Grant Details
ARRA Pass Through Project
Waters Involved
Cherry Br
Arra 11 Lafayette Co. Tmdl Planning Grant 2p-00e73201: Contract for county staff to conduct on-site assessments in the Silver Spring, Cherry Branch, and Apple Branch sub-watersheds to develop TMDLs for these impaired waters.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Pecatonica River
Gratiot Conservation Club: Pecatonica River Enhancement Council: The Gratiot Sportsman's Club will: 1) establish the Pecatonica River Enhancement Council as a nonprofit, Chapter 181 corporation with the state of Wisconsin and achieve 501(c ) (3) status with the IRS, 2) recruit a diverse membership for active participation within the Pecatonica River Enhancement Council, 3) promote river awareness and education through newsletters, brochures, open houses, and field days, and 4) develop a long term strategic plan addressing wetland preservation, watershed land use, riparian zone conditions, water quality, recreational use, and public access.
A full description of the project scope and deliverables is available in the grant application, which is part of this agreement. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. Information will be disseminated to the public as described in the grant application.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Pecatonica River
Southwest Badger R C & D: Military Ridge Watershed Protection Project: Southwest Badger Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc. will build local understanding of and support for the restoration, protection and management of grassland habitat in the headwaters of the Sugar and Pecatonica Rivers. A full description of the project goals, objectives, methods, activities, project products and deliverables is in the grant application, which is a part of this contract.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Pecatonica River
Driftless Area Land Conservancy: Improving Wq/Aquatic Habitat On The Pecatonica River: The Driftless Area Land Conservancy will sponsor a project to build organizational capacity to improve and enhance the water quality and aquatic habitat within the Pecatonica River. Project deliverables are as follows: 1.) Complete an organizational assessment by working with a capacity building consultant to develop effective community engagement and outreach strategies, 2.) Develop strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, 3.) Identify and prioritize critical stream segments and/or sub-watersheds to accomplish targeted water quality goals and/or aquatic habitat restoration, 4.)Reach out to willing landowners in targeted areas to seek their interest in floodplain and/or stream restoration protection effort, 5.)Expand student knowledge of the Pecatonica River ecosystem and engage them in projects that can provide data for agency and nonprofit scientists by giving at least three presentations and encouraging science programs to collect and/or expand their water quality monitoring, 6.) Complete a community outreach strategy and action plan for 2013 by November, 2012, 7.)Increase membership by 25% in the final quarter of 2012, 8.) Participate in at least two community events within the basin by June 30, 2013, 9.)Participate in at least four targeted outreach events within the basin such as formal presentations or field trips prior to June 30, 2013.
Grant Details
River Planning Grant
Waters Involved
Pecatonica River
Driftless Area Land Conservancy: Fishable, Swimmable, Drinkable: Phosphorus And The Pecatonica River: The Driftless Area Land Conservancy will:
1. Work with municipalities and their consultants in a series of meetings to discuss scale and tactics for reducing phosphorus in the Pecatonica River.
2. In consultation with the Wisconsin DNR, county conservation staff in Iowa and Lafayette Counties, natural Resources Conservation Service, TNC, etc., identify 2 to 3 priority areas within the basin that address significant water impairment problems while offering significant aquatic habitat enhancement and cost-effective opportunities for phosphorus reduction.
3. Craft a Delphi Survey instrument targeting landowners within priority sub-watersheds to better understand farmer perspectives on water quality programs and practices and identify potential champions that we can partner with in the future. DALC will submit the draft survey to Jordan Petchenik, Department of Natural Resources Science Services, for approval prior to using survey. Petchenik can be reached at 608-266-8523.
4. Complete a 3-5 year plan for next steps within targeted sub-watersheds.
Hold 3-5 meetings with municipalities. Write a summary document for each individual meeting that describes: who participated, the topics discussed, issues and concerns, possible solutions, conclusions and next steps.
Identification of 2-3 targeted sub-watersheds within the Pecatonica basin to explore implementation of practices to reduce phosphorus loading and enhance habitat.
Conduct a Delphi Survey within these priority watersheds. Provide a report summarizing the results from the Delphi Survey for each watershed. Share the results of the Delphi study with all participants and partners (e.g., landowners, agency staff, nonprofit partners, and municipalities).
Provide a 3-5 year planning document focusing on future implementation efforts and share the document with our partners as a means to encourage future action and coordinate next steps.