Silver Spring PI Project - Water Chemistry


Silver Spring Creek in Lafayette County is on the state's list of impaired waters due to habitat degradation from sediment. in 2010, a project was initiated to monitor phosphorus and sediment loads entering the stream. Soil P samples have been taken. High PI fields have been identified. Landowners are being contacted to engage them in implementing BMPs to reduce sediment and P loads to the stream. Water chem sampling was conducted in 2011.This project would be a continuation of the 2011 project to create a more robust database to determine if implementation of on-land practices can influence stream concentrations. In the absence of a gauging station, the most effective way to detect a change in the water column concentration is through taking more samples.


Since there is no USGS gauging station on this stream, water chemistry data will be necessary to determine the degree of success of this project. This proposal continues the collection of water chemistry data in accordance with WisCALM guidance and in order to create a more robust data set that will be capable of detecting change in water column concentrations.


5 sites will be assessed once per month during the growing season (May - October). Total suspended sediment, phosphorus, and the nitrogen series will be analyzed.Data will be entered into SWIMS

Study Design

Grab water chemistry samples will be taken at 5 sites once per month during the growing season. In 2011, 6 samples per site were taken. Another 6 samples will increase the power of analysis to detect change in water column concentrations.

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TMDL/303d Projects
Monitor Listed Waters
Reports and Documents
This report summarizes the water chemistry sampling conducted during the 2011 and 2012 growing season on Silver Spring Creek (WBIC = 917700) and tributaries.
List of landowners and Operators
Activities & Recommendations
Water Quality Planning
This project would be a continuation of the 2011 project to create a more robust database to determine if implementation of on-land practices can influence stream concentrations. In the absence of a gauging station, the most effective way to detect a change in the water column concentration is through taking more samples.
Monitor or Propose 303(d) Listing
This project would be a continuation of the 2011 project to create a more robust database to determine if implementation of on-land practices can influence stream concentrations. In the absence of a gauging station, the most effective way to detect a change in the water column concentration is through taking more samples.