RUSK COUNTY: Rusk County Shoreland Ordinance Education Project


Rusk County proposes to conduct the following educational measures on the Rusk County Board of Adjustment (BOA) and for the general public in Rusk County: 1)Conduct a minimum of eighteen hours of training annually, and produce the rules and bylaws manual for the BOA. 2) To produce a user friendly variance application. 3) Develop and print an informational handout that will explain variance procedures and requirements.

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Rusk County proposes to conduct the following educational measures on the Rusk County Board of Adjustment (BOA) and for the general public in Rusk County: 1)Conduct a minimum of eighteen hours of training annually, and produce the rules and bylaws manual for the BOA. 2) To produce a user friendly variance application. 3) Develop and print an informational handout that will explain variance procedures and requirements.
Information and Education