TMDL/303d Projects
Approved TMDL
Eagle and Joos TMDL
Data Documentation
Assessment documentation
Condition Assessment Report
Condition Assessment Report
Waumandee Priority Watershed Project
Data Documentation
Final TMDL Report
Data Documentation Eagle Creek, Impaired Waters Delisting Documentation, Buffalo County
Data Documentation Joos Valley Impaired Waters Listing Documentation, Buffalo County
TMDL (USEPA) Approved
This Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for sediment addresses sedimentation and degraded habitat impairments conditions in the upper 7 miles of Eagle Creek, and the
entire 7 mile length of Joos Valley Creek, a tributary of Eagle Creek. The TMDL identifies load allocations and management actions that will restore the biological integrity of these streams. Both streams were identified as a medium priority on the 1998 303(d) list. USEPA Decision Document for the Approval of the Eagle Creek Joos Valley Creek Sediment TMDL is documented and the streams have been delisted.
TMDL Development
TMDL Development for Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks addressing sedimentation and degraded habitat impairments conditions.
TMDL Implementation
This Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for sediment addresses sedimentation and degraded habitat impairments conditions in the upper 7 miles of Eagle Creek, and the entire 7 mile length of Joos Valley Creek, a tributary of Eagle Creek. The TMDL identifies load allocations and management actions that will restore the biological integrity of these streams. Both streams were identified as a medium priority on the 1998 303(d) list. USEPA Decision Document for the Approval of the Eagle Creek Joos Valley Creek Sediment TMDL is documented and the streams have been delisted.
Implementation Plan is needed.
TMDL Monitoring
Eagle and Joos Creeks In Buffalo County, Wisconsin, both streams were listed due to not meeting their potential designated uses. The upper 7 miles of Eagle Creek is identified as currently supporting a warmwater forage fishery (WWFF), but has potential to support a coldwater (Class II) sport fishery. Joos Valley Creek is identified as currently supporting a warmwater forage fishery (WWFF), but has potential to support a coldwater (Class III) sport fishery (WDNR 1990, 1996). Both streams are severely limited by excessive sediment loading, elevated water temperatures and habitat unsuitable to support a coldwater fishery.
TMDL for Eagle Creek and Joos Valley Creek