Lake Name:

a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

Wisconsin Lake Maps

County:    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
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NameCountyArea (Acres)Max Depth (Feet)LocationWBIC
Fairchild Pond Eau Claire178.5T25N R5W S35 NE NW2136200
Falk Lake Burnett7630T40N R16W S2 NW SE2670900
Fall Creek Pond Eau Claire1510T26N R7W S6 NW NE2130100
Fallison Lake Vilas5343T41N R7E S33 NE SE1847800
Fanny Lake Oconto1715T32N R15E S7 SE NW420400
Farr Lake Oconto1215T31N R17E S15 SW SE420500
Favil Lake Vilas4220T40N R4E S9 SW NE2269900
Fawn Lake Sawyer2835T42N R7W S22 NE NE2435900
Fawn Lake Sawyer315T40N R6W S11 SW SW1848200
Fawn Lake Vilas7014T42N R5E S11 SE SE2328900
Fay Lake Florence27210T39N R15E S16 NW NW677100
Fence Lake Vilas348386T40N R5E S16 NE SW2323000
Fenner Lake Marquette4118T16N R7E S13 SE SE103400
Fenner Lake Adams4118T16N R7E S13 SE SE103400
Fenton Lake Washburn7052T37N R11W S28 NW NW1848400
Fifth Lake Oneida2389T36N R10E S4 SE NW1571100
Finger Lake Bayfield4625T47N R7W S32 SE NW2965500
Finley Lake Vilas10826T40N R9E S31 NW NE984800
Finley Lake Chippewa5830T30N R8W S1 SE SE2175700
Firefly Lake Vilas3346T41N R7E S28 SW SW1848900
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Table Key

  • Area: Acres
  • Max Depth: Feet
  • WBIC: Waterbody Identification Code
  • Region: DNR Region. NE = Northeast. NO = Northern. SC = South Central. SE = Southeast. WC = West Central.