VILLAGE OF DEFOREST: RES - Yahara River Streambank Stabilization - Phase 1


The Village of De Forest is sponsoring a project to address streambank erosion to enhance the ecological integrity of the Yahara River corridor south of South Street. Activities: 1) Review topographic and geomorphic data and collect additional survey 2) Conduct NHI and historic/archaeological assessment 3) If needed, conduct wetland delineation 4) Prepare construction plan sheets in alignment with NRCS Standard 580 5) Obtain necessary permits and approvals 6) Use bioengineering to stabilize the streambank 7) Revegetate streambanks with native seed 8) Conduct water quality monitoring 9) Monitor sites for at least 2 years post-construction. Deliverables: 1) Topographic and geomorphic field surveys and data 2) Endangered resources review and a Phase 1 report 3) Wetland delineation report, if needed 4) Final construction documents 5) Copies of approvals and permits 6) Before and after photos of streambank stabilization and native seeding 8) Water quality monitoring data and summary report with pre- and post- data compared. Conditions: 1) Do not duplicate scope of work defined and funded under grant TUC13118Y24. 2) Enter into land use agreements for lands not owned by Grantee and provide copy of agreement recorded at the County Register of Deeds office. The recorded landuse agreement must contain a 20-year operation and maintenance plan. 4) Note all parcels owned by the Village on this grant agreement and record the agreement at the County Register of Deeds office. This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

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