TMDL/303d Projects
Implement TMDL
Rock River TMDL
Local Watershed Restoration Presentation at RRC Forum 2014
Assessment summary and recommendations for the UR13
EPA finds that the phosphorus and TSS TMDLs for the 62 impaired reaches, and three lakes, satisfy all of the elements of an approvable TMDL. This is for 101 TMDLs for TP and TSS.
TMDL Implementation
Rock River Recovery is the official name of the Rock River Watershed TMDL Implementation process. There are over 40 waterbodies in the basin that are on the 303(d) list of impaired waters. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) focuses on the waters that are impaired by excessive sediment and phosphorus.
TMDL Development
TMDL development for the Rock River Recovery (Rock River Watershed TMDL). This TMDL is inclusive of seven subwatersheds in the Rock River. There are over 40 waterbodies in the basin that are on the 303(d) list of impaired waters. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) focuses on the waters that are impaired by excessive sediment and phosphorus.
TMDL (USEPA) Approved
TMDL approval of the Rock River Recovery (Rock River Watershed TMDL). This TMDL is inclusive of seven subwatersheds in the Rock River Watershed. There are over 40 waterbodies in the basin that are on the 303(d) list of impaired waters. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) focuses on the waters that are impaired by excessive sediment and phosphorus.
TMDL Implementation
Rock River Recovery is the official name of the Rock River Basin TMDL Implementation process. Here you will find information to answer most questions about the Rock River TMDL including Development of TMDLs, TMDL Sector Teams, Implementation Planning, and Restoration Projects.