CITY OF MIDDLETON: Water Lettuce & Hyacinth


The City of Middleton proposes to manually remove the large population of water lettuce and minor population of water hyacinth from two detention ponds in Orchid Heights Park, Middleton, as well as a small number of plants that have been transported downstream into the Pheasant Branch Marsh. All plants larger than 2\201D in diameter will be removed to prevent viable seed production because there is a risk that the seeds could overwinter in microhabitats kept warm by groundwater fed springs through the winter. Education of local residents will also take place, and the sites will be monitored for these species in 2011.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Reports and Documents
Water hyacinth and water lettuce in Orchid Heights pond which overflows to Pheasant Branch Conservancy-photos with text
Water hyacinth and water lettuce in Orchid Heights pond which overflows to the Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Water hyacinth and water lettuce in Orchids Heights pond that overflows to the Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Water hyacinth and water lettuce in Orchid Heights pond which overflows to the Pheasant Branch Conservancy
WH and WL in Orchids Heights pond that overflows to the Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Activities & Recommendations
Control Invasive Species
Information and Education
Monitor Invasive Species
Grant Awarded