BAYFIELD COUNTY: Bayfield County AIS Project 2009 - 2010


Bayfield County is sponsoring an AIS project and position to implement their AIS Strategic Plan. The Plan details specific activities for each of the goals: education, prevention, monitoring, and control. Deliverables include: 1) A project report/assessment of Plan implementation activities and data collected, including the information in 2-8; 2) Examples of any educational/outreach materials developed, including newsletters, media articles, marketing tools, school curricula, etc; 3) Clean Boats Clean Waters data collection summary. Data collected should include those data required as part of the CBCW program and must be entered in the statewide database to be eligible for grant reimbursement; 4) Communication outreach lists and example letters; 5) AIS inventory (species, GPS locations, estimated infestation size), maps, and survey results; 6) Rapid response template; 7) Annual (town) landing inventory; 8) County-wide resource list, including lake contacts, monitors, volunteers, presentations, etc. Special Conditions: 1) Any new identification of an aquatic invasive species must be immediately reported to the Department; 2) The Department may provide standardized methods for AIS monitoring; 3) If a new AIS infestation is found, the AIS Coordinator and County may work with the respective lake/river group to develop a rapid response plan and/or an AIS plan that meets the requirements of NR 198.43. Aquatic Plant Management Plans for established infestations should use the Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance and meet the NR 198.43 requirements, as well, in order to be AIS control grant-eligible; 4) Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. This scope summarizes the scope/activities provided in the grant application and appended Bayfield County AIS Plan and does not supersede grant application and appended Plan specifics.

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