Monitor Targeted Area
Water quality biologists should complete stream monitoring special project and assessments for Sucker Creek and Sauk Creek.
Restore Riparian Habitat
The City of Port Washington proposes to improve the stream habitat and fish passage at the mouth of Sauk Creek and Mineral Springs Creek. This phase of the project would include the planning and design work to remove a concrete weir and nearby seawalls on the south side of Sauk Creek and the smaller tributary. The project area is the lower 435 feet of Sauk Creek and the lower 120 feet of Mineral Springs Creek. Details include developing a preliminary grading plan that identifies feasible utility routes and identifies design challenges relative to planned creek improvements, completing feasibility study of weir removal, including final design plans, and providing preliminary design plans for stream restoration. Deliverables will include a preliminary grading plan of the south bank of Sauk Creek, feasibility study and final design plans for weir removal and preliminary design plans (60% completion) for stream restoration.
Restore Wetlands
Restore Wetlands in the Sauk Creek Watershed.
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Conduct HUC 12 level monitoring on Sauk Creek and unnamed tributaries in Ozaukee County. [40301011204]
Restore Riparian Habitat
Fisheries and water quality staff should continue to work with external partners on habitat improvement projects on Sauk Creek.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
The Sheboygan River Basin staff supports and should assist Ozaukee County Land Conservation Department in obtaining stream bank buffers along all of the streams in the county.
Monitor Watershed (Status,Sources,Impairments)
Water quality biologists should continue working with the communities, Ozaukee Land Conservation Department, agricultural community and others to improve the water quality by decreasing sediment runoff, nutrient loads, and stormwater runoff to Sauk & Sucker Creeks.
Restore Wetlands
Restore and manage key wetlands, woodlands, and shorelands in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed
Monitor Invasive Species
Facilitate and provide incentives for increased management by private landowners, organizations, businesses, municipalities and agencies to monitor and control the invasion by non-native species in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed.
Runoff Grant
Minimize polluted runoff from agricultural areas in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed. Because funding for farm conservation practices is limited, these resources should be directed to the highest priority runoff areas first. Goals should include reducing soil erosion, controlling animal waste runoff, and meeting nutrient management requirements.
Ordinance Development or Implementation
The City of Port Washington and the county should continue implementation of its stormwater program and provide updates on key milestones and performance goals if that data is available. 14
Best Management Practices, Implement
DNR should continue to work with partners to gather ambient data on sediment, biology and phosphorus to monitor the effectiveness of best management practices as they are implemented throughout the watershed for the restoration of Sauk Creek (49500).
Ordinance Development or Implementation
The Department should work with local entities to inventory and improve construction site erosion and stormwater management ordinances that minimize runoff from agricultural and developed areas.
Information and Education
Increase awareness, understanding and participation in watershed stewardship in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed.
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Ozaukee County should continue effective implementation of its stormwater program.
Fish Management, Access
Improve fish passage in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed.
Map Invasive Species
Determine the extent and distribution of invasive plant species in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed.
Permit Compliance Inventory
Review wastewater and stormwater discharges in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed for compliance.
Monitor Targeted Area
Water quality biologists should conduct stream assessments on all of the tributaries to Sucker Creek and Sauk Creek.
Monitor Targeted Area
The water quality biologists should conduct stream assessments on the tributaries to Lake Michigan within the Sauk & Sucker Creeks Watershed.
Monitor Watershed (Status,Sources,Impairments)
Water quality biologists should continue to assist Ozaukee County in identifying drain tile connections from septic systems and milk-house wastes to surface waters in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed and facilitate the corrections.
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
Water quality biologists should work with the local schools and interest groups to establish volunteer monitoring in the Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed.
Runoff Grant
Sauk and Sucker Creeks Watershed should continue to be considered as a high priority for selection of nonpoint source management projects and funding.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
The Department should assist and encourage the City of Port Washington to adopt a stormwater management ordinance for water quantity and quality including a snow disposal policy.