Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
Recruit Citizen-Based Stream Monitors to assist with on-going Watershed monitoring.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Water quality biologists should continue to monitor Oak Creek and tributaries in order to document existing conditions and capture the potential improvements from BMP installations.
TMDL Monitoring
Review wastewater and stormwater discharges in the watershed for compliance.
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
Continue to support Citizen Based Monitoring volunteer efforts to track total phosphorus and chloride in Oak Creek and tributaries.
Water Quality Planning
Oak Creek-Frontal Lake Michigan TWA WQM Plan (2017)
Runoff Grant - Urban Nonpoint Source & Stormwater Management - Construction
Based on the results of the phosphorus and chlorides investigation/surveys, investigate / pursue local runoff management and river/stream grants to help initiate management actions that reduce inputs of these pollutants into water resources.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Biological, chemical, and physical assessment of Oak Creek in support of development of a Watershed Plan.
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Oak Creek-Frontal Lake Michigan TWA WQM Plan 2017 Final Draft
Water Quality Planning
Watershed specified for planning and assessment purposes. Assessment of water quality condition in this respective county will use protocols described in WisCALM of the year of assessment.
Best Management Practices, Implement
The watershed communities should continue effective implementation of their stormwater programs. Continue information and education programs within the municipalities bordering Oak Creek and tributaries. Facilitate and provide incentives for increased management by private landowners, organizations, businesses, municipalities and agencies to monitor and control the invasion of non-native species in the watershed. Restore and manage wetlands, woodlands, and shorelands in the watershed. Continue to promote stream bank buffers along Oak Creek and tributaries, including lowering stream banks to increase hydraulic connectivity to wetlands. DNR and community partners should continue to work on and promote habitat improvement projects on Oak Creek and tributaries, including pursuing the removal of concrete channels where appropriate. Additionally, where land and partners are available, pursue re-meandering straightened sections of Oak Creek and tributaries.
Monitor and/or Protect Groundwater, Sourcewater
Encourage all communities within the Watershed to continue construction site erosion and stormwater management ordinance enforcement to minimize polluted runoff in developed areas.
Fish Management, Access
Continue to expand fishing opportunities within the Watershed and remove fish passage impediments including drop structures, channel blocking woody debris, and beaver dams where documented and appropriate.
Map Invasive Species
Map invasive species.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Minimize runoff from agricultural areas in the watershed. Goals should include reducing soil erosion, runoff, and meeting nutrient management requirements. Stream bank buffers should be encouraged, as well as relaxing the slope of existing entrenched stream banks.
Best Management Practices, Implement
Federal, state, local governments, and the agricultural community should continue working to improve water quality by decreasing sedimentation, nutrient loads, chloride addition, and stormwater runoff to Oak Creek and tributaries.
Water Quality Planning
Provide input and support for the on-going development of the �Restoration Plan for the Oak Creek Watershed� which is currently being drafted by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission with support from the surrounding communities and the Fund For Lake Michigan.
Natural Community Review or Change
Oak Creek at Ryan Road was modeled as a cool-cold transition headwater, and should be changed to a cool-warm transition headwater.