KENTUCK P & R DISTRICT: Kentuck Lake AIS Early Detection Response Project Phase 1


Kentuck Lake P&R District is sponsoring an Early Detection Response project focusing on surveying, monitoring, mapping, hand-pulling, and chemically treating the new discovery of EWM in Kentuck Lake, Vilas County. Project activities include: 1) Conduct annual spring pre-treatment, early-season AIS and peak-biomass surveys; 2) Conduct volunteer AIS and chemical concentration monitoring; 3) Control EWM by hand removal efforts and chemical treatments; 4) Develop annual maps and letter report. Project deliverables include: 1) EWM survey data and maps; 2) Annual letter report describing the findings of the pre-treatment survey, early-spring survey, peak-biomass survey, chemical treatments, hand-pulling efforts, and guidance for continued control actions. Specific conditions for this project: Annual letter report needs Department review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of letter reports, all maps, and all aquatic plant and GIS data.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Reports and Documents
Only small colonies of EWM. No herbicide control strategies proposed for 2015.
Signs point to successful treatment of EWM on Kentuck Lake in 2013. Post-treatment assessments found little EWM in treated areas. Monitoring for EWM will continue in 2014.
Kentuck Lake has an area of 957 acres, maximum depth of 40 ft, and a mean depth of 9.2 ft. On 3 June 2013, two areas (A-13 and B-13) totaling 17 acres (Figure 1) were treated with a liquid formulation of 2,4-D to control Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum). On 5 June 2013, one area (C-13) totaling 1.6 acres was treated with a granular formulation of 2,4-D to control Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum).
Activities & Recommendations
APM Chemical Permit Request
APM Mechanical Permit Request
Grant Awarded
Project Deliverable
Annual letter report describing the findings of the pre-treatment survey, early-spring survey, peak-biomass survey, chemical treatments, hand-pulling efforts, and guidance for continued control actions
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Pre and Post Treatment