ARRA 10 St. Croix Planning Position Grant 2P-00E73201


Lake St. Croix Contract - Lake St. Croix TMDL implementation plan and plan coordinator funding; contract with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.


Lake St. Croix is proposed for 303(d) listing by both Minnesota and Wisconsin. MPCA has hired a contractor to write a TMDL plan (basin-wide in both states), and is seeking funding for development of an Implementation Plan. Funding is being sought through this source to cover Wisconsin’s share of the Implementation Plan development costs. The TMDL and Implementation Plan are needed to achieve the objectives of the St. Croix Nutrient Reduction Agreement to reduce phosphorus inputs to Lake St. Croix (signed by Wis. DNR and MPCA for both states in 2006). Nutrient addition is the number one threat to the St. Croix Basin and Lake St. Croix. Developing the TMDL Implementation plan will set the framework for imposing point and non-point controls to stop the eutrophication of Lake St. Croix, as well as improving the main stem, tributaries, and lakes within the basin in both Minnesota and Wisconsin.


o Lake St. Croix TMDL Implementation Plan, developed with stakeholder input. o Area-wide Water Quality Management Plan amendment. o Mass cap limits for phosphorus to be placed in WPDES permits. o Road map for achieving non-point source reductions needed to achieve the TMDL goals.

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Grant Report
Grant Report
The Stakeholder Strategy and Communitcation Plan describes people's response on how they view their engagement in the TMDL process for Lake St. Croix and outlines what may be the challenges for implementing the TMDL. It also helps understand what everyone's role in the St. Croix Basin is, and who they should be working with as activities to reduce nutrients move forward.
Grant Report
Grant Report
Grant Report
Grant Report
Project Description
Activities & Recommendations
TMDL Development
Lake St. Croix is proposed for 303(d) listing by both Minnesota and Wisconsin. MPCA has hired a contractor to write a TMDL plan (basin-wide in both states), and is seeking funding for development of an Implementation Plan.