VILAS COUNTY: LMI-Vilas County Land Use Ordinance


The project will include the development of 10 township land use plans; the development of an integrated, county-wide land use plan, based on the town plans; a comprehensive review and re-drafting of the current shoreland ordinance; public information and education workshops to support the plan and ordinance development; and various maps portraying the following within the county: major watershed boundaries, surface water bodies, wetlands and other drainageways, soils, land uses, proposed future land uses, unique/high quality natural resource features, historical and archeological sites, critical environmental corridors within urban areas, and vegetation types. scope ammedment - see comments, 04/07/1999, JCM

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The project will include the development of 10 township land use plans; the development of an integrated, county-wide land use plan, based on the town plans; a comprehensive review and re-drafting of the current shoreland ordinance; public information and education workshops to support the plan and ordinance development; and various maps portraying the following within the county: major watershed boundaries, surface water bodies, wetlands and other drainageways, soils, land uses, proposed future land uses, unique/high quality natural resource features, historical and archeological sites, critical environmental corridors within urban areas, and vegetation types.
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The project will include the development of 10 township land use plans; the development of an integrated, county-wide land use plan, based on the town plans; a comprehensive review and re-drafting of the current shoreland ordinance; public information and education workshops to support the plan and ordinance development; and various maps portraying the following within the county: major watershed boundaries, surface water bodies, wetlands and other drainageways, soils, land uses, proposed future land uses, unique/high quality natural resource features, historical and archeological sites, critical environmental corridors within urban areas, and vegetation types.