VILAS COUNTY: LCO-Vilas County Monitoring & Healthy Lakes Program
Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Dept is sponsoring a lake protection grant to monitor lakes and begin healthy lakes projects in Vilas County.
Project activities include: 1) Perform 6 Directed Lakes surveys (PI, water quality, AIS, and shoreland); 2) Initiate 3 healthy lakes programs; 3) Assist regional DNR in accomplishing work plan objectives; 4) Support and attend activities of the WI Lakes Partnership; 5) Provide technical assistance; 6) Hire LTE Lakes Monitoring Technician and fund part of the FTE Lakes Specialist; 7) Develop annual and final report.
Project deliverables include: 1) Directed Lakes data and maps; 2) Healthy Lakes projects; 3) FTE and LTE Lakes Specialists; 4) Annual and final report.
Specific conditions for this project: Draft of annual and final report need Dept review and approval.
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of annual report, final report, directed lakes data, all maps from project, and all GIS data.
Project Type
Lake Protection Grant
Project ID
Year Started
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved