BARRON COUNTY: LMI-Silver Lake Water Quality Diagnostic Feasibility Study


The Barron County Soil & Water Conservation Department, in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, Dept. of Nat. Res., and a private consultant, will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic/feasibility study of Silver Lake and it's watershed and develop a lake management plan. The project includes the following objectives ( ) and activities [ ]; (1) Determination of the source(s) of pollutants that have caused recent reductions of water quality - [watershed assessment], [shoreline assessment], [complete water quality study], [develop hydrologic budget], [develop phosphorus budget], [develop groundwater model], [lake sediment core assessment], [shoreline septic systems assessment], [lake bacterial water quality assessment], and [an assessment of the feasibility of a water level control device], (2) Prediction of probable water quality responses to possible pollution reduction practices - [assessment of lake water quality responses utilizing acceptable computer "models"], (3) Protection of Silver Lake from invasive exotic aquatic species - [conduct aquatic plant survey to detect any exotic species], [recommend measures to prevent future exotic species infestations], (4) Evaluation of the fishery of Silver Lake - [Wis. DNR will conduct fishery survey and prepare report] Project deliverables include a USGS water-resources investigations report, or equivalent document, a USGS fact sheet, or equivalent document, and a comprehensive lake management report for the Silver Lake system. Conditions for this project include: * The installation of stream and lake gauging stations must receive the approval and/or permit from the Department of Natural Resources water regulation section. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with electronic and paper copies of the annual and final reports of the results of this study and the lake management plan. Project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Reports and Documents
Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5077. In cooperation with the Barron County Soil and Water Conservation Department.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Barron County Soil & Water Conservation Department, in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, Dept. of Nat. Res., and a private consultant, will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic/feasibility study of Silver Lake and it's watershed and develop a lake management plan. The project includes the following objectives ( ) and activities [ ]; (1) Determination of the source(s) of pollutants that have caused recent reductions of water quality - [watershed assessment], [shoreline assessment], [complete water quality study], [develop hydrologic budget], [develop phosphorus budget], [develop groundwater model], [lake sediment core assessment], [shoreline septic systems assessment], [lake bacterial water quality assessment], and [an assessment of the feasibility of a water level control device], (2) Prediction of probable water quality responses to possible pollution reduction practices - [assessment of lake water quality responses utilizing acceptable computer "models"], (3) Protection of Silver Lake from invasive exotic aquatic species - [conduct aquatic plant survey to detect any exotic species], [recommend measures to prevent future exotic species infestations], (4) Evaluation of the fishery of Silver Lake - [Wis. DNR will conduct fishery survey and prepare report] Project deliverables include a USGS water-resources investigations report, or equivalent document, a USGS fact sheet, or equivalent document, and a comprehensive lake management report for the Silver Lake system.
Lake Management Plan Development
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
Diagnostic/Feasibility Assessment
The Barron County Soil & Water Conservation Department, in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, Dept. of Nat. Res., and a private consultant, will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic/feasibility study of Silver Lake and it's watershed and develop a lake management plan.