Bass Lake, Peshtigo Watershed NER_10_08


Bass Lake has been listed on the 303d list for a number of years because of high phosphorus concentrations,low DO, severe blue green algae blooms, resulting in fish kills. The problems resulted from agricultural related non-point source discharges in the watershed. Through over a decade of small watershed grants and 319 related grants for BMPs and lake grant projects along with conservation easement purchased the lake water quality has made a recovery. We would like to take Bass Lake off the 303d list so I am proposing to do a year of monitoring to determine if the trend of better trophic status indices are continuing prior to making the decision of removing the lake off the list. This will involve monitoring Bass Lake 5 times for phosphorous(surface and bottom), chlorophyll a, secchi disk and DO profile along with pH, temperature and conductivity at ice out, three times during the summer months and upon fall turnover which occurs late into November some years.


We want to obtain an additional year of data to determine if all the parameters of indicators continue to be stable prior to taking Bass Lake off the 303d list. There have been some higher bottom phosphorus concentrations measured in the last two years so we want to determine if the indicators will remain stable or continue to increase. Also, we want to be sure how much external loadings have been reduced quantitatively instead of assuming they definitely have been reduced with past project activities prior to removing from the 303d list.


The performance measures will be to do the sampling, summarize the data and write up conclusions and recommendation for taking Bass Lake off the 303d list. The report should be completed some time in 2007 or early 2008.

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TMDL/303d Projects
Monitor Listed Waters
Reports and Documents
Bass - Chem
Bass Lake Restoration Proect, Final Report
Bass 08 Tributary data.xls
Monitoring Proposal
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
We would like to take Bass Lake off the 303d list so I am proposing to do a year of monitoring to determine if the trend of better trophic status indices are continuing prior to making the decision of removing the lake off the list. This will involve monitoring Bass Lake 5 times for phosphorous(surface and bottom), chlorophyll a, secchi disk and DO profile along with pH, temperature and conductivity at ice out, three times during the summer months and upon fall turnover which occurs late into November some years.