Chequamegon Bay Area Partnership Beach Sanitary Surveys Project


The Chequamegon Bay Area Partnership requests funding to provide beach sanitary surveys on eight previously un-surveyed beaches on tribal lands and implement actions to target, reduce, and remove the contamination identified in the watershed. Two beaches in the region have been listed on Wisconsin DNR’s Impairment Water’s List based on Clean Water Act Section 303(d) due to the presence of E. coli. Tribal partners are concerned that contaminants may be present at the eight tribal beaches. Partners will conduct water sampling, surveys, and target contamination sources to implement remediation actions.


This project will focus on identifying and managing pollution sources leading to beach closures and advisories in the Chequamegon Bay. This will be achieved by increasing the number of beaches assessed using the standardized, EPA-approved sanitary survey tool to identify presence and sources of contamination and document and identify contamination sources on known impaired beach areas for the development of implementation strategies to remediate pollution.


Nonpoint pollution effecting beach health may come from livestock waste or human waste entering tributary systems, and urban sources of nonpoint pollution have not been effectively identified or managed to reduce impacts on Lake Superior watersand community health. With funding and focused intervention by the members of the Chequamegon Bay Area Partnership, these issues can be effectively and efficiently remedied. -Quality assurance project plans developed, outlining project objectives -Bacteria monitoring conducted at 8 tribal beaches and 5 urban outfalls -On-site surveys completed at 8 previously un-surveyed beaches -Annual beach surveys completed at 8 previously un-surveyed beaches -Results of bacteria monitoring and assessment and sanitary surveys communicated to health departments and beach users -Beach sand groomed and aerated at previously identified impaired locations.

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PROJECT NAME: Chequamegon Bay Area Partnership Beach Sanitary Surveys Project
Activities & Recommendations
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The Chequamegon Bay Area Partnership requests funding to provide beach sanitary surveys on eight previously un-surveyed beaches on tribal lands and implement actions to target, reduce, and remove the contamination identified in the watershed.
Grant Awarded
Funding to provide beach sanitary surveys on eight previously un-surveyed beaches on tribal lands and implement actions to target, reduce, and remove the contamination identified in the watershed