Beaver Dam SSA Plan (2000-2020)


The sewer service area plan provides an inventory of land use and environmental conditions in the planning area, projects future land use based upon a logical extension of the existing conditions, and develops a proposed sanitary sewer service boundary to guide the development of public sewer facilities. The proposed boundary identifies land in the planning area that is most suitable for urban development by the construction of cost effective public sewer facilities. In accordance with the directives ofthe federal law, the state established a continuing area-wide water quality management planning process. This process is described by Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 121, enacted in 1981. The City of Beaver Dam water quality plan is developed as pru.t of the water quality management plans for Dodge County as well as the Rock River basin. These plans are reviewed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as pmt of the statewide continuing water quality management planning process. Though there are many sepru.·ate plans, the overall goal is to maintain consistency and support between the city water quality plans and the plans of the larger basin areas.


The City of Beaver Dam has completed an update to the comprehensive plan entitled "Development Vision 2020". This process started in December of 1998 with the city plan commission forming a citizens advisory committee.The sanitary sewer service area plan will act as a complement to the comprehensive plan, Together the two plans will provide the framework for future growth in the area. The planning area is located in the northwest-central part of Dodge County, Wisconsin and includes the City of Beaver Dam which is the county's largest municipality. The planning area is tributary to Crystal Creek, the Beaver Dam Lake, the Beaver Dam River, and is within the limits of the "Upper" Rock River Basin. The Rock River flows thru Dodge County and southern Wisconsin, then into Illinois, where it ultimately meets the Mississippi River at the Illinois-Iowa state border. The planning area represents the limits of what the City of Beaver Dam identified in it's comprehensive plan as being beyond the probable development scenario for the next 20 years. It encompasses all or a portion of the City of Beaver Dam and the Township of Beaver Dam.

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Water Quality Planning
Sewer Service Area Plans
SSA Plan Beaver Dam
Reports and Documents
Crawfish River Looking East
City of Beaver Dam SSA Plan Amendment from 2005
Beaver Dam SSA Plan Amendment 2011
City of Beaver Dam SSA Plan Amendment 2001
Approval letter from DNR to the City of Beaver Dam.
Appendix to the Beaver Dam SSA Plan
Activities & Recommendations
Sewer Service Area Planning
The City of Beaver Dam water quality plan is developed as part of the water quality management plans for Dodge County as well as the Rock River basin.