Eau Claire County Reservoir 303d Listing and Watershed Management


Lake Eau Claire (1998) and Lake Altoona (2000) were assessed to determine watershed nutrient and sediment loads, assess in lake water quality and develop a water quality response model (BATHTUB). This project will monitor these lakes to determine if current inlake conditions meet water quality standards. Lake Eau Claire will be installing a whole lake aeration system winter\spring 2013 to control a very large internal nutrient load. This project will include evaluation monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the aeration system. Coon Fork Lake Watershed had several BMP installed in 2003-2005 and many acres have had nutrient management plans implemented on dairy and row crop farms.


Determine if Lake Altoona and Lake Eau Claire should be included in the 303d List. Determine if water quality goals have been achieved in Coon Fork Lake.


1. Project will provide water quality data needed to determine the 303D listing. 2. Evaluate if TP concentrations have been reduced in Coon Fork Lake with the implementation of BMP's on Ag Land in the Coon Fork Lake Watershed. 3. Assess in Lake Water quality conditions resulting from watershed BMP installation. 4. Conduct weekly DO\Temp monitoring at multiple locations May through September in Lake Eau Claire and prepare report. 5. Conduct continuous temperature stratification assessment at 2 sites in Lake Eau Claire and Prepare Report. 6. Conduct surface, mid depth and bottom total and dissolved phosphorus monitoring in Lake Eau Claire.

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Monitor Targeted Area
This project will include evaluation monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the aeration system. Coon Fork Lake Watershed had several BMP installed in 2003-2005 and many acres have had nutrient management plans implemented on dairy and row crop farms.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
This project will include evaluation monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the aeration system. Coon Fork Lake Watershed had several BMP installed in 2003-2005 and many acres have had nutrient management plans implemented on dairy and row crop farms.
Lake Management Plan Implementation
Lake Eau Claire (1998) and Lake Altoona (2000) were assessed to determine watershed nutrient and sediment loads, assess in lake water quality and develop a water quality response model (BATHTUB). This project will monitor these lakes to determine if current inlake conditions meet water quality standards. Lake Eau Claire will be installing a whole lake aeration system winter\spring 2013 to control a very large internal nutrient load. This project will include evaluation monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the aeration system. Coon Fork Lake Watershed had several BMP installed in 2003-2005 and many acres have had nutrient management plans implemented on dairy and row crop farms.