Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
One of the objectives of the Planning Grant is to establish an imagery land use database for both lakes and to identify landuse factors that may be contributing to the deteriorating water quality. A.W. Research Laboratories was hired to conduct an Aerial Lakeshore Analysis (ALA) of Amnicon/Dowling Lakes to fulfill this objective.
Grant Awarded
Conduct water quality sampling. Conduct aquatic plant survey of lake. Conduct an aerial photography survey of lake shoreline. Conduct a periphyton survey in lake. Conduct a shoreline conductivity profile survey. The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, public meetings and summary report mailings.
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Informational Meetings
Lake Management Plan Development
Conduct water quality sampling. Conduct aquatic plant survey of lake. Conduct an aerial photography survey of lake shoreline. Conduct a periphyton survey in lake. Conduct a shoreline conductivity profile survey. The grantee will disseminateinformation to the public by newsletter, local newspaper articles, public meetings and summary report mailings.