Honey Creek TMDL (EAP)


Monitor Honey Creek for habitat impairment caused by sedimentation. Conduct fisheries IBI and habitat assessment Honey Creek (3 sites) and one site on each of 3 major tributaries. Conduct monthly nutrient analysis (12) of Honey Creek below WWTP outfall. Conduct watershed assessment to determine sediment sources. Conduct macroinvertebrate analysis at 6 sites. When: July 06-June 07 Where: Honey Creek (3 sites); Whitehead Creek; Spring Creek; Hawthorne Creek Who: Jim Amrhein \0096 Water Resources Specialist


Need to complete a TMDL on the habitat impairment which is the reason the stream is on the 303(d) list. This was one of the five regional projects submitted for TMDLs as required. This project will hopefully result in corrective management actions.


This study will involve fisheries IBIs and habitat indices at 3 sites (to complement the 3 sites already assessed) as well as 1 site on each of 3 major tributaries to determine contemporary status and biological potential. Macroinvertebrate samples (3 sites on Honey Creek and 1 on each of 3 major tributaries). Nutrient samples downstream from the Monroe Sewerage Treatment Plant to determine if nutrient loading and resulting algal growth is affecting habitat and biota. Report summarizing findings to be completed by March, 2008

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TMDL/303d Projects
Determine Pollutants or Impairments
Honey Cr TMDL
Reports and Documents
Honey Creek Photo - 892300
Document summarizes the data collected on Honey Creek and tributaries from July 2006 to June 2007 as part of the TMDL (now EAP) project.
honey creek 303d map
map of hawthorne creek near honey creek
Honey Creek, Green County, Monroe STP WWTP Use Designation File, Description, Recommendation and Map
Activities & Recommendations
TMDL Monitoring
Monitor Honey Creek (892300) for habitat impairment caused by sedimentation. Conduct fisheries IBI and habitat assessment Honey Creek (3 sites) and one site on each of 3 major tributaries. Conduct monthly nutrient analysis (12) of Honey Creek below WWTP outfall. Conduct watershed assessment to determine sediment sources. Conduct macroinvertebrate analysis at 6 sites.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
Monitor Honey Creek for habitat impairment caused by sedimentation. Conduct fisheries IBI and habitat assessment Honey Creek (3 sites) and one site on each of 3 major tributaries. Conduct monthly nutrient analysis (12) of Honey Creek below WWTP outfall. Conduct watershed assessment to determine sediment sources. Conduct macroinvertebrate analysis at 6 sites.