Upper Fox Pebble TWA, Waukesha County


This Clean Water Act Section 319-funded project evaluated the Upper Fox River Priority Watershed BMP effectiveness. Waukesha County Division of Land Conservation along with WDNR, DATCP and the Upper Fox River Advisory Committee created the Upper Fox priority watershed plan in 1994 as part of the Wisconsin Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program. Waukesha County Land Conservation Department worked with landowners over approximately a 10-year period to install various non point BMPs throughout the watershed. This project involves monitoring 25-30 sites on various streams that received BMP implementation to evaluate if a change in natural resources condition is evident. Where there is limited background information available, DNR used untreated reference reaches for analysis. Read the Upper Fox Pebble Targeted Watershed Assessment [print version]


This project will be evaluating a Clean Water Act Section 319 Nine Key Element Watershed. The watershed is Upper Fox River, it consists of 5 HUC 12's (071200060101-105) they range in size from 10953 acres to 30781 acres. Major Waterbodies in the watershed include: Pebble Creek, Brandy Brook, Sussex Creek, Lannon Creek, Pewaukee River, Zion Creek, Coco Creek, Deer Creek Poplar Creek Frame Park Creek and the Fox River. I will be choosing 3-4 HUC 12's after evaluating locations of BMP's installed on the landscape over the years. The number of fish stations for IBI's will be 25-30, the number of macroinvertebrate sites will be 12, number of DNI samples will be 3, number of qualitative habitat sites will be 25-30. Water chemistry samples will be collected at 28 sites including of 3 sites at 6 monthly samples.


Project will focus on determining Priority Watershed Effectiveness. Prior to 1994, Department staff conducted the monitoring of Nonpoint source control plan for the Upper Fox River Priority Watershed Project This was a large scale priority watershed project focusing on NPS control. Report will be generated summarizing our findings and determining if water quality has changed.

Study Design

Fish IBI surveys: (COLD, WARM, and COOL) will be completed at 25-30 stations May 15 through Sept 15. Data entered into the statewide FH database. Macroinvertebrate samples: will be collected at 12 locations, these will be collected during the fall period Sept 15 through Oct 31,2015. Diatoms: will be collected at 3 locations during the summer of 2015. Protocols will be consistent with those outlined by ISS. Qualitative Habitat Surveys: will be collected at 25-30 locations to be completed the same day as the fishery surveys. Water Chemistry Samples: will be collected at several stations.

Related Reports

Run Project Summary Report
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Targeted Watershed Approach
Effectiveness (BMP, Other)
Reports and Documents
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed.
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
This is a proposed 319 funded project is to evaluate the Upper Fox River Priority Watershed BMP effectiveness.
Water Quality Planning
This is a proposed 319 funded project is to evaluate the Upper Fox River Priority Watershed BMP effectiveness.