DOUGLAS COUNTY: Douglas County Lake Classification and Ordinance Review


1) Review and revise the zoning regulations that govern development on all lakes in Douglas County. 2) Carry out an educational program to enhanse the knowledge of current and future lake property owners on the effects of development on lakes and waterquality. 3) Develop a classification system that is based on the ability to accomidate development and classify all lakes in Douglas County by that system. 4) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 5) The grantee willdisseminate information to the public by entire report mailings, public meetings, summary report mailings, and local newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department of Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the finalreport.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
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Grant Awarded
1) Review and revise the zoning regulations that govern development on all lakes in Douglas County. 2) Carry out an educational program to enhanse the knowledge of current and future lake property owners on the effects of development on lakes and waterquality. 3) Develop a classification system that is based on the ability to accomidate development and classify all lakes in Douglas County by that system. 4) Prepare a final report which will include the tasks listed above. 5) The grantee willdisseminate information to the public by entire report mailings, public meetings, summary report mailings, and local newspaper articles. The grantee will provide the Department of Natural Resources with a paper copy and an electronic copy of the finalreport.
Lake Classification
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Information and Education