a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

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Location: Lakes With: Lake Name:
Page 1 of 3
Lake NameCountySize (Acres)
Fairchild Pond Eau Claire17
Fairwater Pond Fond du Lac6
Fall Creek Pond Eau Claire15
Falstead Spring Marathon0.16
Fanny Lake Oconto17
Far Lake Oconto4
Farr Lake Oconto12
Fawn Lake Adams17
Fence Lake Marinette17
Fenner Lake Marquette, Adams41
Fenrich Springs Waushara1
Fenske Lake Manitowoc4
Fiddle Lake Waushara2
Field Veterans Memorial Lake Vernon43
Finley Lake Chippewa58
Finnegan Lake Marinette6
Finnegan Lake Oconto25
First Lake Portage13
First Lake Trempealeau17
First Lake Oconto7
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