Pokegama River Targeted Watershed Assessment, Douglas County


The Pokegama River watershed (HUC12 040102011602) is located in Douglas County. It flows into Pokegama Bay, which is part of the St. Louis River Estuary. The assessment included: 1. Water quality monitoring to further define nutrient, suspended sediment, and BOD loading. 2. Exploratory TP monitoring to help identify significant TP sources in the watershed, such as tributaries with heavy watershed development, groundwater discharge locations, and wastewater effluent discharges. 3. Fish surveys and macroinvertebrate samples at 6 sites. Monitoring was conducted May through October 2017. Monitoring and report writing was conducted by Craig Roesler and Lisa Helmuth. Standard DNR protocols were followed for all monitoring.


The Pokegama River has been found to have May-Oct TP concentrations greater than 75 ug/l, Wisconsin's stream standard. The river flows into Pokegama Bay, which is part of the St. Louis River Estuary (SLRE). The estuary is in a Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) and is a major restoration target for WDNR and numerous other state and federal agencies. Pokegama Bay is one of the areas with the poorest water quality (TP, TSS) in the SLRE. Sediment core analysis from Pokegama Bay has shown recent TP deposition is very high. A separate project proposed for 2017 assesses water quality and biological conditions in Pokegama Bay. Pokegama River monitoring will dovetail with Pokegama Bay monitoring. Pokegama River monitoring provided summer nutrient loading data. BOD sampling was conducted since dissolved oxygen concentrations are known to be a problem in the upper Bay area. Also, the watershed is 50% wetland; exploratory TP sampling wad conducted to identify significant TP sources in the watershed, such as tributaries with heavy watershed development, groundwater discharge locations, and wastewater effluent discharges. This work helped target TP sources for future control.Specific information for sites to address, including the number of sampling locations, the WBIC of the water bodies to be sampled, and other relevant information, is described in the Study Design section below.


Provide a summary sentence describing the project outcome. Identify project deliverables. The project will: 1. Provide information on the contribution of the Pokegama River to summer TP and TSS concentrations in Pokegama Bay. 2. Provide information on the biological condition of the Pokegama River. 3. Provide information on significant TP sources in the Pokegama River watershed. 4. Provide a more detailed assessment of the Pokegama River watershed. A final report will be produced to assess these items. 1) No. of sample sites associated with project = 6 standard sites, plus several more exploratory TP sites TBD in the field. 2) No. of sampling events = 2 in FY17, 6 in FY18 3) Estimated date when sample collection will be complete = 10/31/2017; 2 dates of WQ samples will be in FY17 and 4 dates of WQ samples will be in FY 18. 4) Estimated date for data entry completion = 12/31/2017, except for macroinvertebrate samples which depend on the lab. 5) Estimated date of report completion = 03/30/2018 6) What data base will be used = SWIMS, FH data base 7) Who will be responsible for data entry = Craig Roesler, Madeline Roberts

Study Design

Identify the details of your monitoring design so that the logic behind your monitoring can be understood in light of the project type and purpose. The Pokegama River WBIC is 2844000. An existing SWIMS site is located near the mouth of the river (Pokegama River @ Cemetery Rd, 10032640). Monthly May-Oct sampling will be done at this site for TP, TKN, NH3,NO3+2,TSS, and BOD5. Field parameters including temp, DO, conductivity, transparency, pH, and turbidity will typically be measured at all sites. Another existing SWIMS site (Pokegama R. @ RR tracks 10037303)(an alternate nearby site may be used due to access issues) will be sampled monthly (May-Oct) for TP. Past monitoring has shown a large increase in TP between these 2 sites. Fish surveys and macroinvertebrates samples will be done at these 2 sites and 4 additional sites TBD. Exploratory TP sampling sites are discussed above. Sites are TBD, although the South Superior wastewater lagoon outfall will be one of the sites.

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
Reports and Documents
Pokegama River TWA A Water Quality Plan to Protect Wisconsin Watersheds (2020) Public Review Draft
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River TWA 2017-2018
Pokegama River US Barnes Road, 2015, Natural Community Validation
Many of Wisconsin’s water quality standards require multiple visits to make an impairment decision. Every year, several streams sites are monitored, and the field data collected during each visit is used to “flag” problem waters. The following year, follow up monitoring is conducted at sites where our data suggests that there might be an impairment, but we do not have the minimum data requirements to make an impairment decisions based on WisCALM guidance.
Autogenerated Summary
Pokegama River Tributary, Douglas County, Village of Superior WWTP Use Designation File, Multiple Authors, NOR Region, Biological Data, Chemical Data, Physical Data, Map, Photos and Field Forms
Pokegama River Unnamed Tributary, Douglas County, Duluth Railroad WWTP Use Designation File, Multiple Authors, Maps
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Fish Community
Monitor Watershed (Status,Sources,Impairments)
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
The assessment will include: 1. Water quality monitoring to further define nutrient, suspended sediment, and B.O.D. loading. 2. Exploratory TP monitoring to help identify significant TP sources in the watershed, such as tributaries with heavy watershed development, groundwater discharge locations, and wastewater effluent discharges. 3. Fish surveys and macroinvertebrate samples at 6 sites. Monitoring will be conducted during May through October of 2017
Monitor Aquatic Biology
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)