RACINE COUNTY: RES - Village of Union Grove Surface Water Restoration


Racine County is undertaking activities to restore 1020 linear feet of an agricultural drainage way in the Village of Union Grove. The project will create a two-stage channel, improve riparian habitat, and culverts will be placed to replace a stream crossing currently acting as a dam. Project final deliverables include: 1.) A submittal to the Department in written and electronic form summarizing activities completed under this grant. Specific project activities include: 1.) Conduct invasive species and dead tree removal in accordance with the updated SW Grant application. 2.) Within the described project corridor, create and stabilize a two-stage open channel in-line with WI NRCS Standards 582 and 580. 3.) Under WI NRCS Practice Standards 396 and 578, remove existing farm field access road rock and replace with three culverts. 4) Under WI NRCS Practice Standard 327 and in accordance with the SW Grant application, establish vegetation within the project corridor. 5.) Provide to the Department a written summary of activities conducted under this project, including; before and after project photos, length of established new channel, a summary description of culvert replacements and vegetation establishment, a summary of any public outreach undertaken to promote the project, and a summary of aquatic species inventories and water chemistry data collected. Special Conditions: 1.) Enter collected Total Phosphorus data into SWIMs database or provide to the Department. 2.) Record a land use agreement with the landowner to ensure land restored remains in conservation use for 20 years per s. NR 193.52 (3). This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein.

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