TOWN OF PRESQUE ISLE: Aquatic Plant Survey & Analysis of Plant Community Change Averill, Presque Isle, Van Vliet Lakes


Town of Presque Isle Lakes Committee is sponsoring a large scale lake planning grant to study Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake, in Vilas County. The Presque Isle Lake Association and Van Vliet Lake Association are project partners. The project will focus on updating Lake Management Plans (LMP) for Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake. Project activities include: 1) Gather and assess existing Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake information; 2) PI aquatic plant survey, community and substrate mapping and analysis; 3) CLMN water quality sampling; 4) Educational program \2013 meetings, newsletter articles, and press releases; 5) Watercraft inspections and AIS monitoring. Project deliverables include: 1) LMP; 2) PI and water quality data; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 4) Entered inspection data into SWIMS; 5) Aquatic plant vouchers; 6) Education materials. Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Department review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of LMP, PI and water quality data, a set of aquatic plant vouchers, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Averill Lake has a native aquatic plant community that was documented by a point-intercept aquatic plant survey. This plant community is essential to, and part of, a high quality aquatic ecosystem that benefits the human community with its recreational and aesthetic features. The purpose of this aquatic plant management plan is to maintain the aquatic plant community in its present high quality state.
Van Vliet Lake has a native aquatic plant community that was documented by a point-intercept aquatic plant survey. This plant community is essential to, and part of, a high quality aquatic ecosystem that benefits the human community with its recreational and aesthetic features. The purpose of this aquatic plant management plan is to maintain the aquatic plant community in its present high quality state while providing for reasonable human use.
Presque Isle Lake has a native aquatic plant community that was documented by a point-intercept aquatic plant survey. This plant community is essential to, and part of, a high quality aquatic ecosystem that benefits the human community with its recreational and aesthetic features. The purpose of this aquatic plant management plan is to maintain the aquatic plant community in its present high quality state.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Town of Presque Isle Lakes Committee is sponsoring a large scale lake planning grant to study Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake, in Vilas County. The Presque Isle Lake Association and Van Vliet Lake Association are project partners. The project will focus on updating Lake Management Plans (LMP) for Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake. Project activities include: 1) Gather and assess existing Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake information; 2) PI aquatic plant survey, community and substrate mapping and analysis; 3) CLMN water quality sampling; 4) Educational program \2013 meetings, newsletter articles, and press releases; 5) Watercraft inspections and AIS monitoring. Project deliverables include: 1) LMP; 2) PI and water quality data; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 4) Entered inspection data into SWIMS; 5) Aquatic plant vouchers; 6) Education materials.
Grant Awarded
Town of Presque Isle Lakes Committee is sponsoring a large scale lake planning grant to study Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake, in Vilas County. The Presque Isle Lake Association and Van Vliet Lake Association are project partners. The project will focus on updating Lake Management Plans (LMP) for Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake. Project activities include: 1) Gather and assess existing Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake information; 2) PI aquatic plant survey, community and substrate mapping and analysis; 3) CLMN water quality sampling; 4) Educational program \2013 meetings, newsletter articles, and press releases; 5) Watercraft inspections and AIS monitoring. Project deliverables include: 1) LMP; 2) PI and water quality data; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 4) Entered inspection data into SWIMS; 5) Aquatic plant vouchers; 6) Education materials.
Grant Awarded
Town of Presque Isle Lakes Committee is sponsoring a large scale lake planning grant to study Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake, in Vilas County. The Presque Isle Lake Association and Van Vliet Lake Association are project partners. The project will focus on updating Lake Management Plans (LMP) for Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake. Project activities include: 1) Gather and assess existing Averill, Presque Isle and Van Vliet Lake information; 2) PI aquatic plant survey, community and substrate mapping and analysis; 3) CLMN water quality sampling; 4) Educational program \2013 meetings, newsletter articles, and press releases; 5) Watercraft inspections and AIS monitoring. Project deliverables include: 1) LMP; 2) PI and water quality data; 3) Aquatic plant community and substrate maps; 4) Entered inspection data into SWIMS; 5) Aquatic plant vouchers; 6) Education materials.
Lakes Planning Grant
Lake Management Plan Development
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor Invasive Species
Information and Education
Informational Meetings
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Issue News/Media Release
Map Invasive Species