a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

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Location: Lakes With: Lake Name:
Page 1 of 21
Lake NameCountySize (Acres)
Aabajijiwang Flowage Price84
Anderson Lake Price3
Axels Lake Price15
Bass Lake Price93
Bass Lake Price20
Bass Lake Price18
Bass Lake Price84
Bass Lake Price57
Bear Lake Price8
Beaver Creek Flowage Price4
Beaver Lake Price14
Beaverdam Lake Price0.95
Bergeson Lake Price24
Betsy Creek Springs Price0.28
Betsy Lake Price5
Big Briens Lake Price31
Big Dardis Lake Price140
Big Pine Lake Iron, Price642
Blockhouse Lake Price241
Buckman Lake Price34
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