Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Amnicon Lake Final Report; Grant LPL883-03; WBIC: 2858100
Grant Awarded
The Amnicon/Dowling Lake Management & Sanitary District will conduct a comprehensive lake management planning project involving a study and evaluation of Amnicon Lake in Douglas County. Project activities include; conducting a review and research of all available reports, records, maps, etc., conducting a shoreline inventory, conducting a watershed assessment, conducting a surface runoff assessment, conducting lake and stream water quality monitoring, conducting lake bottom sediment monitoring, calculating a lake water budget, preparing a lake nutrient budget, conducting computer modeling of lake water quality data and information, and preparing a final comprehensive lake Management Plan/Report.
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Lake Management Plan Development
The Amnicon/Dowling Lake Management & Sanitary District will conduct a comprehensive lake management planning project involving a study and evaluation of Amnicon Lake in Douglas County. Project activities include; conducting a review and research of all available reports, records, maps, etc., conducting a shoreline inventory, conducting a watershed assessment, conducting a surface runoff assessment, conducting lake and stream water quality monitoring, conducting lake bottom sediment monitoring, calculating a lake water budget, preparing a lake nutrient budget, conducting computer modeling of lake water quality data and information, and preparing a final comprehensive lake Management Plan/Report.