, this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If best practice(s) are implemented on land other than the Sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner that abides by grant condition #24 is required. The Department may require re-payment of project installation costs if the best practice is disturbed or removed. The Sponsor and/or the Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.

The specific objectives, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are included in the application and supporting materials, and this scope is not intended to replace or supersede those documents.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved

Bayfield County: Res-Bony Lakewide Restoration & Conservation Project: Bayfield County in partnership with ABDI Land & Water Conservation, Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, and Bony Lake property owners will implement a lake restoration project. More than 50% of the property owners (resulting in over a mile of linear shoreline) expressed a commitment to shoreline restoration, and additional lake protection activities, such as storm water best management practices (e.g. rain gardens), littoral habitat restoration (e.g. tree drops), and shoreline restorations exceeding minimum county and state standards will be strongly encouraged. Multiple partners will collaborate with the following: technical assistance; restoration cost-share assistance; promotion and education; recognition activities; and enrollment payments. The project also includes collecting pre- and post-restoration monitoring data for baseline and future comparison. These data may include bird, amphibian, terrestrial and aquatic plant community information, and a top/bottom paleoecological sediment core. Project leaders will continually promote media coverage and demonstration opportunities for the surrounding community.

All parcels require a department approved deed restriction that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. Restorations must follow standards set forth in NR 191.24(3).

Project deliverables include: a final report listing all project accomplishments including the number of parcels or lots participating in the program; educational materials developed; media coverage; and monitoring results.

A final report in PDF format summarizing the results of the project as well as copies of databases, maps, GIS files, guidebooks, ordinances or any other products resulting from the project shall be provided to the Department for review prior to final payment.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bass Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Basswood Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Basswood Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bear Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bear Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Beaver Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Beaver Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Beaver Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bell Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bell Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bellevue Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bellevue Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Birch Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bog Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Bog Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Broadax Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Broadax Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Buffalo Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Buskey Bay-Stakeholder Participation Of Planning Process-#1: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Buskey Bay-#2: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Buskey Bay

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Lake Millicent-#3: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Cable Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Camp One Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Camp One Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Camp Two Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Camp Two Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Canthook Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Canthook Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Carson Pond

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Carson Pond

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Casper Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Chippewa Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Crystal Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dawn Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Deep Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Dells Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Diamond Lake

Diamond-Lakers Inc: Swe-Point Intercept Macrophyte Survey Of Diamond Lake: Diamond-Lakers Inc are sponsoring a point-intercept macrophyte survey of Diamond Lake which will be used to characterize the aquatic plant community and evaluate the presence of aquatic invasive species. Results will be used to educate the lake-user community about the importance of stopping AIS spread and a first step toward creating a comprehensive management plan for Diamond Lake.

Project final deliverables include:
1. Final Report summarizing accomplishments/progress of the grant including all data collected, maps, outreach activities including agendas and minutes for planning meetings, and mailings.
2. Financial Payment Request with documentation of grant administration time and services, contributions, financial match, proof of payment of expenditures, and organizations providing financial support.
3. Electronic copies of reports are to be submitted.
4. Any additional related materials generated or paid for by this grant.

Specific project activities include:
This project will include an initial point-intercept macrophyte survey as a starting point for creating a comprehensive plan for future action to prevent the spread of AIS. We will also use the knowledge gained from the survey to educate our lake community and the public in understanding AIS and the significant threats AIS present

Special Conditions: None

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Duck Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Buskey Bay-Stakeholder Participation Of Planning Process-#1: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Eagle Lake-#6: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Flynn Lake-#7: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Buskey Bay-Stakeholder Participation Of Planning Process-#1: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Eagle Lake-#6: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
East Fork White River

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Flynn Lake-#7: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Emerson Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Evelyn Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Everett Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Everett Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Buskey Bay-Stakeholder Participation Of Planning Process-#1: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Eagle Lake-#6: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Flynn Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Flynn Lake-#7: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Frels Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Frog Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Frog Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Fuller Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Garden Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Getsey Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Getsey Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Ghost Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hadley Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Happles Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Happles Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Hart Lake-#4: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Lake Millicent-#3: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hart Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Twin Bear-#5: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hay Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hay Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Heart Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Heart Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Henry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hidden Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hildebrand Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hildur Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hildur Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hollibar Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Hollibar Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Inch Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Inch Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Jackson Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Jo Ann Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Kern Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Kern Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Bullhead

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Bullhead

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Delta

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Five

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Buskey Bay-#2: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Hart Lake-#4: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Millicent

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Lake Millicent-#3: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Water Quality Study: The Lake Owen Association proposes to conduct water quality monitoring on Lake Owen for the purpose of assessing the lake's trophic status, benchmarking lake water quality conditions and gaining an understanding of the watershed. Water chemistry, temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles will be sampled at two sites, four times from May through August as described in the application. A digital map of the lake watershed will be prepared that documents the physical and environmental characteristics of the watershed. A report will be developed that characterizes the trophic status of the lake, the characteristics of the watershed that influence lake water quality and describe management opportunities for lake water quality protection.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Management Planning Project: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a comprehensive monitoring, modeling, and planning project. The project will emphasize shoreline restoration, including understanding implementation barriers and identifying priority restoration sites. Activities include: sociological survey; ordinance review/inventory; aquatic plant, plankton, water quality, water level and discharge and shoreline monitoring; watershed mapping and land use characterization; previous monitoring/report summary; and nutrient/land use scenario (WiLMS) and ecosystem (AQUATOX) modeling. This information will be integrated with stakeholder/public participation to create a comprehensive lake management plan.

Deliverables include: 1) a comprehensive lake management plan with stakeholder survey and results summary; quantified management goals; lake condition assessment; stressor analysis; specific management recommendations; and 2) a non-technical summary for distribution to all riparians.

Special Conditions: 1) sociological surveys should be coordinated with DNR Research Sociologist; 2) SLOH will be used for laboratory analyses unless otherwise approved by DNR Lab Coordinator; 3) DNR monitoring methods (e.g. aquatic plant point-intercept survey) must be followed.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Lake Owen Management Planning Project: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a comprehensive monitoring, modeling, and planning project. The project will emphasize shoreline restoration, including understanding implementation barriers and identifying priority restoration sites. Activities include: sociological survey; ordinance review/inventory; aquatic plant, plankton, water quality, water level and discharge and shoreline monitoring; watershed mapping and land use characterization; previous monitoring/report summary; and nutrient/land use scenario (WiLMS) and ecosystem (AQUATOX) modeling. This information will be integrated with stakeholder/public participation to create a comprehensive lake management plan.

Deliverables include: 1) a comprehensive lake management plan with stakeholder survey and results summary; quantified management goals; lake condition assessment; stressor analysis; specific management recommendations; and 2) a non-technical summary for distribution to all riparians.

Special Conditions: 1) sociological surveys should be coordinated with DNR Research Sociologist; 2) SLOH will be used for laboratory analyses unless otherwise approved by DNR Lab Coordinator; 3) DNR monitoring methods (e.g. aquatic plant point-intercept survey) must be followed.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Comp - Lake Owen Comprehensive Management Plan Assessment: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a 2-phase project to update its Comprehensive Lake Management Plan. The first phase focuses on assessment and the second on plan development.

Specific Phase 1 project activities include: 1) shoreland habitat assessment; 2) water quality monitoring, including continuous temperature and outlet flow monitoring; 3) fisheries study; 4) education/outreach; and 5) data evaluation and reporting.

Project final deliverables include: annual progress reports; all data collected; agendas and minutes for planning meetings; education/outreach summary with example promotional and presentation materials; and a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Special Conditions: 1) CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data shall be included in the trends analysis and final reporting; 2) All data shall be entered into the SWIMS database; and 4) Shoreland monitoring shall follow DNR approved protocols.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Owen

Lake Owen Association, Inc.: Comp - Lake Owen Comprehensive Management Plan Development: Lake Owen Association is sponsoring a 2-phase project to update its Comprehensive Lake Management Plan. The first phase focuses on assessment and the second on plan development.

Specific Phase 2 project activities include: 1) compilation of previous and Phase 1 studies and plans; 2) advisory committee establishment and engagement; 3) decontamination planning; 4) land protection prioritization; 5) education/outreach, including technical assistance for runoff mitigation; and 5) management planning.

Project final deliverables include: annual progress reports; all data collected; agendas and minutes for planning meetings; education/outreach summary with example promotional and presentation materials; and a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan that includes methodologies, results, and management alternatives discussion with an implementation plan.

Special Conditions: land protection prioritization should include Healthy Watersheds, High-Quality Waters program information.

If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Ruth

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Ruth

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Tahkodah

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Two

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lake Two

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lemon Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lemon Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lerche Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lester Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lester Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Line Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Line Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Bass Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Little Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McCarry Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Hart Lake-#4: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McClaine Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
McCloud Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Middle Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes Management Plan - Middle Eau Claire Lake: In combination with two other planning grant applications for Upper and Lower Lake Eau Claire, the Town of Barnes proposes to develop a management plan for the lake system that integrates with the town comprehensive land use plan. The scope includes an investigation of shoreland buffer areas and recommend best management practices, review of town and county ordinances with recommendations for revisions, delineation and digital mapping of the lake watershed, watershed modeling, compilation of existing water quality and environmental information about the lakes, conducting and analyzing a social survey.

The deliverable will be a Lake Plan and Land Use document that identifies and lake and watershed management strategies, prioritizes needs and goals to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loading.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mud Flat Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mud Flat Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mud Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mud Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Muskellunge Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Muskellunge Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Muskie Springs Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mystery Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mystery Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Namekagon Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Namekagon Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Ole Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Patsy Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Perry Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Phantom Lake

Phantom Lake Management District: Phantom Lake Management Plan: This project is one of two planning grant projects for the Eagle Spring and Phantom Lake Watershed. The project involves 1) a recreational use survey; 2) quantification of water quality conditions; 3) teacher training inservice session for the Project WET/Adopt a Lake program, 4) production of a report for inclusion in SEWRPC documents; 5) determination of planning needs and 6) public information programming.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Phantom Lake

Phantom Lake Management District: Phantom/Eagle Springs Project Wet: Phantom Lake Management District proposes to complete a recreational use survey on area lakes. The following items will be some of the deliverable results of this project; project WET teacher training In-Service; iIntegration of project WET and Adopt-A-Lake in school districts. This will be a coopertive project between Upper and Lower Phantom Lakes and Eagle Springs Lake districts. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.
Expand the project description to include review and update jurisdictional boundaries to include all riparian properties. Develop and implement an ordianace for inspection and pumping of private sewage systems installed prior to 1979. PLMD will perfom a private sewage system evaluation. This evaluation will consist of a field study within the identified area to visually evaluate the type, status, and use of their private sewage disposal systems. Public meeting will be conducted and educational materials will be provided during these field contacts with district residents. Results of sewage system evaluation will be used to as imput to the Lake Mgt. Plan.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Phantom Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Phantom Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Porter Lakes

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Price Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rainbow Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rainbow Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Range Line Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rock Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Rosa Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sand Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sand Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sawmill Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Sawmill Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Silver Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
South Porter Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spirit Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spirit Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Spring Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Square Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Square Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Steelhead Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Steelhead Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swede Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Swede Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tank Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Teacup Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Teacup Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Toothpick Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Toothpick Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Totagatic Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tower Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tower Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trail Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trail Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Trout Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tub Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Tub Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Hart Lake-#4: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Bear Lake

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Twin Bear-#5: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Twin Lakes

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Un Spring

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Buskey Bay-Stakeholder Participation Of Planning Process-#1: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Buskey Bay-#2: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Eagle Lake-#6: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Flynn Lake-#7: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Hart Lake-#4: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Lake Millicent-#3: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved

Iron River Pike Chain Of Lakes Association: Pike Chain Of Lakes-Management Planning Project-Twin Bear-#5: Iron River Lakes Association will sponsor a project to assess watershed, water quality, & aquatic plant conditions; coordinate stakeholder participation & planning; develop a lake management implementation plan focusing on aquatic plants for the Pike Chain of Lakes. The project includes grants for each lake in the Chain & one for stakeholder participation & planning. Deliverables include a report including task methodologies & results; maps of aquatic plant communities & sensitive areas; management alternatives discussion & implementation plan.

Tasks include:
1. Water quality appraisals, determination of limiting nutrient, trophic states & historical data review.
2. Watershed land use definition/delineation & identification of problem areas.
3. WiLMS modeling with WINTLOAD estimates for internal loading, if appropriate.
4. Early season curlyleaf pondweed "meander" survey on all lakes; point-intercept surveys & voucher specimen collections on Buskey Bay, Millicent, Eagle, & Flynn Lakes; pre-treatment Eurasian watermilfoil surveys on Hart & Twin Bear Lakes; aquatic plant communities mapped according to community type, dominant species, & invasive species presence.
5. Sensitive area mapping (identified by WDNR).
6. Fisheries management summary/recommendations; integration of DNR fisheries management plan as report appendix.
7. Zebra mussel veliger monitoring (3 sites in the Chain sampled once in June and in July or August) following DNR Dreissena Mussel Monitoring Protocol.
8. Stakeholder survey; scoping/planning sessions; development of sociological & scientific goals, objectives; implementation alternatives.
9. Creation/distribution of news releases.

This scope summarizes the application scope & does not supersede the application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the DNR in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator. DNR shall receive report in paper & electronic form.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Unnamed T43n R07w S16-16

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Upper Eau Claire Lake

Town Of Barnes: Eau Claire Lakes Management Plan - Upper Eau Claire: In combination with two other planning grant applications for Middle and Lower Lake Eau Claire, the Town of Barnes proposes to develop a management plan for the lake system that integrates with the town comprehensive land use plan. The scope includes an investigation of shoreland buffer areas and recommend best management practices, review of town and county ordinances with recommendations for revisions, delineation and digital mapping of the lake watershed, watershed modeling, compilation of existing water quality and environmental information about the lakes, conducting and analyzing a social survey.

The deliverable will be a Lake Plan and Land Use document that identifies and lake and watershed management strategies, prioritizes needs and goals to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loading.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
West Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
White Bass Lake

Town Of Namakagon: Town Of Namakagon Watershed & Land Use Plan: The Town of Namekagon proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Namekagon in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wiley Lake

Town Of Cable: Town Of Cable: The Town of Cable proposes to conduct a watershed and land use planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Cable in Bayfield County. Project activities would include the formation of a Citizen Planning Committee, establishing the scope of the town planning project, conducting I & E and listening public meetings, and developing goals and policies for long-range land use and shorelands protection planning.

Specific deliverables for this grant project will include:
? Copies of meetings notes, I & E materials, survey results, and newspaper notices.
? A Final Report in booklet form, incorporating the land use plan and process along with associated colored resource maps and a land and water use development guide.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 1: Inventory & Analysis Of Existing Conditions: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) includes the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase I) include:
1. Review and analysis on survey questionnaire data
2. Attendance at and facilitation of 3 (of 7) Plan Commission meetings
3. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
4. Draft and final versions of Inventory and Trends Report
5. Copy of final inventory report map(s)

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Wolf Lake

Town Of Delta: Town Of Delta Comprehensive Plan - Phase 2: Recommendations: The Town of Delta will conduct a two-phase comprehensive planning project addressing resource protection for all lakes, streams, shorelands, wetlands, watersheds and other lands in the Township of Delta in Bayfield County. Phase I (Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions) will include the public outreach and data analysis that will become the foundation for Phase II. Phase II (Recommendations for Preferred Future Conditions) will result in recommendations for the future of the town relative to all of the required elements of a "Smart Growth" comprehensive plan.

Specific deliverables for this grant project (Phase II) include:

1. Attendance at and facilitation of 4 (of &) Plan Commission meetings
2. Coordination of 1 (of 2) public informational workshops
3. Coordination and facilitation of the formal public hearing
4. Copy of draft Comprehensive Plan document
5. Copy of final Comprehensive Plan document
6. Copy of final preferred land use map
7. Copies of report maps on facilities, utility services, recreation sites, transportation, and land use

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
White River

Trout Unlimited-Wild River Chapter: White River Watershed Planning Project: This project includes a number of different aspects.

1. A White River Watershed Planning Group will be formed. The foundation of this group will be the Friends of the White River however the planning group will expand to include partnerships with conservation organizations, public agencies, and other land owner groups. The planning group will pursue becoming a Qualified River Management Organization.
2. Education and training opportunities will be provided for the planning group to increase the groups knowledge of broad watershed issues and management strategies.
3. A White River Watershed Management Plan will be developed.
4. Newsletters, brochures and a power point presentation will be developed to assist in the long term education and outreach for the White River.

Deliverables for this project include: the organization of a White River Watershed Planning Group; a White River Watershed Management Plan; newsletters, brochures and a power point presentation.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report.

Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved
White River

Bayfield Regional Conservancy: White River Acquisition - Carlson Property: The Bayfield Regional Conservancy, in cooperation with the Wild Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Friends of the White River, will sponsor a project involving land acquisiton and the development and implementation of a land protection program within the White River Watershed.

The property to be acquired includes 27 acres with nearly 1/2 mile of frontage on the White River. The property is undeveloped and will be maintained in accordance with the White River Managment Plan submitted with the grant application. An agreement between the Bayfield Regional Conservancy and Trout Unlimited has been developed giving TU the authority for managment of the property.

A land protection program involving land owner contacts and education will be developed and implemented. Educational activites including one on one contacts, publication of newsletters, watershed-wide meetings, will be used for outreach to residents and landowners. The use of conservation tools, forest management plans and other activities that protect water quality and enhance wildlife habitat along the river will be stressed.

A final report summarizing all activities, including a copy of the managment agreement between Bayfield Regional Conservancy and Trout Unlimited, will be submitted to the Department in both paper and electronic form at the completetion of the project.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
White River Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Best Management Practices, Implement
Ashwaubenon - Coronis Pond
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin�s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Specifically, the municipality will construct/install a wet detention pond to remedy discharges of total suspended solids in urban runoff entering waters of the state.
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Educate and engage residents
Landowner & Partner Outreach in the Southern Service Area
Bayfield Regional Conservancy is sponsoring a project to help finalize a Strategic Conservation Plan by increasing protection and stewardship awareness among private landowners in Sawyer County and southern Ashalnd County. Deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) A summary of accomplishments/progress of the project including descriptions of research on successful conservation efforts, outreach activities, and resulting conservation collaborations with landowners and partners; 2) Report on activities paid under this grant for salaries and match hours; 3) Report on public outreach to Landowners and Partners with copies of newsletters, educational materials, etc.; 4) Verification of meetings, workshops, and/or training such as agendas and attendance lists; 5) Copies of related materials generated or paid for by this grant.
In Progress
Information and Education
Hydrological Atlas of Bayfield County
Bayfield County is sponsoring a project to develop an online and interactive Hydrogeologic Atlas, including funding an expert to assist in developing this tool.
In Progress
Lake Management Plan Development
Lakes Planning Grant
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
Monitor Fish Tissue
Confirm FCA: IW pre-2000 data
Monitor Water Level
Bass Lake, Bayfield County
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the University of Wisconsin-Extension have developed a citizen-based, statewide lake-level monitoring effort.
In Progress
Monitor Water Level
Monitor Water Level
Bass Lake, Bayfield County
Volunteers will enter their field data into the SWIMS database following each survey so that extreme water level changes (> 4/10ft in one week) can be documented as soon as possible. In addition to the water level reading, the bubble levels attached to the staff gage will be checked to verify that the staff gage has not shifted since the previous monitoring activity.
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Grant LPL-1483-13 - Shoreland Monitoring
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2902800 Flynn Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2903100 Twin Bear Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2901600 Hay Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2901800 Bear Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2903800 Buskey Bay
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2901700 Lake Delta
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2903700 Lake Millicent
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2903200 Hart Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2902900 Eagle Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2903400 McCarry Lake
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
White River WatershedWatershed History Note

The Village of Mason, in Bayfield County, is located in the White River Watershed. Although it is now a small community of less than one hundred residents,it was once the site of one of the largest lumber mills in the state. One can learn about the history of Mason at the Mason Historical Museum located in a renovated rail depot, originally built by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minnesota & Omaha Railway. The Mason Historical Museum's exhibits follow the town's development from 1883, when the White River Lumber Company built a mill and the town of Mason to 1894, when the site became the largest lumber mill in the northwest, and, finally, the demise of the lumber industry in the early twentieth century.

Date  2010

Watershed History Note

Previous owners of the Bibon Swamp drained portions of the wetlands, increasing the rate of surface water runoff, which degraded habitat and water quality. Under the auspices of the Lake Superior Binational Program, a project is underway to correct the erosion problems, restore natural drainage patterns, restore wetlands and restore and enhance fish and wildlife habitat on a tributary to the White River. A preliminary plan was developed cooperatively by the Bayfield County Land Conservation Department, the federal Natural Resources Conservation Service and WDNR.

Date  1999