Wolf Creek TWA WQM Plan, 2017


The Wolf Creek watershed is a 15.71 square mile, HUC-12 sub-watershed that lies in the Wausaukee and Lower Menomonee River watershed in Marinette County. Soils and topography in the Wolf Creek sub-watershed are unique in that the entire area is fairly isolated with glacial deposits forming distinctive breaks in the upper watershed surrounding the lakes and then dropping into poorly drained organic soils immediately adjacent to the lakes and streams. Wetlands are extensive throughout the watershed along the stream and lake corridors with minimal fragmentation. Read the Wolf Creek TWA WQ Plan.


Wolf Creek was selected for evaluation monitoring in 2014. Based on current surveys, it would appear water quality of the streams in the Wolf Creek watershed, are in overall good to excellent condition. Current land use practices in the region do not appear to be causing adverse impacts to water quality conditions. Total Phosphorous concentrations at the pour point would suggest that nutrients are in balance and excess phosphorous is not a problem.

Study Design

Water quality monitoring was conducted at 6 wadeable sites throughout the watershed in the spring, summer, and fall of 2014. During each field visit, basic water quality parameters including air temperature, water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen percent, pH, flow, and water clarity were collected. Total Phosphorous samples were collected by a citizen volunteer once per month throughout the growing season from May-October. A continuous temperature HOBO was installed at this site and collected continuous water temperature reading between May-October.

Related Reports

Run Project Summary Report
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Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
Reports and Documents
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed. Wolf Creek TWA WQ Plan 2017 Draft Final Report GB13
Wolf Creek TWA WQM Plan 2017 [GB13] Presentation
Wolf Creek TWA 2014 Project (613900) Wolf River photo by Andrew Hudak
This Targeted Watershed Assessment (TWA) will address needs for baseline water quality monitoring of the Wolf Creek Watershed. In 2014, Water Action Volunteers stream monitors were asked to assist in the monitoring process by collecting water samples. The TWA will hopefully provide enough information in order to evaluate the watershed for total phosphorus levels, update water body assessment status (i.e. future monitoring for 303(d)), make management recommendations, and update water body and watershed narratives in WATERS.
Wolf Creek-2 (613900) photo by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek 4 - small
Wolf Creek photo 4 (613900) by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek TWA 2014 (613900) Fish photo by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek TWA 2014 (613900) Fish2 photo by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek TWA 2014 (613900) Fish3 photo by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek-1 (613900)photo by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek Headwaters (613900) photo by Andrew Hudak
Wolf Creek-3 (613900) photo by Andrew Hudak
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor and/or Protect Groundwater, Sourcewater
Site selection for new septic systems should be conducted with care on suitable sites where poor filtration or high groundwater tables are not present.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Protection of riparian corridors and streams and the landscape of streams and lakes is a highpriority.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Land divisions and new development in the riparian areas of lakes and streams should be conducted only after careful consideration of how to reduce impacts such as short and long-term erosion.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Proper site placement and planning to protect shoreline cutting and clearing for home development is needed.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Land managers should follow and promote the use of forestry best management practices to protect water quality.
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Wolf Creek TWA [HUC12] 2014
Natural Community Review or Change
Wolf Creek upstream of Keating Road is modeled as a cool warm headwater natural community; recent data indicates this is a warm mainstem stream.
Natural Community Review or Change
Wolf Creek at Island Lake Road is modeled as a cool warm headwater natural community; recent data indicates this is a warm headwater stream.
Natural Community Review or Change
Wolf Creek at Narragon Road is modeled as a cool warm headwater natural community; based on recent data this is a warm mainstem stream.
Natural Community Review or Change
Wolf Creek downstream of Lubke Road is modeled as a cool warm mainstem natural community; based on recent data this is a warm mainstem stream.
Natural Community Review or Change
Wolf Creek downstream of Pike River Road is modeled as a cool warm mainstem natural community; recent data indicates this is a warm mainstem stream.
Natural Community Review or Change
Wolf Creek downstream of Lubke Road is modeled as a cool warm mainstem natural community; based on recent data this is a warm mainstem stream.