Grant Details
ARRA Pass Through Project
Waters Involved
Cherry Br
Arra 11 Lafayette Co. Tmdl Planning Grant 2p-00e73201: Contract for county staff to conduct on-site assessments in the Silver Spring, Cherry Branch, and Apple Branch sub-watersheds to develop TMDLs for these impaired waters.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Pecatonica River
Gratiot Conservation Club: Pecatonica River Enhancement Council: The Gratiot Sportsman's Club will: 1) establish the Pecatonica River Enhancement Council as a nonprofit, Chapter 181 corporation with the state of Wisconsin and achieve 501(c ) (3) status with the IRS, 2) recruit a diverse membership for active participation within the Pecatonica River Enhancement Council, 3) promote river awareness and education through newsletters, brochures, open houses, and field days, and 4) develop a long term strategic plan addressing wetland preservation, watershed land use, riparian zone conditions, water quality, recreational use, and public access.
A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Pecatonica River
Driftless Area Land Conservancy: Pecatonica River & Erickson Wetland: DALC will undertake a River Planning Project to prepare a restoration, maintenance and monitoring plan for the newly acquired Erickson Wetlands and the associated stretch of the Pecatonica River. Project deliverables are as follows: 1.) Gather and review data and documents that are relative to the project area and develop base maps, 2.) Develop a preliminary restoration, maintenance, and monitoring plan framework, guiding principles, goals, and objectives, 3.) Meet with Village of Argyle and partners to present and discuss the components of the preliminary plan, 4.) Prepare draft restoration, maintenance and monitoring plan, including cost projections, present the draft to partners for review and comment, and update the plan based on comments; 5.) Present the draft plan for comment at a public workshop update the plan based on comments, 6.) Completion of final maintenance and monitoring plan, present the plan to the Village, and have all documents, maps, and photos delivered by the contractor in hardcopy and electronic format.