Watershed - Root River (SE03)
Root River Watershed


The Root River Watershed is located in portions of Waukesha, Milwaukee, and Racine counties and drains almost two-thirds of the entire Root-Pike River Basin (198 square miles). Nine sub-watersheds contribute flow: the Upper Root, Whitnall Park Creek, East Branch, Lower Root, Middle Root, Root River Canal, West Branch Root River Canal, East Branch Root River Canal, and Hoods Creek. There are a total of 117 miles of rivers and streams in the Root River watershed. The headwaters begin in west central Milwaukee and eastern Waukesha counties. From there, the river flows southeast, picking up contribution from eight sub-watersheds, and ultimately emptying into Lake Michigan in the City of Racine. Each sub-watershed serves a different land use. The Upper Root is heavily urbanized. Whitnall Park Creek and the East Branch drainage areas are changing from mixed residential/agriculture to strictly residential as Milwaukee County is further developed. The Root River Canal system, the Middle Branch of the Root, and Hoods Creek primarily drain agricultural land. The Root River Watershed ranges from heavily urbanized at the headwaters and mouth, to agricultural use in the middle drainage area, and back to urban near the City of Kenosha. All told, agricultural use dominates land usage, at 49 percent, followed by grassland at 16 percent. Urban land uses cover about 14 percent of the land area. The remaining land uses consist of five percent wetland, and five percent barren and shrubland. Twelve named lakes are found in this watershed ranging in size from 20 acres (Quarry Lake) to one acre (Boerner Botanical Garden Pond #2). The majority of lakes within the Watershed are part of the Milwaukee County Park system.

Date  2002

Population, Land Use

Municipalities within the Watershed include: the Cities of Franklin, Greenfield, Milwaukee, Oak Creek, West Allis, Racine, New Berlin, and Muskego; the Towns of Paris Caledonia, Dover, Mt. Pleasant, Raymond, and Yorkville; and the Villages of Greendale, Hales Corners, and Union Grove.

Date  2002

Ecological Landscapes for Root River Watershed

Ecological Landscapes

The Root River watershed is located primarily in the Southern Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape which is located in the southeastern corner of Wisconsin along Lake Michigan. The landforms in this Ecological Landscape are characteristic of glacial lake influence, with ridge and swale topography, clay bluffs, and lake plain along Lake Michigan. Further inland, ground moraine is the dominant landform. Soils typically have a silt-loam surface overlying loamy and clayey tills. The historic vegetation in the northern part of this Ecological Landscape was dominated by sugar maple-basswood-beech forests with some oak while the southern part was dominated by oak forest, oak savanna and prairies. Wet, wet-mesic, and lake plain prairies were common in this area. Black ash and relict cedar and tamarack swamps were found in this Ecological Landscape. Today, most of the area is dominated by dairy and cash grain agriculture and intense urban development. Only about 8% of the Ecological Landscape is forested. Maple-beech forests are about half of the remaining forest types with the remainder split equally between oak-hickory and lowland hardwood forest types. There are some areas of wet-mesic and wet prairie but only small preserves remain since the landscape is heavily disturbed and fragmented. Because of this isolation, fragmentation, and high level of disturbance, non-native plants are abundant.

Date  2010


The fish species found in the Root River Watershed reflect the range of water quality found amongst the different watersheds. At the mouth of the Root River upstream to the Horlick Dam, seasonal runs of stocked Chinook salmon, coho salmon, brown trout and rainbow trout (steelhead) present a challenging fishery. Other sport fish are caught upstream, including northern pike and largemouth bass. The forage fish population is equally diverse, and includes the common shiner, blackside darter, bluntnose minnow, black bullhead, brook stickleback, and johnny darter. And as may be expected, pollution tolerant fish species like the common carp, fathead minnow, central mudminnow, creek chub, white sucker, and green sunfish are also present in the Root River Watershed.

Date  2002

Root River Watershed At-a-Glance

Impaired Water in Root River Watershed
River and Stream QualityAll Waters in Watershed

The water quality of the 117 miles of rivers and streams in the Root River Watershed ranges from severely degraded to good. Fifty-nine miles of perennial streams (50%) are currently supporting a Warm Water Sport Fish community. Eighteen miles (15%) support a WarmWater Forage Fish community. Eighteen miles (15%) of streams in the basin support a Limited Forage Fish community. One four mile stretch of stream, the East Branch, is considered Limited Aquatic Life (due for a classification revision). Twenty-eight miles of streams in the Root River Watershed are listed on the state’s impaired waters (303(d)) list. These streams include the Root River from the Racine Harbor, upstream to Horlick Dam, the West Branch of the Root River Canal, the Root River Canal, and 12 miles of the Root River mainstem.

Date  2002

Watershed Trout Streams
Watershed Outstanding & Exceptional Resources

Lakes and Impoundments

Impaired Waters

List of Impaired Waters
Watershed Documents
Watershed Grants
Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Hoods Creek

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Lake Michigan

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Lockwood Park Pond

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
North Branch Pike River

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Pritchard Park Pond

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Reservoir Park Pond

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved
Root River

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Waters Involved

City Of Racine: City Of Racine- Hairy Willow Control: The City of Racine will contract to remove a well established Hairy Willow Herb population in Carre-Hogle Memorial Park. The project is located in a highly disturbed shoreland wetland. The project involves cutting the Hairy Willow Herb and spraying the cut stems with glyphosate. The contractor will also search for Hairy Willow Herb in the adjacent city parks (Meyer and Simonson). The project deliverables will be a report that summarizes and evaluates the treatment along with photos of the site after treatment. The report will also relay the results of searching for Hairy Willow Herb in Meyer and Simmons parks.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved

Hales Corners: Village Of Hales Corners 2018 Cbcw: Village of Hales Corners is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on UPPER KELLY LAKE.

Grant Details
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Waters Involved
Upper Kelly Lake

Hales Corners: Village Of Hales Corners 2018 Cbcw: Village of Hales Corners is sponsoring a Clean Boats Clean Waters project in 2018 at 1 single public boat landings and 0 public boat landing pairs on UPPER KELLY LAKE.

Grant Details
Toxics and Areas of Concern
Waters Involved
Kinnickinnic River

Develop Multiple Tmdls For The Kinnickinnic River Watershed: The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District proposes to develop third-party pathogen, phosphorus, and sediment TMDLs for the Kinnickinnic River Watershed in Southeastern Wisconsin. Additionally, Cladophora algae blooms and increased beach closings have been shown to have a direct relationship to polluted stormwater runoff. The TMDLs will result in pollutant load and wasteload allocations that must be met to meet water quality standards and targets and in implementation plans that will identify the steps needed to achieve the load and wasteload allocations.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Bark River

City Of Delafield: Hlk-Graham Street & Misc Private Property Hl Bmps: The City of Delafield will implement best practices described in Wisconsin\2019s 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan on Nagawicka Lake. Practices include: 350 ft2 native plantings, rain gardens, and diversion practices on 3 properties, including the City\2019s Graham Street demonstration site.
The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data collection as described in grant condition #17. If best practice(s) are implemented on land owned by the grant Sponsor, this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If best practice(s) are implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner that abides by grant condition #16 is required.
The Department may require re-payment of project installation costs if the best practice is disturbed or removed. The Sponsor and/or the Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables: Best practice location and design information, if not included in the application; signed 10-year landowner contract; pre and post project installation photographs; summary of education activities and publicity/promotion of Healthy Lakes initiative, if applicable.
Special conditions: The state share of each best practice cannot exceed $1,000. The state share of grant administration and technical assistance costs may not exceed 10% of the grant award; technical assistance does not include implementation labor. Funding cannot be used for mitigation or regulatory compliance activities. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. The Healthy Lakes logo should be used for promotion and publicity, and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Big Muskego Lake

Big Muskego/Bass Bay P & R District: Lmi-Df-Lake Drawdown Diagnostic Feasibility Study: The Big Muskego/Bass Bay Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to conduct an extensive water quality and aquatic plant diagnostic feasibility examination of the proposed drawdown and fish eradication at Big Muskego Lake. Project activities include determining rates of nitrogen and phosphorous release from sediments, analyzing sediment cores to determine moisture content, density, organic matter, total sediment nitrogen and phohphorous, porewater nitrogen and phosphorous, extractable phosphorous, and exchangeable sediment nitrogen, and evaluating changes in the distribution, abundance, and species composistion of aquatic macrophytes from aerial photography and field survey work before and after drawdown. This agreement covers the costs of the activities listed in the application as scheduled to be performed during 1995. The US Army Corps of Engineers will provide 50% cost share assistance in match to finance the study.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Camp Lake

Camp & Center Lakes Rehabilitation District: Res-Camp And Center Lake Bmps, Shoreline Restoration: Camp and Center P & R District intends to install a number of shoreland stabilizations measures on multiple properties on both Camp and Center lakes. The District also intends to install a number of BMP's on multiple properties draining to Camp and Center Lakes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Eagle Spring Lake Management District: Lmi-Df-Mukwonago River Watershed Feasibiliy Study-Eagle: Studies and Surveys to correct and improve the Watershed conditions. Consultant will see if a draw down stradegy will work. This is to update manangement plan, recommendations to residents, and hold public meetings.

The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report.

Scope change: Additional sediment samples deemed necessary to provide information for report. Labor for sampling will be included in this grant with no cost increase to grant total or SLOH testing.

Scope change: Under budget for fish assessment, seed bank study, mussel survey, and aquatic plant survey so using it for part of a reimbursement on the Wetland Vegetation survey. This survey was in the Feasibility Study which was already submitted. There is a slight cost increase which will be funded by local funds.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Henrietta Lake

Waukesha County Land Conservancy: Acq-Wilson Parcel - Lily Lake: The Waukesha Land Conservancy wishes to purchase 60 acres of land in the SW corner of Waukesha County. Two lakes (Henrietta and Waterville) lie within 750 feet of the property and the parcel contains a 3.2 acre lake, named Lily Lake. The property is also adjacent to Scuppernong Creek. The parcel contains deep marsh, a bog and sedge meadow and is listed as Class 1 Wildlife Habitat. The Waukesha Land Conservancy will provide an area for canoe access and parking. The parcel is listed as a NA-2 by SEWRPC. The landowner is donating $55,000 of value and accepting an offer less than the certified value.
AMENDMENT: The Waukesha Land Conservancy will purchase a total of 60.68 acres, and the project also includes a 40 foot-wide easement and 35 foot-wide building setback extending around the edge of the property acquired and the eastern edge of the wetland complex for the purpose of protecting the wetland and the lake (see project file for legal description).

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lac La Belle

Lac La Belle Environmental Foundation: Acq-Lac La Belle Saeger Creek- Kolesar Acquisition: The Lac La Belle Environmental Foundation will acquire one acre of land on Lake Lac La Belle in Waukesha County for the protection and improvement of the water quality of the lake.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Lac La Belle

Village Of Lac La Belle: Acq- Canceled Lac La Belle Stream Corridor Easement: The Village of Lac La Belle will purchase conservation easements on three Alan Runyard properties in an effort to reduce sediment and phosphorus that flow into Lac La Belle through the Golf Course Stream on the north side of the lake by implementation of best management practices. BMPs include buffer strips planted with native vegetation, clearing of invasive species, and stream bank stabilization. Two properties will have a 75\2019 conservation easement on the east side of the property, along the west bank of the Golf Course Stream. A third conservation easement will be for the construction of a 2.2 acre water quality basin that will intercept runoff and allow pollutants to be removed through settling.

The conservation easements will be held in perpetuity by the Village of Lac La Belle, the grant application sponsor.

The site will be maintained by the easement holder (Village of Lac La Belle) or its designee. Public access is not part of the easement agreement, but as the easement holder, the Village will have the right to enter, construct, install, inspect, operate, maintain, replace and repair landscape and drainage features or improvements within the easement area. The Village will also retain the right to add or remove soils and/or vegetation within the easement.

Special conditions for submittal of recorded easement, canceled checks for purchase of easement and other eligible associated acquisition costs, and other documents will be detailed in the grant contract. Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Muskego Lake

Little Muskego Lake P & R District: Acq-Little Muskego Lake Land Acquisition - Bohn Property: The Little Muskego Lake P & R District will acquire 8.8 acres located in the SW 1/4 of Section 33 in the City of New Berlin, as part of the Little Muskego Lake Community's plan to purchase, reclaim, restore and preserve approximately 12 miles of stream corridor tributary to Little Muskego Lake. The property includes a segment of Calhoun Creek, wooded floodplain, wetlands, and uplands. Long term goals for this property include maintaining it in its present natural condition. Activities that will be considered for implementation per the property's land management plan include establishment of a prairie on the uplands, construction and placement of wood duck houses, developing a fish habitat improvement plan, and planning and construction of a stable formal trail system within the parcel.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Muskego Lake

Little Muskego Lake P & R District: Acq-Little Muskego Lake P & Rd - Rathke Acquisition: The Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District will acquire 20.57 acres in Waukesha County.The property contains an intermittent stream and wetlands including an emergent wet meadow with thick stand of cattails. Educational benefits of this property will include a formal trail system and educational study station.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Little Muskego Lake

City Of Muskego: Res-Little Muskego- Holz Island Restoration: The City of Muskego will install a number of shoreline restoration best management practices on Holz Island, located on Little Muskego Lake. These include vegetated rip rap, coconut logs, tree drops, emergent shoreline plantings and prairie plantings. Existing invasive plant species on the island will be cleared and eradicated to the extent possible. Quantities, lengths and methods have been outlined in the grant application. The project deliverables include implementation of the grant application as well as a short report detailing accomplishments, hours spent, materials placed and a picture essay. The picture essay should include before, during and after pictures. Two paper and one electronic copy of the report should be submitted.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Muskego Creek

City Of Muskego: Res-Little Muskego- Holz Island Restoration: The City of Muskego will install a number of shoreline restoration best management practices on Holz Island, located on Little Muskego Lake. These include vegetated rip rap, coconut logs, tree drops, emergent shoreline plantings and prairie plantings. Existing invasive plant species on the island will be cleared and eradicated to the extent possible. Quantities, lengths and methods have been outlined in the grant application. The project deliverables include implementation of the grant application as well as a short report detailing accomplishments, hours spent, materials placed and a picture essay. The picture essay should include before, during and after pictures. Two paper and one electronic copy of the report should be submitted.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nagawicka Lake

City Of Delafield: Acq-Nagawicka Lake-St. Johns Park Acquisition: The City of Delafield will acquire approximately .61 acres of land on the western border of Nagawicka Lake for lake protection and public outdoor recreation purposes. Eligible costs include acquisition of the parcel, appraisal fee and preparation of an environmental assessment

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nagawicka Lake

Waukesha County Land Conservancy: Acq-Nagawicka Lake Land Acquisition-R&M Investments Property: The Waukesha Land Conservancy proposes to acquire 12.4 acres of land, including 411 feet of shoreline, situated on nagawicka Lake in the Village of Nashota, WUkesha County for lake protection purposes. The property includes approxi 5 acres of upland and 7 acres of wetland that is part of a larger Tamarack Bog. The primary goals of the property's land management plan are to maintain and enhance the natural state of the property, to control non-native and non-bog species, and to allow public access for recreational uses such as hiking, nature appreciation, and for educational purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nagawicka Lake

Waukesha County Land Conservancy: Acq-Nagawicka Lake Bog - Parcel 3 Acquisition: The Waukesha Land Conservancy will acquire 2.85 acres of land on Nagawicka Lake for lake protection purposes.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nagawicka Lake

City Of Delafield: Lmi-Df-Diagnostic Feasibility Study For Nagawicka: Diagnostic and feasibility study for Nagawicka Lake to improve and enhance the water quality of the Lake. There will be a final design for the wet detention basins based on the preferred design alternatives selected by the City of Delafield and the DNR. There will be at least 6 formal meetings or presentations in addition to the public information meetings anticipated. The details for the study and final design are described in the project description.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Nagawicka Lake

City Of Delafield: Hlk-Graham Street & Misc Private Property Hl Bmps: The City of Delafield will implement best practices described in Wisconsin\2019s 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan on Nagawicka Lake. Practices include: 350 ft2 native plantings, rain gardens, and diversion practices on 3 properties, including the City\2019s Graham Street demonstration site.
The best practices require a contract to remain in effect for 10 years and must include minimum operation and maintenance requirements and data collection as described in grant condition #17. If best practice(s) are implemented on land owned by the grant Sponsor, this Lake Protection Grant Agreement serves as the contract. If best practice(s) are implemented on land other than the sponsor\2019s, a contract between the sponsor and landowner that abides by grant condition #16 is required.
The Department may require re-payment of project installation costs if the best practice is disturbed or removed. The Sponsor and/or the Department may perform site inspections and/or monitoring to ensure project success.
Deliverables: Best practice location and design information, if not included in the application; signed 10-year landowner contract; pre and post project installation photographs; summary of education activities and publicity/promotion of Healthy Lakes initiative, if applicable.
Special conditions: The state share of each best practice cannot exceed $1,000. The state share of grant administration and technical assistance costs may not exceed 10% of the grant award; technical assistance does not include implementation labor. Funding cannot be used for mitigation or regulatory compliance activities. Water regulation and/or county zoning permits must be issued before construction. The Healthy Lakes logo should be used for promotion and publicity, and DNR recognized as a funding source.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pewaukee Lake

Waukesha County: Acq-Pewaukee Lake Ryan Park Acquisition - Glass Property: The Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission will acquire 86.6 acres of land for lake protection. The preservation of this parcel for open space and passive park use. Eligible costs include acquisition of the parcel, appraisal fee and preparation of an environmental assessment.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pewaukee Lake

Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District: Acq-Land Acquisition For Gluth Property: The Pewaukee Lake Sanitary District (PLSD) will use this grant to pay for the recent purchase of the Gluth property, located in the City of Pewaukee. The parcel is 30.67acres, including 26 acres of wetland and 4.67acres of upland woods and prairie. The parcel is primarily located in the shoreland zone of Pewaukee Lake. A tributary to Pewaukee Lake runs through a portion of the parcel. The PLSD will manage the invasive species (primarily buckthorn) through yearly cutting and herbicide treatment. The prairie will be expanded by mowing and seeding. The prairie will also be maintained by periodic controlled burns. The parcel will be used as an educational classroom by the local school district. Posts will be installed on the perimeter of the property to prevent filling of wetlands by adjacent landowners. A trail will be maintained on the property for controlled access. The PLSD hopes to install habitat improvements on the Pewaukee Lake Tributary to improve northern pike spawning. All maintenance and improvement activities will be the responsibility of the PLSD in accordance with the submitted Land Management Plan, dated December 3, 2012.

Exact details for all deliverables are described in the project description of grant application.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Pewaukee Lake

Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District: Acq-Lake Pewaukee Sd Property Acquisition: The Pewaukee Lake Sanitary District (PLSD) will use this grant to pay for part of the purchase of the Ogden property, located in the Town of Pewaukee. The parcel is 56 acres, including 50 acres of wetland and 6 acres of upland. The site is about a mile upstream of Pewaukee Lake. It contains a spring fed pond and has a class \201CA\201D trout stream, Coldwater Creek running along its southern border. Coldwater Creek flows about a half mile to Coco Creek, which then flow a half mile to Pewaukee Lake. The parcel borders other PLSD lands under protection.

The PLSD will manage an invasive species, buckthorn through yearly removal or cutting, with the goal to remove a minimum of \00BC acre per year. A prairie on the parcel will be maintained by periodic controlled burns at least once every 3 years. The parcel will be used as an educational classroom by the local school district, the Pewaukee River Partnership and the Pewaukee Women\2019s Club. A new wetland delineation will be completed within the first year of ownership. The District will install an asphalt or concrete pad in the upland \201Cbuildable area\201D on the northeast corner of the property to provide for recycling/composting of aquatic plants harvested from Lake Pewaukee. Permanent posts will be placed every 100 feet along the wetland on the edge of the \201Cbuildable \201Carea\201D by the composting site.

A barn will be removed within the first year and a house will be removed within 2 years of PLSD ownership. A small existing garage will remain on site for storage of machinery and tools.

All maintenance and improvement activities will be the responsibility of the PLSD in accordance with the revised Land Management Plan, dated December 31, 2013.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Powers Lake

Powers Lake Protection And Rehab. District: Acq-Wetland Acquisition-Powers Lake: This wetland acquisition project includes the following: 1)Acquire through fee simple purchase wetlands reparian to the unnamed stream discharging into Powers Lake; 2)Promote the essential sturcture and function of these wetland areas to ensure positive water quality benefit to the downstream Powers Lake; 3)Facilitate the maintenance of wetland and wildlife habitat within the designated primary environmental corridor tributary to Powers Lake; 4)Encourage public knowledge and understanding of wetland ecosystems through programming in consultation with relevant institutions and agencies.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Upper Kelly Lake

Kelly Lakes Association: Acq-Kelly Lakes Corridor Land Acq.: The Kelly Lakes Association will acquire seven properties, approximately nine acres located on Upper Kelly Lake.
Time extention given in 03/2003. This was the actual first extention given by the region due to wrong date put on the grant agreement when sent out in the beginning. Sheila Henneger had them sign the grant agreement and then processed an extention right away to correct the grant ending date.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Upper Kelly Lake

Kelly Lakes Association: Res-Upper Kelly Lake Wetland Restoration: The Kelly Lakes Association will undertake a wetland restoration and stream relocation project on property owned by the KLA in the City of New Berlin, WI. Eligible costs include 1) volunteer labor; 2) plants; 3) coconut fiber bioengineering materials; 4) rip rap in the stream channel where approved by permit; 5) contractor construction costs (labor, equipment use at DOT approved rate, erosion control materials and disposal fees); 6) consultant costs for preparation of permit materials from September 1, 2003 through the grant period; 7) consultant costs for construction oversight; and 8) printing and mailing costs. The project deliverable will be a completed project per DNR approved plans. Department staff will tour the project upon completion with the KLA. The site must have stabilized vegetation before the project can be closed out and before final reimbursement takes place.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Upper Nashotah Lake

Village Of Summit: Lco-Shoreland Ordinance Development/Update: The Village of Summit intends to update the existing shoreland ordinance to meet the revised standards of NR 115. The Village is proposing to create a separate Village floodplain ordinance. The Village is also proposing to combine the shoreland ordinance and current Village zoning code. The Village will identify representatives from the four lake management districts and several lake associations to assist in the ordinance review. Draft documents will be reviewed by Village staff and officials. Updates will be provided to the public during regularly scheduled public meetings. The project deliverables include 1) minutes and advertisements for the public informational meetings; 2) maps of the updated shoreland jurisdictional boundaries; 3) maps of groundwater recharge areas; 4) a new Village floodplain ordinance and 5) a new combined shoreland ordinance and zoning code. The process of updating the documents is expected to take one year from grant approval.

Grant Details
Lake Protection Grant
Waters Involved
Willow Springs Lake

Waukesha County: Acq-Willow Springs-Neubert Property Acquisition: Waukesha County proposes to acquire the 9.7 acre Neubert property, located on Spring Creek - Fox River tributary. The purchase will include approximately 1,000 feet of lake frontage and help insure water quality to Willow Springs Lake. This grant will also maintain wetland and the wildlife habitat and to develop public information programs.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Eagle Spring Lake

Eagle Spring Lake Management District: Eagle Spring Lake Management Plan: Develop a lake management plan which will include elements listed under 'Proposed Phase II Planning Program,' attached to the application. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, public meetings and reportmailings. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Eagle Public Library, Town of Eagle Town Hall.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lower Kelly Lake

Kelly Lakes Association: Upper And Lower Kelly Lakes: Establish continuing support through public involvement and education. Assess current water quality status and establish and implement trend monitoring strategy. Characterize sensitive aquatic plant areas. Determine the presence of exotic species.Estimate impacts of residential development on lake water quality. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newsletter, public meetings and local newspaper articles. Project results will be reposited at DNR Southern District Office,New Berlin Town Hall, Hales Corners Town Hall and New Berlin City Hall.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Lower Kelly Lake

Kelly Lakes Association: Upper & Lower Kelly Lakes Water Quality And Management Study: Kelly Lakes Association proposes to conduct the following lake management activities on Upper and Lower Kelly Lakes: 1) Review and analysis of available data on water quality and pollution loading data including phase 1 planning study. 2) Determine in-lake water quality currently and potential future water quality and pollution loadings of Kelly LAkes under 1995, 2010, and buildout land use conditions. In-lake water quality sampling will include 2 sample from each lake the summer of '97. These samples will be analyzed for total phosphorus and chorophyll-a concentrations. 3) To reduce stormwater runoff impacts to the lakes a retention basis has been proposed, this phase of the planning grant will determine it's optimal size, elevation and possible alternate sites. 4) Site specific studies for the retention basin including site surveys, soil studies and preliminary engineering design concepts. 5) Aquatic plant study that would include an aquatic plant inventory and management plan for the Kelly Lakes. 6) Public Information strategies of these plans will be passed to the residents at their regular meetings and copies of the final reports will be available at various governmental offices and public repositories.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Mukwonago River

Eagle Spring Lake Management District: Eagle Spring Lake Management Plan: Develop a lake management plan which will include elements listed under 'Proposed Phase II Planning Program,' attached to the application. Information will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, public meetings and reportmailings. Project results will be reposited at the Village of Eagle Public Library, Town of Eagle Town Hall.

Grant Details
Large Scale Lake Planning
Waters Involved
Upper Kelly Lake

Kelly Lakes Association: Kelly Lakes Wetland & Apm Plan: This grant will update their aquatic plant management plan. An updated APM plan is needed to decide on whether harvesting or chemical treatment should be used in the future. This grant will also cover the costs for completing a detailed topographic survey of the parcel they plan to restore and the immediate tributary flowing into the parcel and adjacent upland areas. This will help them complete the design specifications for the wetland restoration.

Grant Details
Waters Involved
Upper Kelly Lake

Kelly Lakes Association: Lmi-Kelly Lakes Inlet Wetland Restoration: Phase 1 of the proposed project will be comprised of site preparation activities, and enhancement of the shoreland wetlands bordering the unnamed tributary to Upper Kelly Lake. During this phase, nonnative and invasive species will be cleared from the site. Large debris will be cleared and disposed of as appropriate. Materials requiring special disposal, such as concrete rubble, are proposed to be removed from the site by the City of New Berlin or other contractor and transported to an appropriate disposal site.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Urban Construction
Waters Involved

Town Of Yorkville: Ives Grove Drainage Basin: TRM grant cost-sharing for construction of the Ives Grove Drainage Basin

Grant Details
Targeted Runoff - Urban Construction
Waters Involved

Town Of Yorkville: 65th Drive Streambed Stabilization: to cost-share at 70% stabilization of 65th Drive streambed

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
Legend Creek

City Of Franklin: Swp-1 Detention Pond: to c-s @50% construction & design of pond SWP-1

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
Root River

City Of Racine: Colonial Park Root River Stabilization: To cost-share installation of streambank restoration and stabilization practices on the Root River between Colonial Park & Lincoln Park.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved
Root River

City Of Racine: Johnson Park Streambank Stabilization: Cost-share streambank protection and sediment reduction practices within the segment of the Root River within Lincoln Park adjacent to the Spring Street bridge and assist the City in meeting the requirements of its Municipal Stormwater Permit and remedy discharges of sediment and total suspended solids entering waters of the state.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District: Nw Branch Whitnall Park Creek Detention Pond: to c-s @50% property acquisition & construction of detention pond alongside northwest branch of Whitnall Park creek.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

City Of Muskego: Tess Corners Stormwater Pond: to costshare at 50% land acquisition, design & construction of Tess Corners Pond, in combination with New Berlin

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Mt. Pleasant Storm Water Utility District: Indian Hills Retention Ponds: to c-s @50% design & construction of Indian Hills pond projects.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

City Of New Berlin: New Berlin Hills Golf Course: to costshare at 50% shoreline restoration/stabilization practices along Root River tributary through New Berlin Hills Golf Course

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

City Of New Berlin: Root River Streambank Stabilization: to cost-share at 40% design & construction of streambank restoration practices along Root River tributary

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Milwaukee County Dpw - 2nd Floor: North Channel Wehr Nature Center: to c-s at 50% shoreline rehab practices on Wehr Channell north

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Milwaukee County Dpw - 2nd Floor: Wehr Nature Center Drainage Channel - South: to costshare @ 50% drainage channel reconstruction

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Construction
Waters Involved

Town Of Caledonia: Sw Pond Retrofits: To cost-share retrofit of three (3) drainage basins with mechanical & biological practices to remove sediment, nutrients and heavy metals prior to entry into Hoods Creek and the Root River.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Legend Creek

Milwaukee County Dpw: Streambank Inventory: to c-s @70% analysis of streambank erosion stabilization needs & priorities w/in co

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Root River

City Of Racine: Stormceptor Design Study: To cost-share study of stormceptor design

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Root River

City Of Racine: Stormwater Utility District: to c-s @70% development of stormwater utility district.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Root River

City Of Racine: Root River Outfall Assessment: to cost-share @70% development of an analysis & remediation plan for stormwater outfall erosion along the Root River

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Root River

Town Of Caledonia: Stormwater Management Plan: to cost-share @70% development of stormwater plan

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved
Root River

Town Of Caledonia: Public Information & Education Program: To cost-share development and implementation of a public education and public participation program.

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved

Village Of Hales Corners: Utility Feasibility Study: to costshare at 70% development of stormwater utility district

Grant Details
Urban Nonpoint - Stormwater Planning
Waters Involved

Town Of Caledonia: Public Information & Education Program: To cost-share development and implementation of a public education and public participation program.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Root River

Ywca Of Racine: Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network: The planning grant is to increase organizational capacity and improve their products and services. The mission is to protect, restore, and sustain the ecosystem in the watershed through funding and facilitation of a regional network of locally initiated projects. The river grant money will be used to market and develop long-term financial independence. Futrue funds will be used to supply grant money to other organizations for watershed improvements projects.

The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Root River

Root River Council Inc: Root River Urban Corridor Access, Education And Cultural Amenities Project: The Root River Council will undertake the following activities to revitalize the Root River within the Racine city limits:
- conduct a minimum of three public meetings for the riverloop, bridge and fishing pier designs
- provide conceptual designs for downtown riverloop, marsupial bridge and fishing piers
- conduct a minimum of three public meetings for Arts & Interpretation Plan
- conduct a run/walk public event along the Root River, a minimum of three public river outings and two adopt a river events

The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report which will document the above activities, surveys to gauge changes in perception and a minimum of three grant requests to local, state and federal government.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Root River

Root River Council Inc: Continuity & Revitalization Program: The Root River Council will undertake the following activities relating to Horlick Dam and the Root River under the Root River Continuity and Revitalization Project:

Horlick Dam
- Conduct a minimum of four public workshops relating to the Horlick Dam.
- Convene nine monthly meetings of the ad-hoc project committee.
- Develop final recommendations and printed plan for the disposition of Horlick Dam.
- Develop website for public comment regarding the Horlick Dam.
- Provide DNR two copies of the Horlick Dam recommendation and written documentation of the workshops and monthly meetings, as described above.

- Host/conduct two community-wide river clean-up events.
- Host three public canoe outings.
- Host one river-focused festival.
- Partner with Parks and Public Works on restoration of 300 feet of river bank.
- Provide DNR written documentation of the clean-up events, canoe outings and festival.

- Facilitate installation of Root River Pathway road markers, street level Pathway markers and City park identifiers along the Pathway.
- Facilitate installation of Root River Pathway key at the Racine Transit Center.
- Facilitate either mural or on-street Pathway markings on Pathway route.
- Provide DNR documentation (including photos where appropriate) of the above, including numbers of installed items and markings.

Machinery Row
- Ensure that the Low Impact Development concepts from RootWorks Plan are incorporated into final Machinery Row redevelopment design.
- Ensure Root River Pathway expansion as outlined in the Back to the Root Plan are incorporated into final Machinery Row redevelopment design.
- Assist in education efforts towards brownfield redevelopment along the Root River.
- Provide DNR documentation of the outcome of the efforts described above.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Root River

Root River Council Inc: Continuity & Revitalization Program: The Root River Council will undertake the following activities relating to Horlick Dam and the Root River under the Root River Continuity and Revitalization Project:

Horlick Dam
- Conduct a minimum of four public workshops relating to the Horlick Dam.
- Convene nine monthly meetings of the ad-hoc project committee.
- Develop final recommendations and printed plan for the disposition of Horlick Dam.
- Develop website for public comment regarding the Horlick Dam.
- Provide DNR two copies of the Horlick Dam recommendation and written documentation of the workshops and monthly meetings, as described above.

- Host/conduct two community-wide river clean-up events.
- Host three public canoe outings.
- Host one river-focused festival.
- Partner with Parks and Public Works on restoration of 300 feet of river bank.
- Provide DNR written documentation of the clean-up events, canoe outings and festival.

- Facilitate installation of Root River Pathway road markers, street level Pathway markers and City park identifiers along the Pathway.
- Facilitate installation of Root River Pathway key at the Racine Transit Center.
- Facilitate either mural or on-street Pathway markings on Pathway route.
- Provide DNR documentation (including photos where appropriate) of the above, including numbers of installed items and markings.

Machinery Row
- Ensure that the Low Impact Development concepts from RootWorks Plan are incorporated into final Machinery Row redevelopment design.
- Ensure Root River Pathway expansion as outlined in the Back to the Root Plan are incorporated into final Machinery Row redevelopment design.
- Assist in education efforts towards brownfield redevelopment along the Root River.
- Provide DNR documentation of the outcome of the efforts described above.

Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Root River

Weed Out! Racine, Inc.: Restoration Of The Root River Floodplain Forest (Colonial Park) After The Emerald Ash Borer: Weed Out! Racine is sponsoring a project to develop an Ecological Restoration Plan (ERP) for the 25-acre Lower Colonial Park (LCP) Floodplain Forest on the Root River. The ERP will provide direction and phasing for restoration work by staff and volunteers. The ER plan will focus on enhancing floodplain capacity by physical repairs and native species diversification.

Activities: 1) Project consultant, City of Racine Public Works (RPW), and City of Racine Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) will assess surface flow and evaluate bioengineered erosion control methods. 2) PRCS and consultant will assess Root River Pathway accessibility. 3) Consultant and Weed Out! will conduct an invasive and native species census with the project area. 4) Develop a final ER Plan for the project area.

Deliverables: The Applicant will provide to the Department; 1) An electronic copy of the Environmental Restoration Plan containing the deliverables and outcomes as described in Section E.3.(a) of the application.

It is recommended that the Grantee provide the DNR Biologist with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making a final payment to the consultant.

This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein.

Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved

City Of Greenfield: (319) City Of Greenfield - Wildcat Creek Restoration: The City of Greenfield is undertaking activities to stabilize streambanks within a 500-foot section of Wildcat Creek, a tributary to the Root River, in Milwaukee County.

Project activities: 1) Create engineering plans and obtain permits for stream bank stabilization of 500 feet of Wildcat Creek located within Kulwicki Park; 2) during the Fall of 2018 or as soon thereafter as practicable, install vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock in the project portion of Wildcat Creek as designed; 3) conduct in-stream debris removal; 4) conduct project outreach.

Project deliverables: 1) Create engineering plans for streambank stabilization utilizing vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock for the project portion of Wildcat Creek, as well as identify/quantify areas for proposed in-stream debris removal. Utilizing developed plans, obtain necessary project permits from WDNR, Army Corps of Engineers, and City of Greenfield as needed; 2) following developed engineering plans, install vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock within the 500-foot project portion of Wildcat Creek; 3) following developed plans, conduct in-stream debris removal within the 500-foot project portion of Wildcat Creek; 4) upon project completion, submit to the Department in electronic format as-built construction drawings, and before-and- after photo documentation of the project area; 5) provide to the Department electronic copies of outreach efforts, including copies of any newsletters, web-page screenshots, photos of educational signage, etc. utilized in project outreach.

Grant Details
River Protection Grant
Waters Involved

City Of Greenfield: (319) City Of Greenfield - Wildcat Creek Restoration: The City of Greenfield is undertaking activities to stabilize streambanks within a 500-foot section of Wildcat Creek, a tributary to the Root River, in Milwaukee County.

Project activities: 1) Create engineering plans and obtain permits for stream bank stabilization of 500 feet of Wildcat Creek located within Kulwicki Park; 2) during the Fall of 2018 or as soon thereafter as practicable, install vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock in the project portion of Wildcat Creek as designed; 3) conduct in-stream debris removal; 4) conduct project outreach.

Project deliverables: 1) Create engineering plans for streambank stabilization utilizing vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock for the project portion of Wildcat Creek, as well as identify/quantify areas for proposed in-stream debris removal. Utilizing developed plans, obtain necessary project permits from WDNR, Army Corps of Engineers, and City of Greenfield as needed; 2) following developed engineering plans, install vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock within the 500-foot project portion of Wildcat Creek; 3) following developed plans, conduct in-stream debris removal within the 500-foot project portion of Wildcat Creek; 4) upon project completion, submit to the Department in electronic format as-built construction drawings, and before-and- after photo documentation of the project area; 5) provide to the Department electronic copies of outreach efforts, including copies of any newsletters, web-page screenshots, photos of educational signage, etc. utilized in project outreach.

Monitoring & Projects

Projects including grants, restoration work and studies shown below have occurred in this watershed. Click the links below to read through the text. While these are not an exhaustive list of activities, they provide insight into the management activities happening in this watershed.

Grants and Management Projects
Root River Watershed
Watershed Recommendations
Best Management Practices, Implement
Wildcat Creek Restoration
The City of Greenfield is undertaking activities to stabilize streambanks within a 500-foot section of Wildcat Creek, a tributary to the Root River, in Milwaukee County. Project activities: 1) Create engineering plans and obtain permits for stream bank stabilization of 500 feet of Wildcat Creek located within Kulwicki Park; 2) during the Fall of 2018 or as soon thereafter as practicable, install vegetated soil-lifts and fieldstone/river rock in the project portion of Wildcat Creek as designed; 3) conduct in-stream debris removal; 4) conduct project outreach.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Brown Deer - SW Management Plan Update & TMDL Analysis
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin?s waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Respect our Waters NPS Ed.-Greater Milwaukee Watersheds
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: a comprehensive storm water information and education program.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
Sherwood - MS4 Planning
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, new storm water financing mechanism, new storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area.
In Progress
Best Management Practices, Implement
St. Francis City Wide Storm Water Quality Mgmt Plan Update
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, updated ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area, updated feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Citizen-Based Stream Monitoring
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Cost-Share Agreement
Packard Avenue Reconstruction Streetscape Project
This grant provides funding and authorizes cost-share reimbursement by the department for the above-named project as described in the grant application submitted for calendar year 2015 for the eligible storm water construction activities listed in the application to address nonpoint sources of pollution.
In Progress
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor biology on WBIC: 5550
Conduct biological (mIBI or fIBI) monitoring on Legend Creek, WBIC: 5550, AU:3999666
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor biology on WBIC: 5038857
Conduct biological (mIBI or fIBI) monitoring on Unnamed, WBIC: 5038857, AU:3993608
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor biology on WBIC: 3600
Conduct biological (mIBI or fIBI) monitoring on Unnamed, WBIC: 3600, AU:3993581
Monitor Targeted Area
Proposed monitoring Root River Canal for 303d confirmation.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Chloride Impact Study for the Southeastern Wisconsin Region
In Progress
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Unnamed (Kilbournville) Tributary TP
TP may exceed; further monitoring recommended. AU: 3993581; ID: 523108
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitor TP on Unnamed Stream wbic 3385
Recommend listing, and continued monitoring. AU: 5719859; Station ID: 10035053
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Kilbournville Trib TP
Category 2. 2018 TP Results: May Exceed. Station: 523108. AU: 3993581.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Root River Temperature
Mouth to Horlick Dam (AU 10533). 2016 assessment indicated a possible impairment but station was not representative.
Rivers Planning Grant
SEWRPC SWEET Water Trust ARRA 18C Grant
Kinnickinnic River Watershed Restoration Plan for the Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust (SWWT). The consultant would also provide the information to Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District to incorporate into their Kinnickinnic River Watercourse Flood Control Study.
In Progress
Sewer Service Area Planning
SEWRPC WQM Planning, Grants support, TMDL work
sewrpc area WQM planning
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
River Hills - TMDL Storm Water Plan
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance; updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Norway- In-Depth Water Quality Analysis & Stormwater Program
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water management plan for part of the developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
SW Management Plan Update & TMDL Analysis
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; other new ordinances that affect runoff from the developed urban area; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Targeted 9 Element I&E Program of SE WI Clean Water Network
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: a comprehensive storm water information and education program.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Shorewood - TMDL Storm Water Plan
This project is an installation of nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance; updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development; updated storm water management plan for the entire developed urban area; and an updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
SEWRPC Burlington Stormwater Study
This project promotes nonpoint source best management practices to contribute to the restoration of Wisconsin's waters and was funded by the 319 grant. The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission will conduct a storm water management study for the city of Burlington. The study shall identify the location and destination of current storm water flows, identify city and private property owners that have storm water capacity issues, and provide recommendations for eliminating flooding at the city's major businesses.
In Progress
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
Greenfield City Wide Storm Water Quality Mgmt Plan Update
Storm water planning activities will be undertaken by the municipality and will result in the following products: updated construction erosion control ordinance, updated storm water ordinance for new development and re-development, updated low impact development/conservation subdivision ordinance, updated feasibility analysis of alternative funding mechanisms, updated storm water management plan for the developed urban area, and updated storm water management plan for new development.
In Progress
TMDL Development
Kinnickinnic TMDL
MMSD and Partners create TMDL for Watershed.
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
sewrpc program 2021
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
Root River Continuity & Revitalization Project: Horlick Dam
The Root River Council will undertake the following activities relating to Horlick Dam and the Root River under the Root River Continuity and Revitalization Project: Horlick Dam - Conduct a minimum of four public workshops relating to the Horlick Dam. - Convene nine monthly meetings of the ad-hoc project committee. - Develop final recommendations and printed plan for the disposition of Horlick Dam. - Develop website for public comment regarding the Horlick Dam. - Provide DNR two copies of the Horlick Dam recommendation and written documentation of the workshops and monthly meetings, as described above. Parklands - Host/conduct two community-wide river clean-up events. - Host three public canoe outings. - Host one river-focused festival. - Partner with Parks and Public Works on restoration of 300 feet of river bank. - Provide DNR written documentation of the clean-up events, canoe outings and festival. Connections - Facilitate installation of Root River Pathway road markers, street level Pathway markers and City park identifiers along the Pathway. - Facilitate installation of Root River Pathway key at the Racine Transit Center. - Facilitate either mural or on-street Pathway markings on Pathway route. - Provide DNR documentation (including photos where appropriate) of the above, including numbers of installed items and markings. Machinery Row - Ensure that the Low Impact Development concepts from RootWorks Plan are incorporated into final Machinery Row redevelopment design. - Ensure Root River Pathway expansion as outlined in the Back to the Root Plan are incorporated into final Machinery Row redevelopment design. - Assist in education efforts towards brownfield redevelopment along the Root River. - Provide DNR documentation of the outcome of the efforts described above.
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Water Quality Planning
Citizen Stream Monitoring
Collect chemical, physical, and/or biological water quality data to assess the current overall stream health. The data can inform management decisions and may be used to identify impaired waters for biennial lists.
In Progress
Root River WatershedWatershed History Note

The Root River watershed is located within Waukesha, Milwaukee, and Racine counties and includes communities such as Franklin, Oak Creek, West Allis, and Greendale. Greendale had its beginnings in 1936, following the Great Depression, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture began construction of three new communities known as the Greenbelt towns . The greenbelt towns not only provided work and affordable housing, but also served as a laboratory for experiments in innovative urban planning. Greendale's plan was designed between 1936 and 1937 by a staff headed by Joseph Crane, Elbert Peets, Harry Bentley, and Walter C. Thomas on a site that had formerly consisted of 3,400 acres of farmland. The first courageous families moved in on April 30, 1938. The original downtown included a Village Hall, several businesses, and 572 living units in 366 buildings, each with an average of 5,000 square feet of space for lawns and gardens. All of the property was owned by the government and then rented to families, based on income, housing need and family size. In 1949 the Public Housing Administration gave Greendale residents the right to purchase their homes from the government. The transfer of ownership from the government to the people was largely complete by 1952.

Date  2011