VILAS COUNTY LAND & WATER CONSERV COMMITTEE: Vilas County Lakes Water Quality Monitoring Organization


1) Provide county recruitment, training and support for volunteers working on the Self-help Lake Monitoring Program for phase I water clarity monitoring. 2) Develop a county lakes database. 3) Identify a local contact on all named lakes in VilasCounty. 4) Assist in development of lake associations or lake districts. 5) Assist in the formation od at least one Adopt-A-Lake youth program. 6) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 7) The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by newsletter mailings, factsheet distributions, public meetings, local newspaper articles, TV and/or radio spots, and a poster display. The grantee will provide the Department of Natural Resourses with a paper copy and anelectronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited at the Vilas COunty UW-Extension, Eagle River Land Conservation Department, Rhinelander.

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Lakes Grant
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Grant Awarded
1) Provide county recruitment, training and support for volunteers working on the Self-help Lake Monitoring Program for phase I water clarity monitoring. 2) Develop a county lakes database. 3) Identify a local contact on all named lakes in VilasCounty. 4) Assist in development of lake associations or lake districts. 5) Assist in the formation od at least one Adopt-A-Lake youth program. 6) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 7) The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by newsletter mailings, factsheet distributions, public meetings, local newspaper articles, TV and/or radio spots, and a poster display. The grantee will provide the Department of Natural Resourses with a paper copy and anelectronic copy of the final report. Project results will be reposited at the Vilas COunty UW-Extension, Eagle River Land Conservation Department, Rhinelander.
Train Volunteers