BIG MUSKEGO/BASS BAY P & R DISTRICT: LMI-DF-Lake Drawdown Diagnostic Feasibility Study


The Big Muskego/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to conduct an extensive water quality and aquatic plant diagnostic feasibility examination of the proposed drawdown and fish eradication at Big Muskego Lake. Project activities include determining rates of nitrogen and phosphorous release from sediments, analyzing sediment cores to determine moisture content, density, organic matter, total sediment nitrogen and phohphorous, porewater nitrogen and phosphorous, extractable phosphorous, and exchangeable sediment nitrogen, and evaluating changes in the distribution, abundance, and species composistion of aquatic macrophytes from aerial photography and field survey work before and after drawdown. This agreement covers the costs of the activities listed in the application as scheduled to be performed during 1995. The US Army Corps of Engineers will provide 50% cost share assistance in match to finance the study.

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The Big Muskego/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to conduct an extensive water quality and aquatic plant diagnostic feasibility examination of the proposed drawdown and fish eradication at Big Muskego Lake. Project activities include determining rates of nitrogen and phosphorous release from sediments, analyzing sediment cores to determine moisture content, density, organic matter, total sediment nitrogen and phohphorous, porewater nitrogen and phosphorous, extractable phosphorous, and exchangeable sediment nitrogen, and evaluating changes in the distribution, abundance, and species composistion of aquatic macrophytes from aerial photography and field survey work before and after drawdown. This agreement covers the costs of the activities listed in the application as scheduled to be performed during 1995. The US Army Corps of Engineers will provide 50% cost share assistance in match to finance the study.
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
The Big Muskego/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District conduced an extensive water quality and aquatic plant diagnostic feasibility examination of the drawdown and fish eradication at Big Muskego Lake. Project activities include determining rates of nitrogen and phosphorous release from sediments, analyzing sediment cores to determine moisture content, density, organic matter, total sediment nitrogen and phosphorous, porewater nitrogen and phosphorous, extractable phosphorous, and exchangeable sediment nitrogen, and evaluating changes in the distribution, abundance, and species composistion of aquatic macrophytes from aerial photography and field survey work before and after drawdown.